Chapter 66 || World

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She was finally mine again. The past week without her was painful, but I can be patient when it comes to her. I'll always wait for her.

She giggles from next to me while on a FaceTime with Dylan and Luna. "Did you choose a name for the baby yet?"

"Yeah," Dylan's voice sounds through the phone. "We named him Theodore Atticus Arrow." I find myself involuntarily smiling. With Richard Arrow, Kaden, Blake, Anna and my influence, the boy will be a baddie when he grows up.

But with Dylan... There's just a lot of things wrong with that idea. "Show me my little Teddy," Bailey coos through the phone. I lay on my sides, facing her as she faces the ceiling. She looks so beautiful.

"I can't. They've taken him somewhere for more tests. They said that they're testing him for any chronic illnesses. He should be back in about ten minutes," I notice a little worry in Dylan's voice as he speaks.

I've known Dylan for a while now. The fucker never worries. Not about anything, because he's loaded and will have his mother's business handed over to him once he turns twenty three. He thinks he can buy anything, and is used to everyone paying attention to him.

He doesn't even have to try to get girls and that's why he fucking sucks at flirting. Because he's never had to. They just follow him and his money.

But now, I just know that he's changed. He actually cares about things now and not to mention that he's a damn father. I've always placed my money on Blake and Anna getting a child first.

I don't even know why I thought that. Blake hates the idea of having kids. So does Anna. Blake always uses a condom, knowing that Anna's on birth control. They hate the idea of kids that much.

"He's here," Dylan informs us. "So is a cute lady in a nurse costume."

"I'm a doctor," A female voice growls from the other side of the line.

"How'd the tests go?" Luna asks the doctor. I feel bad for her that she's totally submerged in worries for her son.

"He's fine," The doctor says and we all sigh a sigh of relief. "But... he has a high risk of getting asthma because his lungs haven't fully developed yet." I see Bailey's face drop at those words.

"W-what?" Luna's voice almost squeaks out.

"I'm sorry. That's all I can say. There are a few treatments to asthma, but he can't receive then until he's older. All I can say is that you should be grateful that that's all he could have," After a tense silence, she adds, "I guess I'll leave you alone then."

"Fuck, Dylan. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It's my fault that I let Luna go to the bookstore alone. I was so caught up in having fun at your house that I let it slip my mind that Luna shouldn't be walking around alone, especially when she's linked with two powerful mafias."

"Dylan, shut up before I punch you," I growl out.

"You can't do that. You're in another country."

"It's not your fucking fault. It's no one's fault that Ava was so fucked up."

"Fucked up by you," Bailey coughs under breath. "Literally." I glare at her and she quiets down.

"It is my fault. Now my son is going to have so struggle his entire life because I messed up," Dylan continues. I fucking hate it when people blame themselves for something that clearly wasn't their fault.

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt