pretend pt.2. oscar

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"don't think i forgot," you mumbled into his ear. you sat on his lap, his hand on your waist holding you steady. you were relaxed, leaning back against him as he joked with his friends at another one of these parties. you were getting pretty comfortable with being his girlfriend, it felt natural now to always be in some sort of contact with him.

you caught his attention, he turned to face you as his friends continued their conversation. he wore a soft smile on his lips, his eyebrows twitching into a frown as he thought about what you had said.

"forgot what?" he mumbled back, his eyes watching you. he found himself glued to you. he noticed how pretty you looked, especially up close like this. he found that the more time you spent together like this, the longer he found himself staring. he had to pull himself out of this kind of trance. he squeezed your waist gently, prompting your answer.

"you promised we could leave after eleven," you propped your head up with your arm leaning against the back of the chair. you were looking down at him, letting a small pout fall on your lips. "it's almost eleven and i'm tired."

oscar nodded, his hand moving to your thigh and giving it a squeeze in an act of comfort. he could tell by the look on your face that you'd had enough.

"yeah— no, i know," he tilted his head back so his face lined up with yours again, and you leaned down pressing a quick kiss to his lips. you were both pretty used to acting like this now when you were together in public. oscar often forgot it wasn't real sometimes, but he never would tell her that. "go get your stuff and we'll go."

you hummed an mmkay and did as he said, hopping off his lap and beginning the search for where in this big house you had left your belongings.

oscar watched you walk away, his attention snapping back to the party when you were out of sight. and as soon as he did, he noticed a pair of long legs now standing in front of him. his eyes travelled up until he saw the ex-girlfriend. his expression changed ever so slightly. it was the first time he'd seen her up close since they'd broken up. he found himself comparing her to you. she didn't have your freckles.

"oh," he furrowed his brows a little. he wasn't expecting to see her like this. he got to his feet, standing pretty close to her now. "hey?"

"hey," she nudged his arm, wearing a warm smile. she was as beautiful as he remembered but at the same time something was very different. "it's been a while."

he nodded, gulping. he'd gone to extraordinary lengths to get to this point and now he was here, something was off. it felt strange— wrong. yet, he stood still in front of her, almost in shock of the situation.

she was still smiling at him. "i saw y/n run off so i thought now was my chance to get you alone," he didn't like the way that sounded. "you guys are kinda inseparable," she let out a breathy laugh, touching his arm.

"yeah, kinda," he pursed his lips. he suddenly felt like he wanted this conversation to be over and done with. he found himself wondering where you were and what was taking so long. "why'd you need to see me alone?"

"i just want to talk, about us," she shrugged. he glanced down at her hand leaning on his arm, before looking back at her again. he knew he should be thrilled that his game had worked, but he just wasn't. it was all becoming very clear to him. "you wanna get out of here?"

he didn't answer, he blinked, baffled that she had the guts to ask him that when you had only been gone ten minutes. instead, he spotted you across the room. you caught his attention and he found it hard to turn it back to the girl in front of him.

her eyebrows furrowed, noticing that his attention was elsewhere. she glanced over her shoulder, watching you stand around with your jacket tucked under your arms, waiting patiently for oscar. a little annoyed, she huffed. "you can't seriously be interested in her?"

he frowned, shrugging her hand from his arm. that was all he needed to realise that he'd been holding onto something that wasn't there. he saw that plain and clear now.

"i am. not that's it's any of your business," he shrugged, scoffing. "and i'd chose her over you, any day."

she let out a humph, crossing her arms over her chest. clearly she hadn't anticipated this response. "you're making a mistake."

"yeah, alright," he was hardly listening to what she was saying anymore. instead, your eyes finally met his, a small frown falling on your face as you tried to figure out who he was talking to. "see you around, or not, i don't care," he mumbled, nudging passed her and walking over to you.

he seemed to now understood everything from the past few weeks. he understood the feeling he got when you would laugh loudly, when your eyelids drooped when you were tired, even when you'd scrunch up your face when you were mad. all it took was one conversation to realise that it wasn't this ex he had pining for this whole time.

"who was that?" your eyebrows still knitted together softly, peaking round his stature to catch a glimpse of their face. oscar just grabbed your forearm, squeezing gently as he did.

"no one," he shook it off. "ready to go?" you felt a little unsettled with his response but chose to let it go. oscar had never lied to you for all the years you'd known him, you didn't suspect he'd start now. if he said it was no one, then it was no one.

he drove you home in silence. you sat there the whole time trying to figure out what happened to make him so quiet so suddenly. something had happened in the ten minutes you'd left him alone.

"you haven't said a word to me since we left," you spoke up, just as he pulled up outside his house. "are you mad 'cause i made you leave early?"

he sighed when you said this. his hands dropped from the wheel and into his lap, he didn't know where to go from here. he couldn't keep this act up now that the conditions had changed. he couldn't not tell her what had happened.

"i don't understand?" you frowned. "what's wrong?" you gently punched his arm, urging him to say something. oscar wasn't a very vocal guy at the best of times, but this was different. you could sense something had changed.

"nothing's wrong," he shook his head.

you furrowed your brows. he wouldn't look at you, instead he stared straight ahead, his eyes shifting every now and again. it was confusing to say the least. you leaned closer to him, touching his shoulder so he would look at you.

he couldn't focus on this conversation when he had so much to think about. you two had been friends for so long, him harbouring this crush would wreck everything. fake dating didn't count towards anything. not for you anyway. he could tell you weren't ready to hear what he was really thinking.

"i need to tell you something," his hand touched yours where it sat on his shoulder. he moved so he held your hand in his. you frowned when he did this, worried it was much worse than making him leave the party early.

"you can tell me anything," you squeezed his hand, as he did so often with you. he watched your contorted face.

he nodded and before he could stop himself, he spoke. "i think i'm falling in love with you."

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