bet on me. oscar

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you tried to keep calm as you pushed through the crowd of people gathered inside and outside his house. you tried not to react too much until you spoke to him face to face. you didn't know if it was true yet. you didn't want it to be true. and that made you nervous to speak to him.

you finally spotted him across the room, surrounded by his friends, laughing and drinking.

you weren't a big party girl and he knew that. he didn't mind that you hadn't come tonight, he was planning on seeing you afterwards anyway so it made no difference to him. he never wanted to make you feel like you had to come to these things just because he did. he liked that you were a home bird.

your hands shook a little now that he was in front of you. you came here to talk to him, you couldn't wait for him to come over. you had to see him now. you drove here as soon as you got off the phone with your friend.

"hey," oscar wore a bright smile when he saw you walking over to him. you were the last person he was expecting to see here. "what's up, mami? i thought i was meeting you at your place."

one of his friends let out a low whistle, and a few of them laughed teasingly. you dreaded to think what he'd told them about you. you felt a little uncomfortable around them now, you felt like their eyes lingered.

oscar shoved his friend away, playfully, laughing with them.

"i need to talk to you," you ignored his friends, your face was pretty serious. he furrowed his brows for a split second but nodded, muttering an ok. he followed you away from his friends and out of the party. you now stood in his front yard, away from the noise inside, with your back to him.

you felt him touch your waist, you flinched away but turned to face him. you pulled yourself out of your head, remembering that you had to actually say something in order to find out the truth.

"is it true?" you voice was quiet. it was quieter out here and your head was spinning a little now.

he wore a small smile on his lips, one he usually wore when he was around you. you used to think it was because he liked you, but now you were questioning whether it was because this was a joke to him.

"what're you talking about, mami?" he had no idea. he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. you pulled away from him again. he frowned, suddenly aware of your mood.

"did you bet your friends you could get me to sleep with you?" you asked him outright, you choked a little. it was the last thing he was expecting you to ask him. his frown softened.

"what?" was all he said.

"did you bet your friends that you could get me to have sex with you—" you felt your anger developing. "are you stupid? do you want me to speak slower?"

"woah—" his frown deepened. "where'd you hear that?"

"you wanna deny it?" he was quiet. you couldn't believe it. "are you joking?" your voice was strained. you felt like someone had knocked the air out of you. you thought you knew him better than this. he was kind and funny and protective. he wasn't a liar.

"it's not what you think," any amusement from earlier had disappeared. oscar was a pretty collected guy, he never really showed a lot of emotion. but this was different, you could see the panic in his eyes despite his efforts to remain calm.

"that's it?" you took a step back. you felt your chest tighten.

he heard the crack in your voice. he didn't mean for any of this to happen. he didn't mean to get this attached to you. it just happened before he could realise.

"y/n—" he reached forward, trying to grab your waist but you took a few more steps backwards. you didn't want him to touch you. you didn't want to look at him. "it was a mistake."

you shook your head. "no—" you pushed his hands away. "no!" he stopped pushing and stood in front of you, waiting on your next move.

you'd spent months getting to know him— falling for this guy— against your better judgement. and it was all a lie. all of it. a stupid bet he made with his friends. you'd never felt worse about something in your whole life. you didn't think people could be that cruel.

you stood quietly in front of him. you couldn't leave, you had too much to say. too much to ask him. "so— you didn't like me— you don't like me. you just kept the act going long enough so i would sleep with you?"

you couldn't get it straight in your head. everything seemed so real with him.

"no i do— i like you— i swear. i didn't mean to but i do," he pleaded with you but you were too consumed by your own thoughts. you were thinking back to every moment with him, all of it was fake. a joke.

"you're a fucking asshole," you spat at him. your heart was wrenching in your chest, but you were too angry to cry. you hated him. "if you really liked me you wouldn't have strung me along for months— you could have told me before i found out from someone else— what the fuck?" you raised your voice. "how long were you planning to keep this going?"

his eyebrows furrowed the angrier you got. it was supposed to just be a joke. but once he was actually involved with you he couldn't very well tell you that it all started because of a bet. now he realised he should've said something sooner because now it really did seem like everything was a lie. which it wasn't.

"it's not like that," he spoke quietly. he didn't know how to convince you otherwise. if he was you, he wouldn't believe him either.

"it's not like what?" you frowned.

he didn't say anything.

you shook your head. "do you know how disgusting all of this is? ignore the fact you actually made me fall for you— but you just can't treat girls like that— it's disgusting and you're a pig for acting like that," you were so angry at him. you were so angry with yourself for falling for it. you were so angry you didn't know what to do with yourself.

"i know— but i wasn't thinking—"

"but— nothing!" you cut him off. you didn't want to hear his excuses. you were scared they'd make sense and you'd go straight back to him. that's how hard you'd fallen. you felt like you'd lost every bit of integrity you had. he'd done this to you. "you're an asshole and i really never want to see you again."

"y/n—" he edged closer, his arms limply reaching out for you one last time. your frown deepened, a lump growing in your throat as you stepped back, his hands falling to his sides. he could tell you were trying really hard not to cry now. he'd never felt worse in his life, and oscar had done some pretty terrible things in his life. he'd hurt the one person who actually cared about him. "i didn't mean for this to happen."

"you didn't mean for me to find out," your voice was quieter now, sadder than before. you'd had enough. you couldn't talk about it anymore without crying. "i'm gonna go home," you gulped. trying to avoid his stare. "you can go tell your friends you won. alright? but i'm done."

you didn't wait for a response, you left.

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