Chapter 32 || Laughter

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We're just about to leave, feeling triumphant, when Anna stops me. "Bailey, can I talk to you... alone?"

I eye her suspiciously. "Not to kill you, I swear," She promises.

"Oh... okay?" I agree and she leads me out of the stairwell into the hotel hallway. Oh, yeah, sure, hotel hallways are always so private you know. It's not like people are staying here or anything.

She looks slightly uncomfortable, as if she's about to tell me that she loves me and is secretly gay, but doesn't want to break it to Blake yet.

That was oddly specific... "Well, now that you and Adrian are like a thing and you don't want to leave him behind anymore, I have no reason to be protective over him because of you. What I'm trying to say is that I'm not mad at you anymore. I forgive you."

"Anna, I didn't do anything so as to ask for your forgiveness," I fume. "I owed nothing to Adrian. I had the right to leave. Don't act like I need your forgiveness."

"I'm not used to this, okay?! Adrian was my only friend and now he's my only brother, so it's natural that I make sure he doesn't break more than he's broken already. When you told me that you'd leave him behind, I didn't look to see things in your shoes. I thought of Adrian. When you and him began to bond, he seemed slightly more lost in thought and he was happier. And I thought how sad he'd be when you left him, and it hurt me. So I lashed out on you in hopes that you'd stay."

I nod understandingly, but there's still something missing. A fucking apology.

"So I guess I'm the one who should be sorry. For doing that to you. I was toxic, and for that I want to say sorry," She apologizes genuinely.

"I forgive you," I offer her a friendly smile. "Now, let's go make plans with Luna for her future baby. I'm going to be practicing being an aunt," I place my hands over my hips and jut my chin out proudly. "The kid is going to be more spoiled than its dad."

Anna laughs. "Tell me about it. I know I'm teaching it an early extensive vocabulary," She winks and I chuckle. "Just kidding, I'm a clean woman."

"Yeah, and I'm not a virgin."

She squints her eyes at me. "Sounds pretty accurate. At the rate you two are going, I wouldn't be surprised if your baby came next."

My eyes widen. "Um, no! I'm still a virgin, thank you very much. And Adrian's not as dense as Dylan, he'll use protection. You're one to talk. You and Blake are like a walking live porn telecast."

Anna blushes profoundly. "What? I love him."

"How did you two meet?" I ask, wanting to know more about them.

"I've known him since I was three," She tells me. "At seven, I was adopted, but I lived with my dad's sister. I would see them both as often as I could because my dad's sister didn't really care much about where I went as long as I came home that night. We three grew up on the streets together. Every time they got taken by foster parents, they would almost immediately be returned, so we saw each other a lot."

"Oh. Blake and Adrian don't have parents?"

"No," She replies curtly. "They don't. Well, Adrian had a mom, but that's not my story to tell."

"Sometimes, I think Adrian's very sad."

"That's up to you to find out. Now, let's go join them before they drive off without us," She rushes, like she's attempting to change the subject. I let her without saying anything because it's a personal topic and it's not Adrian telling me.

We join them all near the parking lot. I notice Dylan holding Luna's hand like there's no tomorrow. Well she might not have a hand tomorrow if he holds it that tight. Luna and Dylan are dating and so are Blake and Anna.

Is Adrian my boyfriend now? That's not how it works right? You don't automatically become boyfriend and girlfriend when you kiss right? I'll have to ask him about that later, in the car.

I wrap my arms around Adrian, taking him by slight surprise. After a few seconds, he wraps his around me, sending sparks through my entire body. It should be illegal for someone to make someone feel so much by just a hug.

It's still slightly annoying that he has a broken wrist, but it'll heal soon and then we kiss more. I raise my hand up to his jaw, slightly feeling his sharp jawline. It was just too tempting.

There are still cuts on the right side of his face, but he's hot like that. There's a fading down his right eyebrow making him more of a rough beautiful, and more badass.

"Does my jaw feel nice?" He smirks, an unknown twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh yes, it does."

"You're too straight forward for your own good. I really like that," He whispered, leaning closer to me, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind my ear. "Do you want to make out in the car?"

My heart stops beating for a good second. Damn it! My heart can't keep doing this to me, or I'll be dead every time he says something hot like that. "Yes," I whisper back. Intimidated by this close proximity between us, I lick his chin causing him to back away.

"Goddammit woman!" He shrieks, until he bursts into laughter. His laugh sounds like a less squeaky version of Mickey Mouse's. And I'm totally in love with it. I want him to keep laughing. His laugh is contagious and I find myself laughing alongside him.

Soon, Dylan, Luna, Anna and Blake are all laughing. I wipe a tear escaping the corner of my eyes and clutch my stomach, my shoulders bouncing rapidly. I attempt to relax, but then I hear Adrian laughing again and begin to laugh again.

Oh my, he's such a cute laugher.

"I- I'll be in the car," I wheeze. "See you." I quickly waddled over to the car, slamming the door shut behind me, and calming down. My breathing slows down, and I lean against the black leather seat of the car.

Soon, Adrian gets into the car, giving me a bright smile. Damn, that smile is to die for. "Let's make out," He declares, in an almost hypnotic manner.

"Adrian... I have a question." I wanted to ask him what we were now. I can't keep wondering about it. I need to know.


"Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

He thinks about it for a second, but for me it feels like an eternity. "Do you want us to be?"


"Then we are."

"But do you want us to be?"


I find myself smiling like a fool. We're dating now! Ohmigod! Pinch me! Or better, Adrian should kiss me. As if he just read my mind, his arm snakes around my waist, abruptly pulling me towards his, his lips crashing into mine. They taste like heaven.

I groan, kissing him harder. Damnit! There's not enough in this car. Adrian should get a minivan with more space. Sheesh. Adrian tilts his head, moving from my lips to my jaws until they reach my collarbones.

Just as things begin to get steamy, I realize I have to pee. Gah damn! "Adrian?"


"I need to pee."



a/n: le update! 

anyway, thank you for reading! and omg they're gf and bf now! i've never felt more so single in my entire life 😣 at least my bailey gets a bf. 

i hope you liked this chapter ♥️ i love you! ♥️

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα