TO HAVE AND TO HOLD (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)

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Your wedding day was never something you had imagined a great deal growing up. The fuss made over the simple exchanging of vows didn't quite appeal to you as much as it did others. Your mother had not married for love, and those around you cared only for a man's pocket which meant your entire life had been spent readying yourself for a wealthy man's proposal when it was time for your debut. You had grown up alongside Daphne Bridgerton however, so despite the lack of romance shown in your home, you had been able to witness it through her family and through her relationship with Simon. You would never admit this to her but watching her fall in love with Simon made you wish you had someone to experience that with. You never would have imagined that the man you would be meeting at the end of the aisle would be her eldest brother...

You were currently standing staring at your reflection in the mirror, your gaze making its way over all the intricate details of your wedding gown. Your sleeves were adorned with beads, the bodice was layered with lace and your veil was tucked neatly into the updo you were sporting for the day. Your favourite part though, had to be the blue detailing that scattered down your veil, small clusters of pale blue flowers, made using the fabric from the gloves you had worn on your first outing with Anthony. You had found your something old and something blue within the one item. Everything else you were wearing was new of course, but the something borrowed? Well, it was currently decorating your neck. The delicate chain which held a small pearl was given to you by your father. It had been his mother's and before she passed, she had made him promise to give it to the woman he loved most in the world. He may not love your mother, but you...he loved you till the end of the earth which made the fact he had to give you away in little over a minute's time was crushing him.

"I always knew you would make a beautiful bride someday," your father tells you.

You smile at him and hold his hands.

"Thank you Papa."

As you embrace him in one last hug before you wed, your mother barges into the room.

"There you are sweetie, it's time," she makes her way towards you and starts fidgeting with your dress.

"My little girl marrying a lord! I always knew you would marry rich," she pats your cheek.

"Mama that is not why I am marrying Anthony..."

"Oh, don't be foolish, any other reason for this marriage is insignificant. Now, let us go. Your future husband awaits."

You watch as she leaves, stunned by her ignorance.

"Pay no mind to her dear, you know what your mother is like. But she is right, it is time to go," he rests your hand in the crook of his elbow and you make your way towards the chapel doors.

You take a deep breath, calming your nerves and as the soft melody from the piano starts so you do. You look towards the end of the aisle, your sight stuck on the man waiting there. His suit tailored to complement his broad shoulders, his hair sits perfect and the smile he is wearing is more stunning than any of the outfits in the room. Each step you take, you get closer to the one you love and the excitement builds within you. Your father kisses your cheek then moves to sit beside your mother.

You now stand in front of Anthony, your smile matching his own. Your hands find their place in his and the words from the officiant seem to fade into the background. All you can focus on is the way the light streaming through the window brightens his face, highlighting his features in a way that makes you weak in the knees.

"Have you both prepared vows?"

"Yes, we have," Anthony clears his throat while reaching into his coat pocket. He pulls out a piece of paper and begins to read.

"Y/N Y/L/N. From childhood until this moment, you have always been a part of my life and although at the beginning you were only Daphne's friend, I am utterly joyed that you will be leaving here today still as Daphne's friend," he chuckles airily.

"But also as my wife. Y/N I can assure you that there is not one single person walking this earth that could completely enamour me the way you do. The thought of being able to wake up beside you every day, the thought of making a home with you, starting a family with you makes me feel a way I do not believe I have ever felt before. I am excited, nervous, and so completely in love all at once. You, my love, have opened my eyes to what life truly means and because of that I will spend the rest of my days doing my best to show you the same."

He sniffles slightly and angles his head away from the spectators. He wipes a stray tear from his face and with a shaky breath lifts his head back to look at you.

"How can I compete with that," both families laugh as you joke.

"Anthony Bridgerton. As you and everyone here today knows, weddings have never been a priority for me. That was until I met you. From the very first moment I saw you I knew that my life would not be a life well-lived if I was not able to spend it with you. I have spent my life trying to figure out why people marry, when most of the people around you marry for gain it can be hard to break out of the same mentality. But then you watch your friend marry the love of her love and you wonder if maybe there is something else to it. Some people may call me foolish for this, but I truly cannot fathom spending another moment of my life not being your wife. I have loved you for the longest time Anthony and I promise to love you even more from now until forever," you choke up as you watch his eyes glaze over with unshed tears. Daphne smiles at you from the pews and winks in your directions. You giggle at her antics.

"Very well. Do you Anthony Bridgerton take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to be devoted to from this moment on?"

"I do."

"And do you Y/N Y/L/N take Anthony Bridgerton to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to be devoted to from this moment on?"

"I do."

You both exchange rings, hands trembling as you do.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Applause can be heard all around as Anthony dips you back, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. He brings you back up with him and you make your way up the aisle hand in hand, as husband and wife.


The celebration afterwards was wonderful. Everyone in the ton had made their way to the Bridgerton home to congratulate you and as much as you loved having everyone here you could not help but count down the minutes until the last person had gone home.

Daphne had arranged for her family to stay at Hastings House for a week or so as both you and Antony agreed that no matter how much you wanted to have a luxurious honeymoon away from home, there was too much to be done and you knew Anthony would be worried about it the second he stepped foot out of the door. Although having the entire house to yourselves was not the worst thing in the world.

You turned to face Anthony as the last party guest made their way out the front door. You closed the latch and turned the lock, only turning around when you hear the click. You both stare at each other, the only sound is that of your breathing. Anthony strolled towards you with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"We are finally alone..."

"That we are."

"Do you have any idea of what happens on one's wedding night?"

"I have an idea," you whisper as Anthony tugs on the ribbon securing your dress.

"How about I show you?"

He encloses your hand in his and drags you towards your new bedroom. He kicks the door closed behind you both and he pulls you in for a kiss...


Your wedding day was memorable for many reasons; you got to marry and finally kiss the man you have spent years being in love with, you got to feel what it was like to commit yourself to a person for the rest of your life and you got to share the most important day of your life so far with the people you hold dearest.

Your wedding night on the other hand was memorable for a whole other reason.

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