A Very Short Meeting

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Helloooo. I don't know how long it's been since I published another chapter but I'm so sorry if it was a long time.

This one is quite short butttttt anywayyyy.



*4 months, 15 days later*

"Professor Dumbledore?"

"Come in Ellie."

Ellie eased the door open and strolled inside the Headmaster's office, taking in her familiar surroundings. The portraits of previous Hogwarts Headmasters and Headmistresses hung on every space of wall, sinking in their chairs, snoring with exaggeration in a desperate attempt at faking sleep to eavesdrop on the coming conversation.

Since the detention 4 months prior, her and the Headmaster had been planning a talk, but they all became postponed due to revision. Yes, to say Ellie had passed her exams with flying colours would've been an understatement; more like, 'one of the highest achieving students in most of her classes'.

"I know my office is quite miraculous, Ellie, but please have a seat."

Ellie jumped at the sound of Dumbledore's voice as she was still in her small trance, before taking small steps towards the chair affront of Dumbledore's desk and settling down in it. When she locked eyes with the Headmaster, a sudden pain shot through the scar on her neck, creating a burning sensation. Dumbledore's eyes glimmered with concern for a split second, then proceeded to begin his 'lecture'.

"Now, I understand as Hagrid told me, that you were present on January 20th for a detention taking place in the Dark Forest, correct?"

"Yes Professor," Ellie looked down and began fidgeting with the hem of her cardigan, embarrassed by the fact she had gotten a detention. Dumbledore was quite amused at this, thinking of how Lily would also have acted this way.

"Well then," he started, "answer me this; why were you screaming?"

Ellie froze. Her stomach's grumbles were the only noise in the room; she hadn't eaten dinner. Or lunch. Or breakfast. In fact, she hadn't eaten a lot for the past week. She supposed it was because of her worry for the state of her Father when she got home.

You see, Remus hadn't replied to her last letter, the one she sent the night she found Draco crying. James had come back with nothing tied to his leg. Not even her fingers were enough to count the amount of nights she cried herself to sleep, thinking of every possible explanation as to why he didn't reply; most of the ideas were negative.


Ellie snapped back from yet another trance-like state, blinking twice as she remembered what they were talking about.

"I -"

"You can tell me Ellie."

Ellie breathed, trying to calm herself; in, out, in, out. Exhale, inhale. "Well... Hagrid had split us up to find something quicker. Draco and me had gone together, with Fang. Long story short is, we were already annoyed at each other, he scared me, I got more annoyed so I ran off. My ankle got sore so I found a stream and rested there, when this cloaked figure came out from the trees and floated towards me. But then, it just vanished.

"When I found Draco, who had heard my screams and come to look for me, we walked through the forest and found the others. Harry was very shaken up but nobody, not even him, would tell me why."

Dumbledore looked as though he already knew of this. "And," he stated "did you want to know?"

"Of course I did! He's like a brother to me!"

Dumbledore tried to suppress a chuckle at this comment. "Did you ever think that maybe it would've been better if you didn't know?"

"Well now that's just stupid! Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. But how could it have possibly been better if I didn't know?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Now my dear, I suggest you go back to your dormitory and get some rest. Although it would be best if you didn't go past the third floor corridor." 

Ellie internally groaned. She shouldn't have expected anything less, Dumbledore would never tell her. But what did that last comment mean? If she didn't go past the third floor corridor? Well now, in saying that Dumbledore made Ellie want to go past the third floor corridor, even if there was a three-headed dog called Fluffy that resided there. 

Or maybe, she thought; it was a hint.




- Charli😜

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