WE MEET AGAIN (Colin Bridgerton x reader)

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Colin Bridgerton always said he wanted to travel. He had made that clear from the moment he knew he could. His mother was not as enthused but nevertheless was happy her son found something he was passionate about pursuing. And soon enough, after Daphne had married and settled into life, he made his way to Greece. From there we went to Croatia and after that he found himself in countries like Italy and Montenegro experiencing all that life had to offer. The only downside? He had no one to share it with. Yes, he made friends along the way, but he couldn't bring them with him. That was until he reached Venice, the city of romance. How cliché it all was. In what world does somebody manage to meet a person so amazing and find out they were returning home, to the same city a few days later. Colin struggled to contain his surprise when he bumped into you. You were gorgeous. Your hair framed your face perfectly, the dress you were wearing wrapped around your body as though it was made with you in mind. He could not take his eyes off you as you stumbled through an apology about how you weren't looking where you were going. He just laughed.

"It is quite alright, Miss. It happens to everyone. I am just glad you bumped into me, as I would have hated to miss the chance to meet such a beauty."

Your cheeks may have already been pink due to the heat, however that did not stop them from darkening. You introduced yourselves to each other and started to walk through the streets of Venice admiring the buildings surrounding you. You both found pleasant company with each other and agreed that since you now both knew of each other you would arrange to meet upon your return to London. After several hours of constant conversation and laughter, you went your separate ways. He may have been excited to leave London but now he found himself counting down the days until he would be able to see you again.


You had returned to your home in London three days later, Colin still very much at the forefront of your mind. Your mother welcomed you home warmly and immediately started planning a party to celebrate your return. You knew this was her way of bragging to all the women in town about how you were now 'so experienced in life', that's what she'd always say before you had departed.

"Oh sweetheart, life has so much to offer! You must go and experience it before you settle down."

"I always wished I could travel."

"Tell me if Italy is as perfect as they say."

You could have sworn the only reason she encouraged you to go was so she could live vicariously through you. You loved traveling but a large part of you was glad you were back, home just has that feel that could not be replaced by the rivers, cathedrals, and other landscapes that you witnessed.

Your mother was soon restless with excitement as she gathered the staff to start arranging all the details. Your excitement was not for the party itself but rather who would maybe be there.


Not long after the party started, you found yourself speaking to Lady Danbury. She truly was a remarkable woman; she was even better company. You were discussing the nightlife in Greece when she suddenly looked over your shoulder and smirked.

"It seems a certain gentleman cannot stop looking this way, and I highly doubt it is because of me."

You turn in the direction she is looking and spot the man who had been occupying every one of your thoughts since the evening began. You turned back to face her, unable to hide the growing smile.

"It also seems as though you have no complaints about the matter, child," she laughs.

"Mr. Bridgerton and I crossed paths in Italy. I have been patiently waiting for our meeting since the moment we parted," you explain, wringing your hands together.

"Well, it is a good thing you have been looking forward to it because he is making his way over to you now. I shall leave you be, but please do find me later and inform me of what occurs," she winks as she heads towards Lady Bridgerton, most likely in the hopes of finding out if Colin has told her anything.

A hand gently taps your shoulder and you spin around to meet his eye.

"Mr. Bridgerton."

"Miss. Y/L/N. It is a pleasure to see you again," he admits.

"I must say the same, I can only tell so many stories about my travels so many times."

He chuckles, "I understand how you feel, every unmarried woman in this room is apparently so very interested in what I have to tell until I start speaking."

"And what is it you have been telling them?"

"That I was stung by a poisonous bug and now whomever I touch gets infected...it has severely declined the number of dances I have had to endure for the sake of my mother."

You laugh wholeheartedly at his revelation, "Oh my goodness, have they really believed you?"

"Yes, they really have."

"I was not aware so many women in this town were so gullible."

"What is it you have been telling the men that come your way? because I couldn't help but notice you haven't accepted a single offer tonight."

"Oh? Have you been admiring me all night then Colin?"

"Oh, no...I- just, I- um..."

"Calm down I jest, I jest."

He lets out an uneven breath and takes a sip of his drink. His nervousness easing.

"If you must know, there is only one person I would be willing to dance with tonight. Unfortunately, he has not yet asked me, and I fear he may not get the chance before his family leaves," you say as you take notice of his family gathering their belongings. His mother, however, is still very much in conversation with Lady Danbury. The latter looks towards you and nods subtly. What a woman she was.

"In that case he must make haste to do so," he places his drink on the table behind you both and offers you his hand.

"May I have this dance Miss Y/L/N/?"

"You may."

You both make your way towards the center of the room amongst the other couples of the evening and find comfort in each other's embrace. You could only hope the butterflies you felt in that moment were felt by him also. Your mother was looking upon the both of you proudly, having never seen such love in your eyes before. Lady Bridgerton looked at the scene and although she was aware of Colin's tendency to flirt with anybody and everybody, she knew you were different. They only hoped that by the end of the season there would be a wedding, one filled with complete adoration. Little did you all know, they would get exactly what they wished for. 

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