Chapter 50 || Punching

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make sure you vote! and this is longer chapter :) idk why i'm even updating so much- 


It's over. It's fucking over. I'm a liar because she meant everything to me. I swing another punch at the punching bag. Sweat was no longer tricking down my forehead. I looked like I just drowned in Niagara Falls.

I still look like I'm drowning in Niagara Falls. My arms feel like they're about to fall off as I continue to throw punches, thinking the punching bag was me.

I broke Bailey's heart, when I knew how hurt she was on the inside. I throw one last punch before the bag breaks. That's the second one in the past two hours. Fucking hell, I need to get myself together.

I kick the collapsed punching bag aggressively before tossing my gloves on my bed and heading towards the bathroom to shower. My aching arms refuse to move but I manage to turn up the shower to hot so I can ease the pain in my arms.

I step into the shower, the scalding hot water hitting my body. I press my palms into the walls in front of me, wetting my hair.

You're worse than my dad.

Her words still echoed through my mind. It was like someone has a blunt butter knife and is trying to cut through my heart. It hurts. I'm not even going to deny the pain. I deserve to feel it for what I did to Bailey.

Slowly, I turn off the shower but I don't step out. My thoughts ran back to earlier today when Blake came over, demanding the reason why I broke up with Bailey.

I can't tell him. I can't fucking tell anyone. Even if I do, Ava will find out and it's game over for Bailey. I'll have to figure it out on my own because there's nothing I can fucking do.

I trudge out of the shower, drying myself with a towel, wincing at the pain in my arms. I shouldn't have done so much punching. Then again, there are a lot of things in my life I shouldn't have done. One of them is ever dating Ava.

I let her into my life, and she's not going to leave. I let Bailey out of my life, and she's never going to come back.

I pull into a pair of sweatpants, and drag myself out of my bedroom. The same bedroom I broke up with Bailey in. I walk down the same staircase that I carried Bailey on. How could I fuck everything up so bad?

Because you're you, you dumb fuck.

Just as I reach the living room, I hear shouting from outside. I grab a gun from near the door, and go out to see what the commotion is all about.

What the fuck is he doing here? Might as well see what he wants. "Let him in," I order, and the men blocking his path move away allowing him to enter.

"I know Ava's the reason you broke up with Bailey," He growls. I match his intense gaze, sizing him up. It sucked that he was about the same size as me because it made intimidating him harder.

"Those are rumors."

"Then why'd you break her heart like that?"

I feel my heart hurt, but I don't let him see. "She got boring," I lie. That was far from true. She kept me intrigued, making me want to know more about her. She would never get boring. "Besides, shouldn't you be glad," I sneered. "You can hit on her now."

If he hit on her, I would have him fed to the wolves in a far away forest.

"I'm not sexually attracted to her," He scoffs. "Sure, she's an amazing person but I've never wanted to fuck her. I prefer other types of women."

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