since we were kids. oscar

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"stop drooling. it's weird." you snapped out of your daze and nudged your brother.

"i wasn't drooling."

"might as well have been." you rolled your eyes. mario always teased you about oscar, he didn't mean anything by it, he only did it to annoy you. he didn't believe you and oscar would ever be a thing.

"shut up." you slumped back into the chair you were sat in, actively trying to avoid looking in oscars direction.

you were in the grade below oscar in school, but he was good friends with mario, so he was around your house a lot when you were kids. you always tried to tag along with them, join in their games, but mario never let you. he told you to make your own friends, so you did. and mario and oscar grew apart. you'd always had a little crush on oscar, but you never played into it. you always suppressed it and tried to ignore it. but he was always at these parties, and always around the block so you couldn't avoid him. he was always in the back of your mind, he was your what if.

you huffed. "i don't know why i even came tonight. i think i'm gonna head home." you pushed yourself up out of your chair, glancing down at mario. "you gonna stay?"

he nodded. "want me to walk you home?"

"it's only 10 minutes."

"text me." you nodded before making your way out of the party. you only came because mario made you. your friends weren't big partiers or drinkers and neither with you, so it wasn't really your scene. you just wanted to spend time with your brother while he was home.

you wrapped your arms around yourself, you wished you had brought a jacket because it was pretty cold now. you kept walking, you'd be home soon enough.

you spotted a group of guys ahead of you and decided to cross the street to avoid anything too serious. but this only seemed to catch their attention.

"where you heading, hyna?" one of them called over to you. you ducked your head and walked faster, hoping they would take the hint and leave you alone.

"come on, mami, tell us where you're going so fast?" you heard their laughter as they began to follow you. your heart beat faster. shit. you should've taken mario's offer to walk you home. you told yourself to just keep walking.

"are you deaf, puta?" you could hear the frustration growing in their voices the more you ignored them.

"no. she's just not interested." you stopped in your tracks at the sound of a familiar voice. you stopped holding your breath. you turned to see oscar, he wore an expression on his face that would scare the shit out anyone. he was a pretty scary guy when he wanted to be. "get the fuck out of here, before i break your necks."

now you were looking, you noticed the young boys were santos. they scattered without oscar having to say another word to avoid a beating.

you breathed a sigh of relief. "shit, thank you so much, oscar." your heart was still beating pretty fast. you were pretty scared.

"what the fuck are you doing walking home alone?" he seemed pretty pissed. you were taken aback. you weren't expecting him to react like this towards you.

"it's ten minutes to my house, oscar—"

"i don't care if it's ten seconds— i don't want to think what they would've done to you if i hadn't been here. are you estúpida?" his fists were clenched as he walked closer to you. "what if they were prophets, huh? don't be so fucking stupid, y/n."

"alright, alright! i'm sorry," you held your hands up. you furrowed your eyebrows at him, why was he being so defensive all of a sudden. "i'll get mario to walk me next time."

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