WRONG SIDE OF HYDRA PART 2 (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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warning: the word pissed is used. I also just used a random name for the doctor and a random ten words as a trigger.

*3 months later*

The feeling of someone's shoulder digging into your stomach was enough to wake you from your sleep. Gun shots were ringing in your ears. Fighting in every direction. What is happening? The rumbling of voices breaking through the shots being fired.

"Sam! Come on we need to go." Who's Sam?

"Yeah, okay, Robocop I'm coming."

You heard the man carrying you grunt. He pulled out his weapon and shot the men in front of him as he continued running towards the hole in the wall. When did that get there? Your head was jumbled, each thought colliding with another. You had no idea what was going on. You took in the sight of what looked like a jet in front of the building. You got closer and closer and as you both approached it a man with... metal wings...came down from the roof. Oh dear, they really did a number on me this time. You could feel your body grow tired despite being awake for only a few minutes. You were placed down on a row of chairs carefully.

"Go back to sleep Y/N. We're a long way from the compound yet."

How did they know your name? And what compound? Luckily for them, you were too tired to question them and you fell into a deep slumber once again.


S.H.I.E.L.D. have been holding you here for the past few weeks, waiting for a specialist doctor to come in and assess your injuries. You were growing bored, and fast.

"Come on Natalia, just let me out for a little bit." You pleaded.

"I can't do that as much as I want to."

"I am sick of staring at the same walls Nat; how long does it take for a doctor to come and tell everyone I'm fine..." you huffed.

"I know this is hard Y/N but it's for your own good."

You scoffed, "My own good? Yeah right. I can handle myself."

She stayed silent and looked towards her feet. She pulled over a chair and sat in front of the glass panels keeping you both apart.

"Look... Once doctor whatever his name is has been and cleared you," she says pointedly, "then you'll be let out. Fury said he'd be here in a few hours anyway. So, sit tight. Everything will be fine." She stands up and puts her hand against the glass. You put yours against hers and gave her a defeated smile.


You're sitting reading a book with your feet propped up on the desk in your cell when you hear the doors whoosh open. Two pairs of footsteps approach you.

"Miss Y/L/N. This is Doctor Ubel. He is here to check up on you."

Ubel sits across the desk from you and Fury leaves, closing the door behind him. You look up from your book and your brows furrow. He looks familiar.

"Are you alright Miss Y/L/N?"

You close your book and fold your arms. Your head tilting slightly as you glance over him.

"Is that not your job to find out Doctor?"

"I suppose so."

He grabs his bag and pulls out a red leather journal, a star pressed into the center. Your eyes widen slightly, and you look out to see if anybody is around. But there's no one. Not Nat. Not Fury. Nobody. He chuckles darkly.

"You know Soldat, I thought the security here would be a lot better. I guess they just aren't that worried about you."


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