"Something wrong Professor?"

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Hey everybody. So before you read the chapter, I would like to congratulate my wonderful friend GryffindorGirl1912 on her pic collage work which is displayed up top. She gave me the idea to use the app to create a new book cover, and for that I thank her.

Enjoy 😜



Ellie jumped as a large book was slammed down on the table next to her. She's become apparent to the fact that she's been jumpy ever since that night a few days ago. Looking back down at her one, she felt the presence of someone seated beside her. Cedric.

"Forgive me, but I couldn't help notice that you're all alone." he joked.

"Hey Ced," she replied.

"You okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, fine." That was a lie. She didn't feel fine. The past few days had her feeling nervous for today. Why? Because today included her first potions lesson, meaning she had to be stuck in a room with the creepy teacher for an hour and a half. She didn't know why he creeped her out so much. Maybe because of the look he gave her during sorting? Or maybe his greasy hair that made it look as though he hadn't showered in weeks. 

No matter what it was, she just couldn't stop wondering one thing; why did he look so shocked? Seriously, it was like she was a ghost.

"You sure? You don't look fine."

"I'm fine," she snapped in his face.

"Blimey Lee it was just a question." He held his hands up in defense, obviously scared as to how bloody pissed Ellie looked and sounded.

"Sorry." She stared down into her lap, fiddling with her hands as she mustered up the courage to tell him what was bothering her. "I'm just nervous is all..."

"About what?" 

No reply.

"C'mon Lee, you know you can talk to me." 

Ellie felt her cheeks go red and she smiled softly. His voice and face were laced with concern; He truly cared about her.

"Umm well. Okay, it was at the sorting ceremony..."


"Now when I call your name, you will be sorted into your houses," Professor McGonagall said while she unfurled her scroll and called out the first name on the list.

It was the same method over and over again: the student would be called, have the hat placed on their head, and stroll to their house table after receiving their house name.

From the bits Ellie had actually listened to, Hermione, Harry, and the slim boy had been sorted into Gryffindor along with a stout boy named Neville Longbottom and the chubby girl in her boat had been placed in Hufflepuff.

And of course, to no avail, Draco had been sorted into Slytherin. The Hat hadn't even touched his head before it had uttered the house's name.

"Eliana, Lupin."

Merlin's pants. It was her turn.

As Ellie walked up to the stool, she locked eyes with one particular professor. This man had greasy, shoulder-length black hair and pitch-black eyes. His whole attire was black, the only pale thing being his skin and even that wasn't very colourful.

His body seemed to stiffen as he stared into her eyes, mouth slightly open like something had just dawned on him.

Ellie broke eye contact with the mysterious professor, plopping down on the stool and instantly feeling the soft fabric on her head. Eyes covered, she felt a slight vibration as the accessory started to talk.


So yea, that's what happened," she breathed. It felt good to get that off her chest.

"Bloody hell Lee, that is weird. Maybe you remind Snape of someone?"


"Well whatever it is, I'm sure there's no need to worry. I need to get to class now, see ya later."

Cedric ruffled Ellie's hair before standing up and walking out the Great Hall doors, making multiple girls swoon over him as he passed. And yet, he didn't care. That was one of the many things she loved about the 13-year-old. People seemed to think the world revolved around him when he thought the exact opposite. There was just something about him.

Ellie sighed as she realized it was time for class. Oh, god this is going to be miserable, she thought. 

By the time she got to the dungeons, she was already 5 minutes late. Merlin, how many detentions was she going to earn herself this week? 

Whilst strutting into the classroom she kept her head low, feeling every Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's eyes on her while making her way to Professor Snape. Silence swept across the room and she realized that the black-cloaked man was not giving her a punishment.

"Something wrong Professor?" She questioned, obviously stating the fact that there was.

Professor Snape took a breath, looking deeply into her eyes as he did.

"No, I don't believe there is. You will have extra homework to do for being late now sit down please," he answered, not stuttering once. He glanced at Ellie, her eyes wide in shock because he hadn't given her a bigger punishment. 

"Well, what are you waiting for Miss Ellie, sit down already."

"S - sorry Professor."

As the girl jogged over to her seat, his mind couldn't help but wander. Lily. Lily was the only thing he thought about at that moment. About how much that little Hufflepuff looked like her mother. About all the countless times he would have to look away from the 1st year when it hurt too much to see his Lily's face in her.

About how much he was going to favour his goddaughter.

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