COVER YOU (Natasha Romanoff x reader)

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One minute you were infiltrating a HYDRA base with Bucky, Sam, and Natasha and the next Nat was leaning over the top of you pressing down on your stomach.

You were confused. Why did she look so worried?

"You're gonna be fine Y/N, just keep your eyes on me and keep breathing okay?"

"Nat, I'm okay, what are you doing?"

You try to sit up but stop due to discomfort. Nat pushes you back down gently keeping pressure on your abdomen all while looking around for enemy agents.

"Sam, Bucky I need to take Y/N back to the jet, she's been shot. It's pretty bad."

Your eyes start to feel heavy and you look at her through your lashes. She looks stressed. That's new, she's always calm during missions. You grab her hands in yours as Bucky's shouts are heard through the coms.

"What do you mean she's been shot?!"

"What do you think it means tin man? Nat head back, we'll take care of this..."

"Will do, be careful guys."

Nat focuses her attention back on you. She slips her hands from yours,

"Y/N, honey, I need you to do me a favour okay?"

"Anything Romanoff."

"Put pressure on your stomach, can you do that?"

"Of course I can."

You did as she asked as she picked you up from the cold ground. She carried you as quickly as possible back to the jet you all came in. It was no easy effort, HYDRA agents were gaining on you both from all directions and Bucky and Sam were nowhere to be seen. She sped into the jet, and placed you on the make-shift bed they had in case of moments like this. She locked the doors and positioned herself in the cockpit, starting the engine up. She could hear bullets ricocheting off of the metal exterior.

"GUYS WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED TO GO NOW!" she looked over her shoulder towards you.

"We're almost there!"

Their panting could be heard as they pushed themselves as hard as they could. As they approached, they shot down the agents in their way. They couldn't be stopped not when their best friend was laying inside, drifting in and out of consciousness. Nat heard the door open and close hastily and before anybody could say a word she had took off from the clearing. Sam and Buck looked at you laying there and for the first time, couldn't think of anything to say to each other.


The journey back to the compound was tense and despite your best efforts you had lost consciousness and your breathing became irregular. Every breath you took seemed to put Nat at ease.

"Fury?! Stark?! Anybody?!" she reached out as she saw the compound in the distance.

"Agent Romanoff, was the mission successful?" Fury asked via the jet's communications.

"I don't give a damn it was successful or not, we have an agent in critical condition so get Banner and Cho and the entire medical team for all I care out to the landing spot now!"

The other teammates onboard looked at each other, neither of them had seen Natasha as scared as she was right now.


A quiet voice could be heard from beside you and you could feel warmth in your hand. The bright lights made opening your eyes tougher than it should've been but you could be blind and recognise that voice any day of the week.

"Y/N I need you to wake up for me. It's been three days, I can only cope with those other morons without you for so long. Please Y/N," her hold on your hand tightened.

"Nat," you croak. God did you sound awful.

Nat was quick to put a glass of water to your lips, hands shaking as she did so.

"Take your time Y/N."

You sipped on the water, soothing your throat. She sat the glass on the bedside table and reclaimed her position in the chair next to you.

"Are you alright Nat?"

"You almost died and you're asking me if I'm alright? What is wrong with you?"

"I'm not too sure, I think I was shot, "you joked.

"Seriously though, you don't look like you've been sleeping."

"Well what did you expect me to do when you were lying in here? Leave you? I'd rather sit in this stupid plastic chair for however long before I even considered that an option. Still, surely stark has enough money to put decent chairs in here..."

"Natasha, you didn't have to stay."

"I did, I let you get hurt. I should have been covering you. If I had just done my job right, this wouldn't have happened. I-"

You grab her collar and pull her face to yours. Your lips meet and her eyes widen, but it doesn't take long before she melts into you. Her hands grasp your cheeks as you pull away.

"It's not your fault."

You move over to make room and she finds a comfy spot beside you. She wraps an arm around you and tells you to rest while she goes to get a nurse. You drift off to sleep in no time, knowing that when you wake up again Nat will be there, she always was.

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