Belong With You

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Christmas was closing in, the outside world was getting colder and colder, beginning to snow. Ellie and Cedric found happiness in this, as the two best friends loved winter. They were making snow angels in the courtyard, engaging in snowball fights with their companions. In fact, that's exactly what they were doing right now; in a snowball fight with Hannah and Ernie. Two against two: Hannah and Ernie, and Cedric and Ellie.

"Cedric, watch out!" Ellie shouted and in a split second, she had dove towards him and stepped in front, preparing for the cold hit of the snow. And it came.

"Ah, I've been hit!! Take my body back Ced, take my body back to the castle..." She faked death.

"Haha yes yes very funny, now get up."

Ellie poked her tongue out like a dead person.

"C'mon Lee, we already lost, don't make us look like losers more by getting frostbite."

Ellie rolled her eyes but stood up, rubbing the snow off of her back. She yelled, "Oi Hannah, Ernie! We're going in now!"

The two Hufflepuff's nodded, so the two best friends made their way back through the massive double door. "Do you really have to go?" Ellie asked as they strolled into the Great Hall. "Can't you stay here?"

"I can't Lee, sorry." Cedric was going home for Christmas. "You"ll have Harry and Ron anyway."

Ellie pouted. She didn't want Cedric to leave. Sure, she knew he had to spend Christmas with his parents, family was a big part of it. She wasn't going home for the holiday since her father thought it unsafe because of his 'condition'; what a load of bullcrap.

"Bye then." She stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his warm chest.

"See you." They pulled away and Cedric, grabbing his trunk, strolled out the door. Ellie sighed and turned away. She looked around the Hall for someone she recognized: Draco, a Ravenclaw girl and Harry, Ron and Hermione. She decided on the Gryffindors.

"Hey guys, what're you - oh wizard's chess!! I love that game!"

"Want to play?" Asked Ron.

"Sure, after Harry of course."

Hermione butted in. "Are you sure you want to play Ellie? It just looks so barbaric!"

"No Hermione, it looks like wizard's chess to me." The Gryffindor rolled her eyes. "I see you've packed."

"See you haven't."

"Aw damnit!" Harry groaned. Ellie continued. "I'm staying here, Dad doesn't want me to go home because of his co - " Ellie paused. "His work. He's very busy around this time of year."

Hermione nodded. "Great, you can help Harry and Ron then. They're going to try and find something about Nicolas Flamel."

Ellie moaned. "Do I have to?" Asked she, "you guys are the ones that want to find it out, not me."

"But Ellie," Harry spoke, "you have to agree that it sounds quite interesting, right?"

"I guess so. Fine, I'll help. But don't blame me if we get caught. Haven't you checked the whole library anyway?"

Hermione glanced at the boys. "Not in the restricted section," she whispered. "Happy Christmas." With that, she was gone. Ellie turned back to the redhead and boy who lived. "Why're you staying here Ron?"

Ron's face turned to a look of proudness. "My parents have gone to visit Charlie, my brother, in Romania. He's studying Dragons there."

"Wow, cool! And you Harry? Don't want to stay with your aunt, uncle and cousin I presume?"

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