Chapter - 30 : Game of Love

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Sanskar opened his eyes from deep slumber but was awestruck looking at his beautiful wife sleeping next facing him. It had been one week to his accident and he was being house arrest by his firecracker wife. He remembered how she threatened Neil other day when she observed them discussing about office work. Two days later she changed password of his mobile which was known only to her. He chuckled recalling their last day's banter when he almost pleaded her for password. She finally gave it to him putting condition that he would be using it only for any urgent issues.

He raised his left hand to shift her hair strand behind her ear which was disturbing his view of her peaceful face which gave relief to his heart. When his fingers brushed her cheeks, her lips automatically stretched in smile, 'Ohh god I can bring world upside down just for this one smile.'

It was for the first time after his accident he was seeing his wife sleeping peacefully, as now a days he was becoming used to get up late in mornings. In initial days, he was wondering how he could sleep without his sleeping pills and that too for this long but soon he realised it was all thanks to his wife, his love, his soulmate, his Swara.

He stretched his hand to take his mobile to check time, it was 7 am, which brought smile on his face. He took deep breath feeling relaxed and relief, he knew how sleep deprivation used to be taxing on him. Burning eyes, dark circles, tiredness, mental stress, continuous headache were the words going out of his life's dictionary now a days, engulfing him with soothing's and content feelings.

He slowly tried to remove her fist on his shirt sleeves not disturbing her sleep but the same moment Swara opened her eyes lazily. She blinked several times to adjust her vision, and the sight in front of her enriched her cheeks with cherry red colour. She was sleeping too close to Sanskar, who was staring at her intently. She swiftly removed her hold from his sleeves not meeting her eyes with his.

"When did you wake up?" Swara asked in low whisper trying to get up from bed to avoid his early morning intense gaze.

"Just now" Sanskar replied in soft tone still lying on bed and looking at her back.

"Good Morning" Swara wished getting out of bed.

"Good Morning" Sanskar greeted back not moving his eyes from her actions.

As usual Swara helped him with his morning routine, he still had plaster on his right hand but rest other injuries were now almost fixed.

As per doctors since he had hair line fracture his plaster could be removed after two weeks of his accident, but he had list of instructions to be followed.

"Swara I have to go to office today. There is an important meeting. I cannot miss it. Please allow me my lady" Sanskar pleaded to his wife who was buckling his shirt buttons.

Swara did not reply anything but just rolled her eyes and concentrated on her work, every day he came up with new reason to escape from his house arrest.

"Should I take silence as YES?" Sanskar scrunched his eyebrows pressing his lips to supress his chuckle.

"Dare you Sanskar" Swara passed death glare.

"Atleast you should understand, you are also a businesswoman" Sanskar became crabby by now. It was for the first time in his life time he was locked up in home for one entire week.

"I had heard Maheshwari Business House is very tech savvy organisation but looks like it was just a rumor" Swara responded mockingly rolling her eyes.

"What?" Sanskar could not understand.

"Don't you guys have any Microsoft Teams or Skype of Business software for internal organisation wide communication? That's such a surprise Mr. Maheshwari" Swara replied in no-nonsense tone. Sanskar was amazed by now how every time she came up with ideas and new solutions to jeopardise his escape plans.

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