Chapter 44 || Sober

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I said yes. I can't believe I said yes. How on Earth will I meet my dad?! Before I know it, I feel myself begin to hyperventilate. "Bailey, what's wrong?" Adrian worriedly asks, letting go of my hand. Probably because he thinks I'm about to have a panic attack.

"Paper bag," I wheeze out. I don't know where he got it from, but he gets me a paper bag after a quick run somewhere and I hold it to my mouth, breathing into it. Soon, my breathing turns normal and I put the paper bag aside. "Mr. Rodriguez called. My dad's out of rehab... He wants to see me."

"You didn't say yes, did you?"

"I said yes."

"Why?" He asks, sounding more hurt than shocked. Oh my god, was he hurt for me?

"He's clean now... he's sober. A small part of me hopes that he'll be a good person when he's sober."

"After all he did, you still think he's going to redeem himself?" His voice sounds angry. "Bailey, I'm not trying to stop you from meeting your dad, but I want you to think this through. This was the man that abused you for eighteen years of your life. I think that's reason enough to stay away from him."

"Adrian, I'm sorry. But it's only going to be for a few minutes. I just want to see a sober version of him... My entire life, all I've known is a drunk version of him. I don't even know if he remembers most of what he did. I just want to see him sober. That's all. I don't want him in life. Hell, that's the last thing I want. I just... I want to see him."

"Okay, Bailey. I support you although I don't agree with what you're doing. I'm here for you, all the time." I melt into a weak smile, hugging him tightly.

"You're so sweet. It makes me horny," I decide to take my mind off my dad as much as possible.

He chuckles. "Don't tell me you want to fuck again. You're still sore."

"How about a blowjob?"

"When you're not sore."

"What are you? A hermit now?" I scoff, before chuckling at my own joke. "Oh, look, Spongebob is making Squidward eat a Krabby Patty!" I point to the TV screen. I was supposed to leave to see my dad right about now, but I'm trying to keep myself distracted.

"When are you going to go?" He asks, with his head laying on my chest.

"Right now."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, I just need to get ready."

"Oh, okay."

"Get me my clothes? Or better yet, get me one of your sweatshirts. They comfort me."

I feel anxiety start to rise in my body, but I quickly suppress it by distracting myself with Spongebob. Don't think about him. Don't think about him. Don't fucking think about him. Think about Adrian. You know what? Think about last night!

Think about how good he felt in you. How we worked magic with his fing- Okay! I'm getting carried away. Think about how cute he is. Don't think about dad.

"Baby, I got you some clothes," Adrian's voice interrupts me from my thoughts. He tosses a pair of jeans towards me and one of his sweatshirts. "Maybe you should wear two layers of leggings? It's pretty cold outside. Oh and here, don't go without wearing these."

He tosses a pair of bra and underwear at me. I smile at him as I get off the couch, and slip into my underwear and lift off my shirt so I can put on my bra. "I know you're staring," I point out.

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