"Tis true Professor."

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Hello my fellow potterheads! (Or not)

If you did not see my update on the story part 'first encounters', I'll put it here. One thing I changed was Ellie's wand. Since I have gotten a pottermore account and completed the test on what my wand is, I decided to change it seeming as Ellie is based off of my things and my attributes. Her wand is now 12 3/4 inches, phoenix feather, larch wood and quite bendy flexibility. That is all I will tell you, but you'll need to read that chapter again to understand things that occur later in the book.

Please remember to vote and comment if you liked this chapter, it would be much appreciated and lets get back to the story!

Enjoy 🤗


"Petrificus Totalus!"

The monster stopped; club in hand and arm in the air, about to bring the weapon down on Hermione before Ellie's curse binded it right in its place.

"Hermione! Hermione are you alright!?" Ron bellowed.

The girl appeared out of the wrecked stalls, standing up and dusting herself off.

"I'm perfectly fine Ronald. Thank you Ellie, you just saved me."

"Oh it's nothing Hermione, really. All in a days w -"

"Hermione, Ellie, move!"

The redhead swiveled around just in time to see the gory creature, now unfrozen, swing it's great club. Her body moved on impulse, stepping to the side a split second before the weapon came down in the place where she had last been standing. 

It was quite for a minute; all four pairs of eyes were frozen to the spot where Ellie could have potentially died. It's just a shame the troll's Beatle-like pupils weren't.

No. In fact, it's black orbs were staring down at Hermione, who had moved to crouch under a sink in the recent commotion. Water began spraying and white marble broke when the monster bought it's club down on that very sink, Hermione's screams sounding throughout the bathroom.

Out of courage and possibly out of their minds, the three first years moved into range of the creature; they picked up whatever stake or stone they could find and threw them directly at the troll's drooping back, all in unison.

"Hey, Peabrain!" Ron yelled, landing his stone right on the creatures monstrous face - its eyes became cross-eyed for a second.

The thing stopped before lifting its massive leg and rotating to face the trio. It advanced on them, giving Hermione the perfect diversion whilst she moved along the line of sinks. 

The ugly brute, however, had now caught sight of the girl's small figure again, and had placed its attention on her. Harry took his chance; he ran toward the creature and took a hold of it's arm, attempting to make a difference but failing when he landed on the troll's neck. 

He flailed around, becoming dizzy as the monster tried to shake him off. And then a most revolting thing occurred; his wand, sorry to say, went up the creature's considerably large nostril. The giant-like thing came to a halt, as if in a sort of daze but nevertheless, it started to move around again, but angrier this time. 

And suddenly, Harry was dangling from the troll's abnormally large hand - from the ankle. Ellie watched on in fear, scared out of her wits for the boy with raven-black hair and emerald-green eyes. Across the room, she could also make out the same scared, petrified expression on Ron's face.

The creature was now attempting to bash the club into Harry. But the boy kept swerving every time. 

"Do something!" He bellowed.

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