different. oscar

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request: "hii! I was wondering if you could write about spooky going on a first date and how he's really a genuine and romantic guy who gets nervous and shy and not the spooky he is in the streets when he's with the reader. I enjoy reading your work!! I can't wait to read more of it☺️💗"

"you good?" you felt his hand slip around your waist as he came up behind you. you smiled, nodding. you turned to face him, wrapping both arms around his torso. you felt him inhale sharply. your smile grew wider.

"yeah," you mumbled, you were close enough so that didn't have to speak too loud. you quirked at eyebrow. "are you good?" you teased, noting that he seemed a little off. he could barely make eye contact with you.

he shrugged it off with a small smile. "all good here," he pulled away from you a little but you only took this opportunity to grab his hand. you linked your fingers with his, catching him off guard. he gulped, trying to play off the nerves. "come on," he lead you into the diner.

you followed him into the restaurant you'd been to hundreds of times, but this felt different. it was big.

you had been friends for years. you had always kept an eye out for each other. but it wasn't until recently that either of you did anything about your feelings. as much as you loved oscar as your friend, you knew it was a completely different ballgame being his girlfriend. but he asked you out and you couldn't say no. oscar had always been a what if, sitting in the back of your mind all this time.

"so—uh— what're you ordering?" he barely looked up from the menu to speak to you. you wanted to laugh for some reason, he was being so weird you didn't know how to take how he was acting.

instead, you wore a lopsided smile and shrugged. "probably my usual," he nodded.

"yeah—right," he muttered. "you get the same thing every time," he let out a nervous smile. you wanted to tell him to relax but you also found it kind of funny seeing him act this way. you'd never seen oscar nervous about anything in his life. he was very good at hiding his emotions when he wanted to. so this was kind of new to you, seeing him fumble around like this.

you decided to change the topic, in hope of getting him to relax. you figured he'd somehow forgotten who he was talking to you. he'd never had a problem having a conversation with you before.

"i saw cesar before," oscar hummed, catching your eye for a moment. "he was heading to fix things with monse."

oscar just nodded, his eyes glued to the menu. your frowned for a split second. "i love that boy, but he's so clueless with girls," you attempted again to relax things but oscar didn't react much. he hummed in agreement, his eyes lingering up to your face where he saw your mixed expression. "so are you, it seems."

his head lifted and he dragged his eyes up to yours. he flinched, confused by what you meant. "what?" you chuckled, oscars eyes fluttered as they moved to your mouth. he was mesmerized by you. he felt like his head went to mush the second you sat across from him. this wasn't what he was used to. he was used to you sitting next to him in the booth and nudging his side when he made mean comments to cesar, and he was used to you wearing your hair back with loose strands tucked behind your ears, he was used to you slouching in your seat and casual touches and glances. this all felt too weird-- and different.

"you haven't looked at me for more than two seconds since we got here?" you propped your elbow on the table and rested your chin on the palm of your hand. you nudged your foot against his under the table.

your hair was down and falling over your shoulders. you wore a bit of makeup and a dress that oscar hadn't seen you wear before. he couldn't help but feel nervous seeing you look like this all at once. he couldn't process it.

"i can't think straight with you," he admitted. you furrowed your brows and oscar felt it again. you were far, far, far out of his league and this just seemed to solidify that. "you look different, this feels different."

"oh," you moved your hands to your lap. suddenly you felt incredibly self-conscious and incredibly stupid for thinking this was going to work.

oscar frowned. "no," he reached his hand across the table, letting it linger there for yours. "what i meant was— i like you," he gulped. "and you're sitting here, looking like that, and being funny and cute and— shit— i don't know how to do this."

you lifted your hand and placed it on top of his, gently squeezing it. "you're pretty sweet when you're nervous, spooky," you let out a small smile, pursing your lips as you did. "but it's just me," oscar lifted your hand and pressed his lips to the back of it. you smiled wider. "and i like you too, by the way."

"alright, alright," he squeezed your hand. "enough of that," you laughed with him, your stomach twisting and turning the longer this went on. this felt big. it felt like everything was falling into place. "no need to get soft on me."

you gawked at him, pushing his hands away and laughing. "you started it, mr. "you're sitting here looking like that"-- god," you ducked your head slightly to disguise the blush flushing up your cheeks. you felt his foot nudge against yours under the table. you gulped as you looked up and saw him wearing a soft smile. fuck. you thought to yourself. he was going to be the death of you.

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