Chapter 48 || Running

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I bite deeper into my nails as I stare at the clock. It's two AM, and he still isn't home. I taste a slight alkaline flavor in my mouth, and look at my fingers. Fuck, they were drawing blood.

The thought of blood began to send shivers down my spine as my memories flashed back to this morning. He was standing right in front of me with a gun to his head. I've never imagined that my dad's death would affect me so much.

The dead look in his eyes, his fragile looking body. The painful grip of his arm on my wrist.

I need to think about something else. I had changed into some of my own clothes because the bathrobe began to get slightly cold.

When Adrian comes home, I want to begin to plan a cute little Christmas celebration with him. We could have a mistletoe, just so we can find an excuse to kiss. Then again, I don't need an excuse to kiss him.

He was mine. I was his. Everything would be okay. It would be more than okay. Hell, for eighteen years of my life, I thought I'd be happy if I left my dad, and stay independent for the rest of my life.

Now, I'd be happy if Adrian was happy. I'd be happy with Adrian. It's so scary how much I've begun to depend on him. Not for money. Never for money, but for his love. He's the only person that has shown me love in my entire life.

Sure, there are people in my life that care about, but not like him. Never like him. He was soft with me, and I loved that. My entire life, the only man in my life was abusive, and I would have never fallen in love with someone who'd be aggressive with me.

Now I was waiting for my Adrian to return home like a puppy that waits for its master.

I didn't sleep all that night.


I noticed the sky slowly begin to brighten, and I began to grow more anxious about Adrian's return. What if he's hurt? What if he's dead?! What if... what if he doesn't want to come back to me anymore?!

I feel my heart begin to race for the millionth time in the past few hours. I should call him. Fuck, why didn't I think of that before? I chuckle dryly to myself as I take out my phone and ring Adrian's number.

He doesn't pick up. My palms begin to get sweaty as I pace around the bedroom, taking deep breaths and calming myself down. It's okay, he'll be back. He promised he'll be back.

I hear a knock on the bedroom door and practically race over to open it. "Adrian!" I breathe, a flood of relief rushing through me as I wrap my arms around him. "Fuck! Where were you the entire night, I was so scared! You can't do this to me again. Don't leave me like that, ever again!"

Instead of hugging me back, he slowly pushes me away from him. His eyes were cold and calculating once more, but I sensed a flicker of pain in them. "Are you hurt?" I ask, examining his body.

"I'm fine, Bailey," He tells me, his voice stiff.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, everything's fine. You should go back to your apartment."

"Why? Did I do something?" Anxiety begins to rise in me as he speaks. Did I do something to upset him? Was this a cruel prank he was playing on me?

"Just go."

"Okay... I guess I'll see you later?"

"No. I don't want to see you later," His words hit me like a bullet, straight through my heart.

"Are you busy?"

"Yeah, very."

"So call me when you're free?"

"I won't be. Not for you, Bailey."

"Can you just tell me what you're trying to tell me?!" I shout, frustratedly.

"I'm breaking up. I don't want you in my life anymore. Goodbye."

Just like that, I felt my heart break into a million pieces. "W-what?" I whisper harshly. "You said you loved me. Was that all a lie?"

"Yes, I lied. My love was a lie, Bailey." It was taking me everything not to burst into a million tears right then and there. "I don't want you here anymore. Leave."

I nod, holding back tears. I masked my face with hatred and anger, just like he did. I wasn't going to look hurt if he didn't. "You're just like my dad. You're ever worse than him, Adrian Black. I never loved my dad, but I loved you. Just like I thought you loved me. My dad had only hurt me physically, but fuck, you... I hate you. Hell, I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now."

"Are you done?" His voice felt icy, as if he was trying to numb the heartbreak by making me angry at him. Fuck, I read in between the lines too much!

"I am. I am done," I whisper roughly as I push past him and out his mansion, determined never to turn back. But I do. I turn back to see it one more time. The same mansion where I thought Adrian would be waiting for me in. Now he's telling me to leave.

I break into a run.

And this time, Adrian wasn't running after me, so I ran. I ran and ran for miles that I fucking lost count. It hurt to breath, it hurt for my heart to keep beating, it hurt my legs, it hurt everything.

Through all this pain, I was numb. I didn't feel shit, because I didn't give a shit.

He never loved me. He never loved me. I was fucking blind not to see that. A fucking liar is all he is. And a fool is all I'll ever be.

I run faster in order to numb my thoughts. I don't know how fast I was running or did I care who looked at me as I ran through these unknown neighborhoods. I don't know where I was going either.

I ran until my legs gave up on me. I felt myself collapsing onto the ground near an abandoned playground. I let out the ugliest sob someone might have ever heard. "Adrian, you fucker!" I cry, punching the metal frame of an unused slide.

It bruised my knuckles, and after a while it made me bleed but I could care less. I'm angry. I'm fucking angry. I feel my phone begin to vibrate in my pocket. I reach into my sweatpants with my bloody hands and read the contact name: 'Cabby'.

I pick, placing the phone to my ears. "Bailey, are you okay? I saw you running away from somewhere."

I cry into the phone. "H-he b-b-broke up with m-me!" I find myself crying out.

"Hold on, I'm coming. Where are you?"

"I d-don't know! I'm at an abandoned park," I whimper. "I'm tired..."

"I'm so sorry, darling. I'll be there."

I hang up on him. I lean against the metal ladder of the slide, hugging my knees towards my body and bury my face between my arms.

He was gone. He was gone, just like that. 


a/n: well, yes, i most definitely did cry during this chapter. i couldn't sleep much last night bc my heart was hurting from what i did to my bailey and adrian 😭 my babies. 

well, anyway, i hope it was a good chapter ♥️ make sure you vote because i spend a lot of emotions, and time into writing these chapters for u guys and no matter how much i love it, imma need to be shown some support ♥️ 

either way, i love youuuuuu! ♥️

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