Chapter 35 || Nightmare

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"Adrian, what's going on? Kaden just called and told me he's sending white cars over and you shouldn't panic." I was still confused as to what was going on. Kaden was in the rival gang. Why would he send over his men? And Adrian asked for backup too.

"I didn't need his fucking help," He growls out, clearly tense and annoyed. He's worried about his ego right now?!

"What's going on? Are people going to shoot at us again? If so, I'm always up for driving," I tease him at the end, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Get in the car," He orders, and I glare at him. Did he just think that he could order me around like that? Oh hell to the no. "Please?" He looks slightly desperate, as if I'm about to slip away from him any second.

I don't object and simply climb into the car, as Adrian stands outside, leaning against the window. I take this minute to admire how prominent his back muscles are. I watch them slightly ripple as he rakes a hand through his hair.

Fuck. He's hot. I think I drooled a little. I continue to admire my boyfriend for a while, until I get bored. I take out my phone and call Dylan. His phone is switched off. Well, I don't want to know what he's up to. I just know it has something to do with Luna.

I most certainly don't want to call Blake or Anna. I sigh to myself, yawning. Well, if Adrian's going to stand guard outside, and no one's going to pick up their phone. Cabby doesn't seem in the mood.

What else should a girl do?

I fall asleep.


I felt my hands tremble, and tears flowed down my face as I sat outside my apartment in the winter rain. I was in nothing but a drenched shirt and worn out leggings. I shivered and hugged my knees closer to my body.

I felt alone. I always was alone, but right then, I felt lost. I was alone and cold. My dad had kicked me out the apartment because I had come home ten minutes later than expected.

Now the sky was getting dark. I felt drained, and lifeless. My heart had become weak from shivering so much. I felt as if it was going to stop beating any minute. The door behind me clicks open and I get startled. "Next time, I want you home by three. Or you'll spend more than four hours out in the rain," My dad slurs. "Get in before someone sees you."

I was hesitant. It was safer outside than inside. I didn't want to go in there. It scared me, and my six year old self hadn't learned to be brave yet. Strong, rough arms grab mine and he aggressively drags me into the house.

I hit my ribs against the door frame. That was my first ever broken rib.

Now, my dad was standing right in front of me with a gun in his hand. He looks at me with a sinister look, and I feel my heart begin to race. I begin to hyperventilate, my fingers digging into my nails. I bite my lip so hard, that I drew blood.

He lifts the gun up, but to my shock, he didn't point it at me. "You left me for him," He growls. My head snaps towards whoever he was looking at, and I see Adrian. "Now you'll leave him for me. And he'll leave this world."

"No... No!" I shriek, running towards Adrian to push him out of the way. Yet no matter how much I run, I don't get closer to him. Then gunshot rings through the air and my heart stops. Adrian jerks backwards, his eyes open. Blood spills out of him too fast. Too fast... Too much.

And I can't get closer to him. I can't lift a finger to help him. He's in a bubble, and he's not letting me in. Now it's too late.

"Adrian!" I scream, my face wet with sweat and tears. I look around in distress. I'm not in the car anymore, and that sends another flood of panic through me, before my breathing turns ragged and I start to hyperventilate. "Adrian!" I scream once more time before my head begins to spin like a dreidel.

I feel strong arms grab my shoulders, and I begin to scream louder. "Let me go!" I scream. "Let me go! Go away! Don't hurt me!" I scream through a tear-streaked face.

"Bailey, it's me!" A male voice assures me, but that doesn't help me at all. My head continues to spin, and my heart continues to pound against my chest. "It's Adrian. I got you."

"Let me go!" I cry. "Don't touch me!" I don't feel a hold on me anymore, and the sense of freedom begins to simmer my panic down. I still feel myself tremble slightly, but everything turns clear in front of me.

I make out Adrian's figure, who's standing a good few feet away from me. "Baby..." He starts, and I turn to face away from him. "Here's some water," He hands me a glass of water. With trembling hands, I press my lips onto the glass, letting the water into my system.

I place the glass next to me, and begin to slow down my breathing. "Adrian," I choke out. "Adrian, I'm so fucking sorry."

"Don't be," He comes closer to me, still slightly weary. "I'm here, it's okay." I remember how lifeless his green eyes looked in my nightmare, and I wrap my arms around him.

"Adrian..." I sob. "I'm sorry. I thought... I thought you were someone else."

"Your dad," He concludes as if he saw right through me, and I feel my heart begin to race again at the mention of him. "It's okay. It's just me."

"Just you," I repeat. "Just you." It offered me a sense of comfort that I desperately needed right now. I look around my surroundings. We were at Adrian's manion. What time was it? It didn't matter. All that mattered right now was Adrian. "Tell me something to take my mind off this."

"I'm getting an ear piercing."

"Hot," I drawl. I loved how he just switched up my mood. Just like that. It's just what I needed.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"I'd also like a tattoo of my name under your jaw."

"You would, would you?"

"I would. Let's play a game," I declare. "Here hold my hand. Let's have a staring contest."

"I'll win."

"Ha, as if!" I stare at him, and he stares back, his dangerous green eyes boring into mine. I return the favor, only that my eyes aren't as bright as his. My eyes begin to feel the burn and I'm getting ready to blink any second. "Spider," I whisper, and he instantly blinks, looking around everywhere for a spider. I laugh. "There was no spider. But I won!"

"That's cheating!"

"All is fair in love and war," I retort. He only smirks, before kissing my lips. Then he pulls away. But- I wanted more.

"That's all you get."

"That's not fair!"

"All is fair in love and war."

"So you love me?" I smirk, but deep inside, I'm dying with curiosity to know. How does he feel about me?

I see a light tinge of pink form on his face. "I wanted to ask you something."


"There's a party. On August 5th. And I was wondering if you'd go with me? Since you and I are official and all... you know?"

Oh my fucking god. He was actually going to ask me! If I had known that earlier- "Adrian... fuck, I'm so sorry."

His face drops. "You don't like parties?"

"I'm going with Kaden."



a/n: what?! 😪 shit's about to go down. anyway, i'm done for the day. my heart is broken, so i thought i'd write the nightmare scene. and i was planning to write the last part where adrian asks her out, but i kind of postponed it. 

for those wondering, no a real boy didn't break my hear. he was fictional. but the damage done was real 😭

anyway, i hope you liked this chapter. i love you! ♥️

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora