Chapter - 27 : Trip to the past

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Swara slumped down on floor at her place being life less. She felt her heart stopped beating and her body became soulless with each step he was taking away from her. He was taking her soul with him. She opened her mouth to call him, to stop him but she gaped like fish, words did not find her voice. Her vision became blurred due to fresh tears. She did not dare to blink; thinking he might turn back to her in any moment. She wanted to run to him to make him stop. She wanted to wrap her arms around him. She wanted to cry her heart out hiding herself in his protective embrace.

"Sanskar please stop...don't go...don't leave me alone. Please" She mumbled when he was out of her sight. She started sobbing pulling her knees near her chest and burring her head in them. Pain was unbearable for her; it was becoming difficult for her breath with every passing moment with out him. Today she realised how much incomplete she was without him. He ruled over her soul, her existence, every ounce of her body.

Sanskar stopped near stairs and took deep breath. He took a step forward to descend stairs; tears were rolling on his cheeks. He was undefeatable but today he had accepted his loss. He was angry at himself for ruining her life because of his wrong judgements. He was burning inside seeing his wife with his creep brother. He knew, she was pushing herself in hell for his deeds, he wanted to stop her but at this moment he needed some time for himself to find equilibrium for his mental and emotional state. He was tired and exhausted fighting this battle every day. He wanted to sort out himself before confronting and discussing about their so-called forced marriage. He wiped his tears and moved towards parking for his car.

Next morning, bright sunlight from opened curtains spread in their room. Swara opened her eyes blinking for a moment to adjust her vision with bright sunlight. She realised she was sleeping on the floor and that's when last night's encounter with Sanskar replayed in front of her burning and swollen eyes.

It was first time after her marriage when curtains were opened allowing bright sun rays in their room. 'He did not close it today. He must be in garden.'

She got up immediately and went to garden to check on him. This had become her routine from day one after her marriage with Sanskar. Her lips used to stretch in small smile staring at Sanskar's peaceful face early in the morning when he used to work in garden. Her eyes roamed over all corners of the garden but today, he was not there which stabbed her heard with hundred needles.

'Where is he?' She scrunched her eyebrows and turned to go inside. She quickly got freshen up to go downstairs to look for him. She was trying to make her anxious mind understand that he would have returned back home after calming his mind.

She had decided to clear his misunderstanding, last night she had seen his eyes, they were mirror of his broken heart. Even though, she had forced herself in this marriage and wanted to take her revenge for his actions but in her wildest of her dreams also she never thought to cheat on him. She never believed in love and marriages after experiencing worst marriage of her parents, but she knew values and honor of this pious relation. When she got married with Sanskar, she knew she was committed to him for her life. She wanted to destroy him, his ego, tarnish his reputation, bring him on his knees but at the same time she never wanted to be disloyal to this relation.

After getting ready, she came downstairs for breakfast but her eyes were roaming around each corner of the home in hope to get one glance of Sanskar but he was nowhere to be seen. She was greeted by Ram and Sujata when she entered inside dining hall. They both exchanged look when they did not receive any response from Swara. She was lost in her own world.

"Swara... good morning Beta" Sujata wished her again.

"Hmm... haan Mom Good Morning. When did you come back?" Swara asked looking at duo passing fake smile.

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