Chapter 62 || Questions

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Forget the idea of sleeping on a plane. It's not going to work out. Like at all. I fell asleep for an hour and then woke up because I felt queasy. I also felt a really heavy head on my shoulder.

It was Adrian's. He was sleeping on my shoulders, lightly snoring. Finding this incredibly cute, I wrap my arm over his shoulder and pat him lightly as I scroll through a bunch of movies on the plane.

"He dreaming of you," The old lady states. I look at her, who's looking at me with a playful look. "Look at how he smile." Listening to her, I turn my head to look at Adrian, who, indeed, is smiling in his sleep.

I doubt it's about me, but I still blush and continue to pat him with my arm that's draped over his shoulder. He's so cute. I turn away from him and focus on the tiny TV set in the back of someone else's seat.

I end up playing Spiderman: Far From Home. A while into it, Adrian turns his head and I wince because he's heavy. I let him turn however, because I'm quite sure I haven't seen him sleep this peacefully since... ever.

"What are you watching?" He asks, his voice rough and on a lower octave than usual. He wraps his arms around my waist, and nuzzles deeper into the crook of my neck. "I bought a dual headphone adapter. Do you wanna watch together?"

I give him a flat look. "Your idea of a good movie is where everybody dies. In other words: a horror movie."

"It's entertaining," He defends, his breath warm against my collarbones. "But that's not what I had in mind. I just wanted to watch with you." He pouts, and gives me the cutest puppy eyes in the history of puppy eyes.

"Okay, you big baby. I'll let you watch with me." He reaches into his pockets and brings out the dual headphone adapter... just like Peter Parker did for MJ in the movie I'm watching. Only, Peter doesn't get to watch with MJ. Poor Peter.

We're both comfortably watching the movie. I was resting my head on his, while he was nuzzled into the crook of my neck, with his arms wrapped around my. I think we've only been in the air for three hours now.

A good half hour later, the movie ends and Adrian frowns. "Why would they leave us on a cliffhanger like that?"

"So you stay hooked until the next movie."

"When is the next movie gonna come out?"

"I don't know."

"Ooh, there's IT on here," He grins as he reaches out to click on the movie. I slap his hand away.

"We're not watching IT."


"No. It scares me."

"Then you can hug me extra hard."

"Adrian, shut up!" I hiss. "We're in the plane and people are trying to sleep! Besides, I'm not sure the nice old lady appreciates us talking."

Adrian turns to the old lady, along with me, and she grins at us. "I'm not here," She shrugs. Then he turns back to me, and gives me a 'see!' look. I want to whack him!

"Let's talk. We haven't done that in a while," He suggests, lifting his head off my shoulder and facing me.

"We're talking right now," I point out.

"No, I mean... talk. You know," He mumbles the last part. "I want to know more about you. What's your favorite color? Hobbies? What did you do in high school? How's college going? The little things. I feel like ever since we met, we've never had those conversations."

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