Chapter - 39 : Demon in Disguise

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"What Reva is back?" Divya shrieked in disbelief. She could not believe for a moment the words hit her eardrum.

"Mom why are you acting so strange? I mean what's a big deal in it?" Sahil could not understand sudden shriek from his mother. His mother was staring at him in bafflement.

"Strange! How can Anurag accept her back after her betrayal?" Divya rolled her eyes repugnantly.

"How do you know? I... I...mean who told you? Are you sure she is Reva?" Siddhant's sputtering earned every attention from Divya. She turned to look at her husband.

She observed him, sweat droplets had been formed on his forehead. His face had turned pale and he was breathing heavily. She could not understand reasons behind his shivering's. Terror and anxiety were clearly seen in his wide-open eyes. It was totally unexpected for her and her son.

"Dad, are you ok? What happened?" Sahil asked shifting his gaze between his parents.

"Sid why are you so hyper? And what do you mean if she is alive? Did you know about her?" Divya asked remembering his earlier words.

"Come on Divya did you fall on your head or what? What rubbish things are you talking about? How the hell I would know about her?" Siddhant yelled at Divya flinching her at her place.

It was for the first time in their 30 years of marriage he had used such a high tone on his wife. She looked at her husband in sheer shock. Sahil also jumped for a moment on his seat hearing seethed voice from the most humble person of their small family.

Siddhant drank his wine, in one gulp. He knew, he needed to gain control over his self. He conveniently masked his face with sombre expressions, "It is just shocking to hear about her return after a long time."

Divya nodded her head in agreement but kept her eyes on her husband's fretful face. 'Why is he so scared about her return?' thought created its home in her mind. Her eyes had not missed his agitated face over revelations.

"I asked you something Sahil." Siddhant demanded detailed explanation ignoring his wife's analysing stare.

"I don't know much but I needed keys of my bank locker which I forgot to carry from that home, so I asked Ramesh to get it. He informed that no servant is allowed to go upstairs without permission now a days as there is their Swara Bhabhi's mother who is facing deep depression and gets panic attack if she sees any new face." Sahil provided information casually which he got from his man, obviously fabricating some of the facts.

"Panic attacks? Seriously?" Divya derided passing mocked chuckle and continued scrunching her nose, "She left everyone in panic mode and now she is suffering from mental disorder. What an irony of life or should I say her own Karma."

Siddhant tried to concentrate on his dinner plate but the news his son gave took away his entire appetite. Reva's return to Maheshwari House means his doom. He tried his best to maintain his calm demeanor, but his mind was revolving around events happened 20 years back.

Post their dinner, somehow, he convinced his wife and stepped inside his study to have his self-time. He locked it from inside and slumped down on the nearby couch holding his head in his hands.

'Is she really Reva or Sahil is misunderstanding her with someone else? How come Reva is alive? She was supposed to be dead. Jaideep had confirmed news. How did Maheshwari's found her? And where? I should check with Ram for the authenticity of this news' Siddhant opened Ram's number from his recent call list.

'No but if Ram wanted, he would have surely informed me. We met almost every day in office, but he did not mention about this thing even a single time. Are they aware about what happened in the past? Reva is the only person who can connect them with our deep dark secrets. Did she blurt out everything and because of it Sanskar is behind us? No... if she would have... impact would have been much greater.' Siddhant shook his head in denial. His cruel mind was running with jet speed in all directions. News of Reva's return had shaken him from core. 'I need to know all details. Is she really Reva Mehra or any disguise?.' Siddhant called his son on his room's intercom.

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