Chapter - 21 : Confused Minds

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Post breakfast, Sujata was looking after arrangements for Muh-Dikhai function where as Swara and Uttara was trying to help her. Swara was restricted by her mother in law as she was newly wedded bride.

Sanskar was in downstairs study with his father and Siddhant Uncle discussing about their upcoming deals and attending his meetings.

Lunch was also silent affair at Maheshwari House, all thanks to Divya. She did not even bother to greet any member of her brother's family. She finished her lunch went back to her room keeping her head high. Her nonchalant attitude over Sujata's declaration about Muh-Dikhai function formed creased on everyone's forehead but they ignored her thinking to give her space.

Swara had couple of meetings post lunch which she was attending from her room sitting on armchair. Sanskar was with his father and uncle discussing about upcoming West Bengal Hugli Dam Project Phase -2.

After Sanskar's discussions, he returned back to his room to get one pen drive from his safe which had important documents which he needed to review before his next meeting. He turned the knob of his room's door to open, when he heard Swara's melodious yet sharp voice.

Swara was attending one conference call over MS Teams, "Mr. Bensky how much percentage of return on investment we can expect. I need to know for..." Swara halted in between when she realised Sanskar's presence in the room. He was moving towards dressing room as his electronic safe was inside his walk-in closet.

"Mam, it will be around 7% of ..." Sanskar could not hear after as Swara swiftly put her speakers on mute also muting herself. She did not want him to know about her company secrets they were discussing on the call. 'He is still my rival in business world.' Swara turned her gaze to other side with creased forehead.

"I am sorry. I did not know you were on the call else I would not have disturbed you." Sanskar raised his eyebrows and replied in meek voice. He pressed his lips looking at her pissed off expressions, he felt it was worth watching. He paused and then explained shrugging his shoulders, "I just need to get one pen drive from safe and then I will be away."

Swara flared her nose buds in annoyance with furrowed forehead still not meeting her eyes with his. 'How could I forget that he is at home? And this is his room.'

Sanskar moved towards dressing room after passing quick glance at her while shaking his head. He took out what he needed from safe and started moving towards exit door of their room

He observed Swara from corner eyes, she had already put on her EarPods and was concentrating on her Mac Screen for the meeting. She was looking at his footsteps which were moving towards door. When he was out of the room, she left deep breath and concentrated back on her discussion with her team.

Sanskar came out of the room and closed door. There was a bright grin on his face remembering her antics. 'How can someone look so cute and adorable even if she was irritated like hell.' He was smiling closing his eyes, he moved towards stairs to go downstairs.

Sujata observed her son from far, his smile filled her heart with content feelings.

Soon, it was late afternoon and Sujata was making Swara ready for the ritual. Swara was dressed in Orange and Pink Anarkali. Sujata made her wear simple yet elegant diamond, ruby neckpiece along with matching earrings and maang tikka.

"Beta where is your Mangalsutra?" Sujata asked hesitantly. She had observed Swara's neck from next day of their marriage. It was not adorned with black beads thread, even her hairline was empty.

Sujata was not an orthodox or narrow-minded woman, instead she was open minded, independent and modern lady. She believed if you have feelings and respect for your relations then these symbols would become inessential, if you don't have respect for this relation in your heart then these would only become burden on oneself. She had never forced or asked Swara to wear those marital symbols. She sensed that her daughter in law still needed time to accept this marriage and she would never strain her daughter for anything which would be against her will.

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