Chapter 20

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-Armin POV-

“Armin!” I heard Nora scream, I saw her flying next to me. I grabbed her hand and held on tight to her.

‘I can’t believe this…’ I thought. Eren transformed in the hand of Reiner.
Berthold began to move on of his hands back.

“Move, everyone!” shouted Hange. We all jumped off the wall and used our ODM-gear to hang onto the wall.
Berthold threw Ymir and another soldier in his mouth.

“No, this isn’t happening” said Sasha.
“How can Berthold…” I began, I noticed Nora staring at them. Her face looked pale and her head seemed elsewhere.

“Soldiers!” shouted Hange, making Nora look at her. “Prepare to attack! The Colossal Titan doesn’t walk away from this! Swarm and terminate!”
We all began to move. Luckily for us, size made Berthold slow.

But, suddenly he began to emit smoke, making our hooks go out off him and making us unable to get close to him.
“He’s vanishing” said Hange.

“I don’t know” I said. “Something’s different here. The last time he disappeared it was more instantaneous. He’s maintaining his form to emit heat. I think he’s protecting himself”

Nora tried to hook her hooks into Berthold, but because of the steam, the hook was blown away.
“You’re right. As long as he generates steam, our rigs are useless. So, what do we do?” she asked.

“Now, nothing. Except wait” said Hange. “Squad 3 and 4 take position behind the target. Squad 2 stay put. How long he can act like that remains to be seen. But he’ll run out of air eventually. When he does, we’ll rush the big bastard. Listen up. I want you forget about taking them alive. Destroy them, no second thoughts”

She looked at me and Nora. “You two are with me. Squad one, look alive. We’ve got a date with the Armoured Titan”
Nora stood still, I took her hands. They were ice cold…

“How… how could they? I don’t get it. How could anyone…” she whispered.
“I don’t know. But right now, we need to help Eren dealing with Reiner” I said.

“You’re right. Let’s go” she said and we left to follow Hange.
Mikasa tried to cut Reiner, but his armour was unbreakable.
Eren was knocked down quickly by Reiner. But he stood back up.

“No!” I shouted. “Back down! You can’t win in a fist fight! Make a break for the wall! Eren, please! Don’t be rash!”
Eren began to scream.

“Oh shit” said Nora.
“He’s blinded by rage” said Hange.
But, he managed to tackle Reiner down…
“What the hell is he doing?” asked a soldier.

“Holy crap” I said. “That’s Annie’s technique”
He managed to break Reiner’s arm off.
Nora and I went to the ground, to Mikasa.

“He did it” she said.
“Eren! Can you hear me?” I shouted. Eren looked at us. “Run away! You’ve got to get closer to the wall! They’re trying to abduct you! We can’t let them do that! Trust me! Escape is our best option!”

“You say that” said Nora and looked at Reiner. “But, Armin. They’re not just gonna let us leave”
“The three of you! Fall back, now!” shouted an officer.

We took off to the wall, and soon Eren followed us.
“Nice one, Eren! Good call!” shouted the officer.
“Looks like he’s in control again” said Mikasa.

“Yeah, but Reiner isn’t just gonna let him go. Nora’s right, escape is impossible” I said.
Hange landed on Eren. “Listen up, Eren. If we’re gonna get you out of here, you’ve got to buy us some time. Stop Reiner dead in his tracks. Think you can manage to break off one of his legs with another one of those joint holds? Our blades don’t do much good against him. He can’t be outmuscled but he can be outsmarted if you play it right” she said and Eren nodded, making Hange smile.

“Hange, snap out of it” said Nora.
“Mikasa, take my blades” I said and gave her my spare ones. “I want you to use them”
“Armin!” I heard Nora shout. I looked at Reiner, suddenly he began to run faster.

Reiner had Eren on the ground.
“Don’t let him pin you! Get up!” I shouted.
“Throw him!” shouted Mikasa.
“We’re utterly useless” said a soldier.

“No, his body isn’t completely armour. He couldn’t be as fast if that was the case. Warriors used to sheet themselves in armour. Way back in the olden days. They had to leave certain sectors uncovered for freedom of movement. Like the armpits and joints, or the spot behind the knee” said Hange.
Eren managed to hold Reiner. Trying to rip his head off.

Suddenly I saw grey hair fly by me.
“Nora?” I shouted.
She yelled and went down to Reiner and slashed one of his legs, the spot behind the knees. Which made one leg useless.

“Nice cut!” said Hange.
Nora landed on a tree, she couldn’t get back, unless she went through the fight again.

The armour around the neck was slowly breaking.
“You’ve got this!” I shouted.
Reiner began to drag himself a bit further.
“What is he... ?” I asked.

“Hah, good luck pal” said a soldier.
But Reiner suddenly stopped. “What’s he doing? Why would he stop here?” I wondered and looked up. He had stopped right under Berthold.
Reiner yelled…

“Everyone, be on guard! He’s calling for backup!” shouted Hange.
“No visual on any incoming Titans yet” said an officer.
“It’s almost off!” shouted a soldier.
“Above you!” screamed a soldier. “Look out!”

Berthold was falling down… when he made contact to the ground, we were all blown away. Mikasa protected me, shielding me from the debris.
I heard Nora scream and my eyes went wide open.

I looked down and saw that Reiner bit the neck of Eren, getting him inside his mouth. Berthold took Ymir and landed on Reiner. But, Reiner kneeled down, and took a lifeless Nora off the ground, picking her up and running away with her.
“Nora!” I screamed.

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