Mischief and a Mountain Troll

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Hallowe'en. All saints day. All Hallows Eve. After September, Ellie liked to call it the day her, Fred and George planned to prank people every year, on the same day. Fred and George Weasley, the twins. 4th oldest children in the red haired family, third years and major pranksters. In fact, over the past month Ellie had become good friends with quite a few people: Harry, Hermione, Ron, obviously Fred and George, just to name a few. Although, she felt closer to Harry. She didn't know what it was, but they had a special bond, and this one definitely wasn't like her connection with Cedric. It was almost like they knew what the other was thinking.

"Ellie are you even listening to me?"

"Oh what? Sorry Hermione, I was just thinking about something." Hermione stared questioningly at the redhead who was not sitting at her own house table.

"I was just saying that -"

The muggleborn's sentence was cut short by Fred and George plopping themselves down at the table, each on one side of Ellie as they gave a sorry look to Hermione. She sent the two boys a small eye roll; she knew exactly what they wanted the Hufflepuff for, and she didn't like it one bit. For Ellie personally, she thought Hermione was a tad bit annoying at times, but considered her a close friend nonetheless. 

"So, Ellie, when do you want to start?" One twin asked.

"Hmmm let me think Freddie," Ellie replied. Yes, she could tell the two Gryffindor's apart. In fact she was pretty sure she was the only one who could. It was easy; Fred was older, taller and had a deeper voice whereas George was shorter, younger and had a small mole on his neck. 

"How about...now?" Ellie slowly spoke, a smirk gracing her face as she stared slyly out of the corner of her eyes at Fred and George. The twins glanced at each other, smirking knowingly whilst deciding an answer with their minds.

"Deal." And then they were gone.

"Tell me something; do you take pride in getting a detention every week?" Hermione uttered from her place in front of Ellie. Ellie smirked in amusement. Of course she didn't plan to get a detention every bloody week! It wasn't her fault that she found it so exhilarating to run through the corridors and away from Filch and his cat. 

"What in the world could give you that idea Hermione?" She replied. She then received a glare from the Gryffindor.


"Merlin's beard guys, that was one of our best pranks yet," Ellie breathed when the trio stopped to catch their breaths after having been running from Filch. Their last prank had been one of great ideas.

"Damn straight it was. Did you see the look on Goyle's face!?" George started.

"Priceless!" Fred finished.

A smile appeared on Ellie's face. Never in her life had she met two people quite like these twins. She would never admit it to them, but she was definitely closer to Fred than George. Although they weren't really, really close to her, they were still some of her closest friends.

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to Quirrell," came a slow drawl from around the corner. George titled his head to the side in confusion.

"Snape?" He questioned. "What in Godric's name is he on about?"

"I don't know Georgie, but I'm going to find out," Ellie spoke, determination laced in her voice.

"Like Gryffindor you aren't. I will," Fred gently pushed Ellie aside.

"Ugh you're so annoying sometimes. I won't get hurt Fred, it's not like Greasy Hair here could hurt a student anyway."

"You could be expelled Ellie," George added.

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