GAZE (Benedict Bridgerton)

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Being a debutante was nothing short of stressful. The constant fussing over your hair, your dress, your posture. Your mother parading you around the room in the hopes that a wealthy man will come and sweep you off of your feet. The other ladies trying time and time again to secure themselves a proposal before the end of season, these social gatherings made it easy for them to dance with as many potential suitors as possible.

You, however, were more than happy to situate yourself away from the dance floor and in front of the many paintings that found their place upon the gallery walls. It did not take a great amount of awareness to know you were not the only attendee that chose to admire the art work, rather than the footwork of those in the main hall that evening.

"It is lovely, is it not?" you spoke.

"It is rather captivating I must say, I do apologise for my intrusion Miss..." said the gentlemen.

You turn swiftly, gathering your skirt to avoid it twisting and you finally set your eyes upon the person that was accompanying you at that moment.

Benedict Bridgerton.

"Miss Y/N Y/L/N." you inform him as he gently takes your hand and places a soft kiss on your knuckles.

"Are you enjoying your evening, sir?"

"I am now."

You look down at your feet as a blush coats your cheeks. He chuckles and moves to stand beside you as you change the subject.

"Your sister is very lucky, she seems to have every man's attention."

"Yes, I suppose she is. Has any gentleman caught your attention tonight?"

"There has been one. Although I do have to wonder if I have caught his also."

You glance at him, and notice his gaze already set on you.

"I can assure you, it is more likely than you may think."

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