Chapter 15

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-Nora POV-

Armin had his arms wrapped around my waist, and I could actually feel his breathing in my neck. I was still worried about him, since he hit his head…

They told me what had happened with the Female Titan, and I was angry at myself for not being there…
‘Thank god none of them got killed… why did I have to relay that message? I should’ve been there…’

“I’ll just say it. I’m glad we survived, but heading back after only an hour. Nothing to be proud of if you ask me” said Jean. “While we’re on the subject, is anybody curious why she’s headed away from the command squad?”

We saw green smoke… “What the hell? Green smoke?” I said.
“Looks like we’re not heading back after all, just changing course” said Armin.

“That doesn’t make any sense. Is Commander Erwin out of his mind?” asked Jean.
“Any one of us has the authority to declare the mission failed. Why isn’t anyone speaking up?” asked Reiner. “Is the command squad too far ahead to see their signals?”

“Possibly” said Armin. “But either way, I think our course is clear”
“Let’s just assume Command’s got this” I said and fired off the green smoke signal.


We arrived at a forest… we were ordered to go around it.
“You’re kidding me, are we on a sightseeing tour now or what? How much further do they want us to stray off course? This is ridiculous” said Jean.

“Bizarre… but so be it” said Armin.
“Commander Erwin must have something in mind” I said.
“Perhaps the situation forced him to improvise” said Armin.

“That gives me a lot of confidence. Maybe he’s looking for a nice shady spot to throw all the rookies a celebratory picknick” said Jean.
“I rather doubt that” said Armin and I chuckled.

“Lighten up. The point is, I’m praying that he doesn’t intent for us to camp here. Not with that Female Titan on our ass. We’d be sitting ducks. He’s got to know that. Yeah, you’re right. We’re just passing through to somewhere else. No one in their right mind would make a stop here” said Jean.

“All soldiers halt!” we heard an officer shout and we stopped in front of him. “Alright rookies, listen up! We’re assuming intercept passion within the trees. If any Titan tries to enter the forest, stop them whatever it takes”
“You had to jinx it, didn’t you?” I whispered to Jean.

“Excuse me, sir. What exactly…” began Jean.
“I’ve given you an order!” shouted the officer and went up in the trees.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” asked Jean.

‘Remember… Captain Levi and the others have a plan… trust them…’
We were up in the trees, and Jean was going on about how unfair this all is.
And he had a point, not even the one giving us orders knew what was going on…

“Because you and Nora seem to know what’s going on” I heard Jean say and I looked up. They were one branch away from me and below me, so I couldn’t hear them clearly.

“Five meter Titan approaching!” shouted the officer.
A fat five meter Titan was running towards us.

‘Think, Nora. Think. The Captain didn’t deny that there was more to this mission. This Female Titan… Armin thinks she’s after Eren. Does Erwin know that? Is that why we didn’t turn around? To capture her? Is that what’s going on?’
I looked down and saw Titans, many Titans. ‘Luckily we don’t have to fight them…’

I touched my bracelet, I was getting nervous…
‘Why am I thinking of you now? Dad, why are you entering my thoughts now?’

My thoughts were interrupted by a sound that sounded like canon fire…
I noticed that the Titans were climbing… Armin flew up and touched my hand.

The Grey Angel (Attack on Titan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now