Through the Tunnel

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Anyone who knew Ellie knew that when someone told her not to do something that intrigued her, she would surely do the opposite. Like with Dumbledore; he told her not to go past the third floor corridor, she would go past the third floor corridor. And that's exactly what she was doing. 

Ellie's footsteps made no sound as she strolled down the hallway, peering around in the dark for any sign of life. When she found or heard none, she thought it safe to unlock the dreaded door.

"Oooo look, it's little baby Lupin coming for a midnight stroll!"

Ellie groaned, knowing exactly who it was. She turned around to find Peeves dangling upside down in the air. He had given her no thought since she arrived at the school until now, so she guessed an opportunity like this was just too good to pass up for him. 

"Go away Peeves."

"I think not little Lupin, what suppose you're doing here? Sleepwalking? Having delusions? Some of your friends have said that..."

Ellie tried to block out the poltergeist's words, racking her brain for any possibly way to make him go away. What was it Neville had been talking about at dinner a few weeks ago? That the Bloody Baron was the only one Peeves was afraid of. 

"H - hey, Peeves! Don't look now but I think the Bloody Baron's behind you!"

Peeves became stiff, frozen in fear. Slowly and carefully, he rotated around. This was Ellie's chance and for some reason, she knew exactly what to say.

"Peeves, I told you not to come back here," she bellowed, using her hands to cover her mouth and making her voice deeper.

"S - sorry your great Bloodship, I did not mean to disobey your orders."

"Perhaps, but you disobeyed them nonetheless. Now get out of here before I do something I won't regret." Ellie was trying to stifle her laugh at seeing Peeves' nervous state.

"Y - yes your baronship, I - I mean your bloodyship."

Ellie sighed in relief when the Poltergeist disappeared from view, feeling proud of herself for making the mischievous scamp go away. Now was not the time to dilly-dally though, so she turned back to face the door. From the outside she could hear the subtle growling of Fluffy and for some reason, no fear came over her when she leant against the door and was surprised to find that it was already unlocked, having accidentally flung it open and landing on the stone floor.

Ellie grumbled in annoyance, but it could no be heard over the sudden growls of the monstrous creature before her. When she stood up, dusting herself off, she did not expect to be face to face(literally)with one of the three heads but there she was.

"G - good boy Fluffy, I - I'm not going to hurt you," Ellie croaked, reaching out with a shaky hand to stroke the dog's snout. To her surprise, the dog didn't try to bite her arm off, it simply let her pat it and Ellie had the sudden urge to start singing.

🎼"Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you"🎼

She'd heard the muggles singing it a while back.

🎼"By now you should've somehow realised what you gotta do"🎼

🎼"I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do"🎼

Fluffy's many eyes were beginning to droop, his body going limp.

🎼"About you now."🎼

Ellie continued singing until the dog was out like a light, where she took her next chance and rushed towards the already open trapdoor. That's odd, she thought; somebody must've already gone inside. The great thing, she had the clearest idea who it was: Harry, Ron and Hermione. Possibly thinking that Snape would've gone to get the Stone whereas Ellie was still set on it being Quirrell. When she peered down the hole she could see nothing but darkness for miles. 

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