MERELY FICTIONAL (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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This is more of a drabble and can basically be read with any male character in mind :)

You didn't want to feel this way but when it came to him you couldn't help it. The first time you saw him it was as if time itself froze, the moment replayed again and again. You watched as he entered the scene before you, his smile immediately lighting up the room. The way he moved, and his accent was something you'd never encountered before. His presence was almost unreal.

You've known feelings like this before, you've seen love come and go and you've seen it stay. You've seen how different it was for everyone and how everyone changed when they were a part of something like it. You watch him enter the room and you watch him leave and when he's not around you feel empty but it's all worth it when you see him again.

Every moment you have with him is like a flash, and you feel your brain taking a screenshot whenever he's at his happiest. Like when he sees his friends for the first time in a while and with each embrace his smile gets wider. Or when he sits by the window with his cat upon his lap watching as the rain batters against the window.

Sometimes he would be the last person you see before you fall into a slumber for the night and it's times like that, when you hit the power off button and you watch as this face falls away, pixel by pixel, until all that's left is a blank screen that you have to remind yourself that one day you will fall in love with someone but for now the person that makes you happy will remain merely fictional. 

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