Bonus Chapter || Tiger Lily

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make sure you voteeee 🤧 this is the last of Tattoos and Scars that I'll be writing and now I feel sad, but you readers can always reread it ;) I'm going to be reading it too!

and also comment, it'll make me happy ♥️


I watch Adrian apply red nailpolish on my toes and I place a hand on my baby bump. The twins both better be hot as fuck or I'm returning them. I was apparently due in a week, and Adrian is busy making sure that I don't leave the house at all.

Oh, and he was also busy killing people.

My seven year old nephew would get excited everytime he felt one of them kick. "Peasant!" I shout at Adrian. "Paint my fingers now." I laugh at my use of words.

"I'm a twenty-seven year old mafia leader," He grumbles. "Yet somehow, I'm a peasant for my wife." I grin widely at my husband who gets off the floor and sits next to my on the sofa.

"How is the future father doing?" I ask, as I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss.

"Nervous," He admits. "It's going to be a boy and a girl, right? I'm still thinking about what we can name them."

"Do you know what the little boy's name would be? The one who'd probably be ten years old right now if he hadn't died in the crash."

"His name was Tiger."

I nod as Adrian places a hand on my belly. Everytime he did that, it made butterflies erupt in my stomach. Usually when he was loving with me, it was passionate and powerful, but this time, it's gentle. "You'll be an awesome dad," I tell him.

"You'll be an awesome mom," He returns. "I felt one of them kick. I just know that one of them will be an athlete."

"Adrian?" I ask, my smile slightly faltering.

"What if... what if I'm a bad parent? Like my mom and dad? It's in my genes... Adrian, I don't want to be like them."

"Baby," He begins, his voice soft and caring. "I've known you since you got freedom from your father. You're the sweetest, bravest person I've ever met. You're nothing like your parents. If you can't be a good mother, then I don't know who can."

I smile at him, a few tears welling up in my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too."



"I'm going to go and pee. Don't miss me too much." I shift my legs off the couch, and stand up. Good heavens, twins really make my belly look huge. I place my hand under my belly as I walk towards the elevator.

Do you really expect a pregnant woman to take the stairs? Do you? That's what I thought.

When I first told Adrian that I was pregnant, he was ecstatic. When I told my friends, they were all out of this world happy, and Teddy was like "I'm going to get a sibling?"

It was really cute.

I think Giraffe was a little jealous that he was going to get some competition, but he got over it.

I walk over to the bathroom and glance at myself in the mirror. I shoot finger guns at myself. I was three in one, bitch. I deserve all the finger guns. I slide down my pants, before taking a seat on the toilet.

I hum to myself as I pee, not bothering to close the door because Adrian and I are the only ones who live here. As of now. I pat my belly. "You two are going to be here soon," I tell the twins. "You better get along, because I'm not going to hand them fights."

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