Chapter 39

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-Nora POV-

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I became surprisingly calm... My hands were steady and I saw everything clearly.
"Oh no, one of those houses in the sky. One of them could be yours. Right, Eren. How does it feel to have your own roof over your head again? Get it?" laughed Conny and I smacked him hard on the back of his head.

"It doesn't look like Berthold knows our location" said Mikasa.
"You're right, he's just gathering debris to turn Shiganshina into a sea of flames" said Armin.
His hands were trembling and I sat down in front of him, holding his hands.

"Jean?" said Armin and looked at him. "Can you take over for me?"
"What?" said Jean.
"I don't know what to do. I'm worried I'll screw up. I made the mistake we could talk to Berthold and look where it got us! Please, Jean. You're better suited for this" said Armin.

"Move! Make for the river! Everybody aboard Eren! Conserve your gas!" shouted Jean and we did what he asked. "Eren. At some point, we'll have to get Berthold's attention. But, until then, we need to stay out of sight. Hey, Armin. I'm alright with judgement calls. But I don't have some genius plan to get us out of this. In the end, you're the one we're gonna be counting on"

"Yell at him, Eren! We can't let Berthold get any closer to the wall!" shouted Jean.
Eren screamed, it almost made me deaf...
But Berthold ignored him and kept going for the wall.

"Well, that plan was a bust. I don't really like being ignored" I said. "We can't let him get there. Jean, any other ideas?"
"Eren! Tackle that jerk's legs!" shouted Jean and Eren began to run.

"Hang on! Do we actually have a plan for this?" shouted Conny.
"With that steam he's emitting, he can make our ODM-gear useless" said Sasha.
"You think I don't know that? I'm well aware, but we have to give it a try anyway. We can figure out his weaknesses as we fight" said Jean.

"I can kill him, you just keep him distracted" said Mikasa. "Conny, give me your thunder spear"
"Listen Armin. Odds are we're still gonna need a plan from you. So stop moping and observe him from afar" said Jean. "We have to believe we can win this!"

Eren ran towards Berthold and we all scattered away from him.
Eren grabbed his leg, it seemed like he was pushing it back. But, Berthold just kicked him away, making him land on the wall.

"Eren!" screamed Mikasa. "He's not moving"
"He's still alive, though" said Jean.
"I'll check up on him, don't worry" I said and took off on the wall.

I landed next to Eren and looked down at the other side. The houses in front were completely destroyed... All of our remaining soldiers were close to the wall.
'What the hell happened here?'

I saw my father and he looked up. "Eleanor!" he shouted and I quickly went down.
"What's the situation on the other side?" asked the Commander.

"Hange and her squad were caught in the blast. Levi squad survived, we're trying to deal with the Colossal Titan right now. I tried talking to Berthold, but he didn't want to listen..." I said.

"What about the Armoured Titan?" asked the Commander.
"I don't know. Hange and her squad went to finish him off, but I don't know if they did, or if Reiner survived the blast. We've been a bit busy with another huge problem in case you didn't notice!" I shouted and pointed at Eren.

"Elly, calm down. Go back on the wall and help your friends" said dad and touched my shoulders.
"I am calm, dad. I am surprisingly calm" I said and went back on the wall.

Berthold was still getting closer, the plan must've been a bust...
Armin came to the wall and looked at me.
"Let me guess, plan was a bust?" I asked and he nodded.

The Grey Angel (Attack on Titan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now