Chapter - 15 : Business Rivals or Lovebirds?

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Swara had closed her eyes but she felt stream of tears on her cheeks. She felt warmness on her chubby cheeks, but her heart was filled with contentment.

Sanskar was experiencing pandemonium of emotions flooding in each ounce of body, the feeling of holding her close to his heart was giving him entirely new dynamics for his existence in this world.  He had encased her in his protective embrace feeling sheer amount of peace in his heart. It felt like for this one moment he took a birth in this world, he was breathing till now, he was yearning till date. In that one moment Sanskar wanted to live his entire life.

Swara was responding back equally devouring his warm and firm lips with her soft and trembling ones. She was clenching his jacket in her fist; she moved her palm from his arm towards back of his neck to caress his jet-black thick hairs. Her delicate fingers which were grazing over his hairs and nape were increasing his passion for her. Apprehending her ardent response Sanskar deepened their kiss by pushing his tongue inside savouring each corner of her mouth.

Swara willingly gave him access by taking one more step towards him, she stood on his feet to match with his height. Sanskar felt her weight on his feet he pulled her more on himself, tousling her long silky hairs and tightening his hold over her waist. His long fingers were tangled in her hairs, playing around with them making them haywire. Smooth, velvety touch of her hairs were intensifying his crave for her. His inciting, possessive, magisterial touch over her lips, hairs and on her back was resulted in Swara feeling extreme weakness in her knees, she tightened her grip over his neck and jacket.

Sanskar could felt her heavy breathing, he broke the kiss in the dire need of some air. He broke their kiss but not his hold on her. He touched his forehead with her still not opening his eyes. They both were panting heavily and were cherishing the moment of their life with closed eyes drowning in their own world of passion for each other. They stood stilled, none of them dared to break the silence and the peace they were experiencing.

Sanskar opened his eyes after some moments to catch her sight. She was still wrapped in his embrace holding his jacket in her fist with one hand and with other she was holding his shoulder blade. He could hear her deep breathing. She was looking as beautiful as morning dew, as innocent as newly born. His eyes were capturing her every feature not even blinking his eye lashes. He was scared if he blinked and if this dream got break then... Sanskar could not control himself, he raised his face to kiss her forehead cupping her serene face in his one palm.

Swara felt his warm lips on her forehead and her lips stretched in soft smile under his blissful touch. She opened her eyes to stare back at his. She raised her hand to held his cheeks. She briefly caressed his jawline with her delicate fingers, melting under his intense gaze. They both had lost their existence staring at each other, but then the realisation hit them hard.

Swara widened her eyes taking heavy gasp jerking back from him. For a moment Sanskar could not understand her disgruntlement, he raised his hand to hold her but Swara took one more step to back covering her mouth with palm. That moment Sanskar gained his sense and the recent proximity he shared with her. He looked at her in horrified expressions gulping audibly.

Swara opened her mouth to say something, but her vocal cords were not really supporting at that moment. She was gaping like a fish, but tears were rolling down over her cheeks. She could not understand her own broken heart, why it was yearning to hide in his embrace? Why it was craving for his touch? In one moment, she felt she was on top of the world but at the second she was thrown on the ground harshly wounding her soul.

"Shit" Sanskar muffled inaudibly. He turned to other side ruffling his hairs and gulping heavily with tightly closed eyes. It took few moments for him make his thumping heart understand that the intensity they shared was not a dream but the reality of his life. He felt sudden dryness in his throat, his heart was crazily beating inside his ribcage and was ready to break it to come out. He was well aware about Swara's muffled sobs, he suppressed his urge to wrap her again in his embrace to take away every pain. Without his realisation her tears had become his weakness, which can bring him on his knees.

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