Chapter 7

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-Armin POV-

I hurt Nora… I really hurt her… ‘Of course I want to see the sea with her… I wanted to see everything with her… but..’

“Nora, wait” I said, she pulled me with her and suddenly she stopped in her tracks. She looked me straight in the eyes. It was then that I was reminded again how beautiful she was. The way her dark silver hair makes her blue eyes stand out…

“There are Titan’s everywhere. You can’t jump and carry me on your back” I said and she rolled her eyes.

“I said, let’s go. No arguing” she said and pulled me with her again.

‘Please… don’t do this. It’s not going to work! Enough people have died on my account’ At that moment I heard the strange Titan roar… and it gave me an idea…

-Nora POV-

“No! Hold on, I’ve got an idea” said Armin.
“What is it?” I asked.

“Only you two are capable of pulling this off. So it’s really your choice. This may seem crazy but… I think he might be useful” he explained. And I swear, my jaw literally fell to the floor.

“Please don’t tell me you mean the Titan” I whispered.
“Yes, the Titan. He only attacks its own kind. He seems to have no interest in us. What if we can somehow steer him to HQ and let him lose on the other Titans. Look, we know he’s taken at least one out already. We can use him as a weapon” Armin explained.

“Okay, so how are we suppose to steer that thing?” I asked.
“Something tells me he’s fighting on instinct. I’m almost sure if you take down the peer he’s tangling with now, he’ll look for others. That will lead him straight to HQ. We’re not so much steering him as luring him. I think it’ll work, I really do” he said and looked me straight in the eyes.

“Fine, that way we may get all out of this alive. But we’ll really look like idiots if we screw this up” I sighed.
“Yeah, but if we don’t. Look at how many lives we stand to safe” said Armin.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Nora, you can carry Armin, right?” asked Mikasa.
“Was planning on it” I said. We started running. I took Armin in my arms while flying right behind Mikasa.

“Maybe we should have switched places” he said and I laughed.
“A bit late for that don’t you think. Besides, you don’t weigh that much. I’m good” I said and flew us through the air. He held on tight with his arms around my neck.

“Hold on tight, Armin. We’re gonna crash” I said and we flew through the window. We stumbled and Armin fell right on top of me.

‘Oh boy’ I thought when I realised our faces were super close to each other.
“I’m sorry” said Armin, his ears were a little red. He helped me up and I chuckled.

“No problem” I noticed Jean, some of our fellow cadets made it. “Hey Jean. Look, we found a very special Titan that’s gonna save all of us”

“Wait, you mean like fighting fire with fire?” asked another cadet.
“A Titan is not gonna help us. Did you hit your head Nora, or did you finally go crazy?” said Jean.

“Hey, it is working” said Mikasa. “For whatever reason he’s rampaging against them. Stand back and let him do it. Trust us, you’ll see”

“Either way, what choice do we have? Right now, that thing is our best chance at surviving” I said.
We gathered up and got away from the windows.

“Good news!” said Jean and he came in carrying guns. “Curtesy of the Military Police, and covered with a layer of dust”

“We’re looking at 7 Titans in the supply room of the 4 meters tall variety. If we time this perfectly, this much ammo ought to be enough to do the trick” said Armin, he had come up with a plan. “Step one, we lower a group into the area by a lift to get the Titan’s attention. Step two, when the Titans come withing range, the group fires in all four directions simultaneously, blinding them. Then the hard part, the moment of truth as it were. Before the Titans have time to recover, 7 of us swoop down from the ceiling and strike their vital regions. That’s it, that’s the plan. It puts all our lives on the line. We screw up, we’re dead. That’s one hell of a risk for one attack, but it’s our only chance. 7 people have to slay 7 Titans in one blow at the same time. We’re gonna need the best of you. The soldiers most physically gifted with the depth of their pairing blades. You’ll be the difference between life and death for the rest of us. I’m sorry, that’s how it is”

“Seems like a sound plan” said Reiner.
“Way to put pressure on us Armin” I said and smiled.

“Look, I’m willing to be talked out of this. One half baked strategy can’t be our only option” said Armin, he began to doubt himself again.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Armin” I said. “For our only option, it’s pretty well thought out”

“Nora is right, if we give it our all, we might just pull it off” said Marco.

“We’re gonna be fine. You just have to be confident. You’re a better strategist than you give yourself credit for” said Mikasa, which made Armin startle. “I’m serious. That mind saved Eren and me more than once”

“When did I ever save you? That’s not…” began Armin but the elevator was ready.
“You didn’t realise it at the time, we can talk about it later” said Mikasa.

I was walking away when Armin suddenly grabbed my wrist. “Nora, wait”
I looked at him and he squeezed my wrist. “I’m really sorry. For making you think our promise doesn’t mean a thing for me. When the truth is, it means everything to me too” he said and that made my heart skip a beat.

“Good, that’s all I wanted to know” I said and touched his hand. “I’ll see you soon”


I got in my position to slay the Titan.
The lift was getting down and all the Titans got close to the people on the lift. They all aimed and then fired at the same time.

“Now!” I shouted and we all jumped to slay the Titans. I got mine and saw that Mikasa got hers too.
I looked at Sasha and Conny, they missed.

“Sasha and Conny missed!” I shouted.
The Titan attacked Sasha, but she jumped away in time. The Titan fell, I jumped on it and sliced its neck.

“Nora!” she screamed and hugged me. “You saved my life!”
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Because of you I am!” she said and hugged me tighter.

“Okay, you can let go now” I said and laughed.
I saw that Annie got the Titan Conny missed.
“They’re all dead! Start loading up supplies!” I shouted.

“Marry me” said Reiner and we all began to laugh.
“My answer is still no, Reiner” I laughed. “Your timing does always suck, you know that”

“Got to take every chance I get, Nora” he said and I rolled my eyes.
We all filled up our gas tanks, got new gas and blades.
‘We’re gonna be okay…’

We all got outside, I noticed that Mikasa stayed on the rooftop and I stood next to her.
Armin, Reiner, Berthold, Jean and Annie followed.

We saw the ‘Good’ Titan get eaten by its kind…
“This may sound stupid, but I was hoping he’d be the key for us. He’d help break the circle, help mankind” said Mikasa.

“She’s right” said Reiner. “He’s too valuable to just let die, there’s too much we can learn from him. We should ward the scavengers off him, he’s no good to us picked apart”

“Are you out of your mind? We’ve got a path out of this nightmare and you wanna stay?” said Jean.
“Think about it, having an abnormal as an ally would be an incredible advantage, right?” said Annie.

“Do you hear yourself? He’s not like a new friend!” said Jean.
Armin looked at a Titan that was approaching and gasped. “Oh no! It’s the one that ate Thomas!”

The ‘Good’ Titan shook off the Titans on him and attacked the Titan that killed Thomas with no hands, just his mouth… he tore its neck to shreds…
The ‘Good’ Titan fell down on the ground, but steam was getting out of its neck…

And suddenly… Eren came out of it…
Mikasa went down and hugged him tightly, while crying.
We all went down and got him on a rooftop.
“He’s alive…” I whispered to myself. ‘Eren is a Titan?’

The Grey Angel (Attack on Titan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now