WRONG SIDE OF HYDRA (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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"Я всегда готов." - I'm always ready

"Зимнийсолдат." - Winter Soldier

Warning: the translations are from google so sorry if they are wrong.  

Your shoes tapped against the tiled floor as you made your way through the building you worked in. You were currently on your way to meet the other soldier you had been told about, he was to be your new partner. You were an assassin of sorts, killing people you were told to kill; but you weren't paid. You were shocked, tortured, and abused until you succumbed to their instructions. You had learned sooner rather than later that instead of trying to escape if you wanted your life, you would be better off pretending. So that's what you did.

You made your way into the room he was being held in; your body being scanned for any weapons as you entered. They could never trust you too much at HYDRA. Your boss turned and clapped his hands together.

"Ah Soldat, how nice of you to join us."

"I didn't really have a choice did I?"

He chuckles and tuts at you, "You're a clever one. I want you to meet Mr. Pierce, he will be collecting your next mission report."

You nod and instead look over at the man in the metal chair, his arms and legs are strapped down, a guard in his mouth. He looked lost.

"He remembered something didn't he?" you asked knowingly.

"There is nothing for him to remember, you will be sure to keep that in mind also..."

You walk up to him and hold your palm against his cheek, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear.

"What's his name?" you face back towards Pierce.

"We call him the Winter Soldier, that's as much as you need to know."

You stare at him, trying to figure out if who you are looking at is the Winter Soldier or whoever he was before. You hold eye contact with him, waiting for anything to help you understand. Then it appears, as they move the machine into place over his face, the fear in his eyes screams at you. You put your hand in his metal one, running your thumb over his scratched knuckles.

"You know your hair is pretty long, I reckon you'd look good with it short."

You turn and walk past your boss towards the exit, grabbing your mission intel from his hands as you go. As you flip through the pages, skimming over the words; Avengers, Hard Drive, Romanoff, Falcon, Classified, Steve Rogers...his screaming echoes through the hall as it always does, the buzz of the electricity making your hairs stand up. He knew them.


You strapped the holster to your thigh and slid your gun in, securing it with the strap, you then arrange the ammo you needed and put it in each of the pockets of your vest. You check yourself over in the mirror and get yourself ready for today. You and the Winter Soldier were to stop Captain America and Black Widow and, in the end, get to Nick Fury. You made your way to the garage to see that he was already there.

"You ready?" you asked grabbing your motorcycle helmet from the shelf, quickly picking up the small syringe you had hidden underneath as well.

"Я всегда готов."

You set yourself atop of your bike, fitting your helmet onto your head, sneaking a glance at your partner every so often. The doors rose and you both set off towards your target.


You had taken a few punches, nothing you couldn't handle, and had shot through your first 3 rounds of ammo. SHIELD agents were good, but you were better. A flash of red catches your attention. The Soldier currently had his hand gripped around Captain America's shield, his mask laying abandoned on the concrete beside him. People looked on from the side lines, the fear they had as they were running away seemingly forgotten. You watched as Steve stumbled back a few steps.

"Come on Bucky. You know me..." So that's his name.

"You're my mission." Bucky moved towards him, fists clenching at his sides as he dropped the shield.

You look around. She should be here. Noticing the swarm of agents heading your way you ran towards the two men. An impact from your right sending you to the ground, the breath being knocked out of you. You turned onto your back and stared up at the figure standing over you.

"Natalia." You huffed out.

"Was kicking me really necessary?"

"Had to make sure you were you know...you." She reached a hand to you and pulled you to your feet.

"I see you're still on the wrong side of HYDRA Y/N...they won't be happy you know."

"When are they ever, Nat? You'll help him though won't you?" you asked, focussing back on the fight that's taking place several feet away.

"Of course."

"Well let's go."

You both run over to Steve and Bucky, neither of whom seem to be backing down.

"Зимний солдат." Bucky looks at you whilst Nat pulls Steve away.

"What are you doing?!"

"Your hair is pretty long, I reckon you'd look good with it short."

His eyes glaze over, he whips his head towards Steve.

"The man from the bridge..." he whispers.

You reach into your pocket and walk up to him, your hand smoothing over his hair. His eyes widen as you pierce the syringe into his neck. His eyes droop shut, and Steve reaches out to catch him.

"See you soon Bucky."


They had left a half-hour ago, but you were standing there still. Waiting and waiting, the tell-tale sign of gunfire alerting you that your boss was on his way and in a hurry. You didn't look back though; you didn't have to. You heard a van door slam open and a thud as someone jumped out.

"Soldat." You hum.

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?" you ask dumbly.

He grabs your face and pulls you close to him, your legs buckling sending you to your knees as he does.

"WHERE IS HE?!" he spits out.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

Just a few more moments and he'd do what he always does, or what he gets other people to do anyway. After all, it was never his hands that got dirty. The familiar sound of buzzing puts a smirk on your face.

"What's so funny, soldat, hmm?"

"You are just so predictable. We've been through this before, I mean how do you manage to lose two of your best soldiers? First Natalia and now Bucky, I mean that's impressive."

"I think we both know how they got away." He crouched in front of you, looking straight at you.

"And it's not going to happen again."

He stood and nodded towards the agents standing by him. They crowd around you and as they force their tasers against your skin but you don't let the smirk fall from your face. You lock your sight on him, your body tensing up.

"I'll kill you one day." You force out.

He just chuckles as he gets back into the van, your body finally giving in and collapsing against the ground. Your eyes close and you feel them throw you against the cold metal floor of the vehicle. The starting of the engine is the last thing you hear before you pass out. 

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