009 • Greetings

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"Alright everybody!" A older voice yelled, as the sound of clasped hands was grabbing everyone's attention.

"This isn't over." Hermione whispered to me, as she paid her attention towards the front.

Albus Dumbledore, which we call him Professor Dumbledore stood in front of all the tables, with Professor Snape and Mcgonagall behind him.

"Welcome to another year of hogwarts!" He started, as he walked around, examining people. Most people straightened up, and others just followed his figure with their eyes.

"Ive seen some of you before, seen some of you since the last four years-" He turned to face me, as he offered an smile. I gulped, and shyly nodded my head, hoping not to attract many people. "But that doesn't mean we will be easy on you." He turned back.

"6th years, your grades of the O.W.L will determine your classes, either you pass or fail, we will figure you out anyways. You should've gotten your schedule, so there would be no problem." He announced.

Hermione tapped my shoulder,

"What'd you get for your exam?" She whispered to me carefully, not getting caught by the professors.

"11/12, you?" I whispered back.

"11/12? Since when we're you that smart, no offense." She whispered back, as she was glancing back at Professor Dumbledore on occasions.

"I don't know.. I just studied more I guess." I admitted quietly. "What'd you get?"

"The same as yours."

"Nevertheless," The booming voice of Albus Dumbledore came into my hearing, as I snapped my head back to him.

"We will continue our school schedule." He affirmed, as he turned back to talk to the professors.

With that, we started going to our first classes of the year.

«Since I'm terribly lazy to describe the classes, time skip»

During classes, I had the chance to talk with people I hadn't seen for the past years, which they were very welcoming.

Ron, was the first person to come up to me and gave me a hug, "It's good to have you back." He had said, as we had second period classes together. He looked much braver than before, and had more freckles on his pale face.

He teased me on [insert physical change], and how I had grown to be a beautiful young lady.

I also had a catchup with Fred & George, they were annoying as usual, but had good jokes rather than 3rd year.

Though all my classes were great by many students greeting me, I was avoiding one particular student.

You guess it, the popular Harry Potter.

Though, it could have be anybody that wasn't popular, but that wasn't going to happen.

I knew he wanted to talk to me, but I didn't want to even look at him, it just hurts. But inside, I wanted to apologize and hug him for my mistakes.

Maybe I did have a small crush on him.

Which made me go back to Cedric, as I didn't see him the HufflePuffs table or any of my classes.

As it was passing period, I confronted Hermione about it as I saw her sitting down at the library, reading her text books for the next class she has.

She looked at me as soon as I mentioned his name, and gave me a painful look.

"Something bad happen.. during the Triwizard Cup.. a night none of us would forget.." Hermione started saying, as her eyes were distant as she was talking. "-Cedric was murdered by Peter Pettigrew." She finished saying sadly as her head turned to the side.

I gasped, and covered my mouth with my hand as she told me.

Cedric Diggory died?

"You're lying." My voice cracked, as I shook my head a couple of times.

"You know I'd never lie.. it was an disappointing night.." She whispered.

That's impossible, how can such a kind, innocent boy get killed like that.

I shook my head, as I was prepared to full out cry. I maintained my strength, and gulped down a sob as my eyes welled up with water. Ignoring the gaze I as getting from my friend.

"Y/N are you..?" Hermiones soft, concerned voice said, as she closed her text-book.

"I'm fine." I said, managing a small smile. "I'll see you later." I rushed off, to the bathroom as tears began to stream down my face. It was already late for me to cry, since he perhaps died a while ago. But hearing this news without seeing him for years made my stomach churn.

Why was I so stupid?!
What in the world was me disappearing from Hogwarts if it does no good?

If there was a way to turn back time, I would've taken the chance. Hoping nobody was going to see me cry, I head to inside the girls bathroom and crouched behind the door.

Stop it y/n, you have no right to cry.

I kept repeating that over my head, as I thought about how he never was going to know I was back at Hogwarts. He was dead.

My hands went to my face, to the back of my neck as my eyes were closed to prevent tears blurring up my vision.

Come on Y/N, step it up. A voice in my head, said as I slowly opened my eyes.

The voice was right, I need to just finish my Hogwarts classes and not fall behind, because that was what made me weak throughout the years I've been here, because I know my parents are counting on me to get a good degree in school,

and because that's what the Gryffindor house is for.


As expected, all my classes went by quickly and soon it was time to do homework for each classes. I sighed stubbornly as the mention of homework rang inside my head, as I headed to the library while holding my books under my right arm.

Through I was making my way to my seat, I notified how the library gave me nostalgic memories of how me and Draco used to study here, as he were my tutor.

I wonder where he was now, I thought as I sighed. But as I was thinking, the universe told me I didn't need to question where he was.

"L/N, it's been a while." A familiar ferret voice said behind me, as I turned around to see Draco.

I would say Draco looked much more.. pleasant. His hair had grown in a dirty white color, and his facial features has developed a sadder mood.

"Malfoy, surprised. Miss me?" I teased as I crossed my arms around my chest, one of my eyebrows raised.

He scoffed, as he rolled his grey eyes. "Like I would." I could see a tint of his lips curve in a small smile as he looked back at me,

"You've grown more smarter, surely right?"

I tilted my head as a smirk crept up my lips, quite pleased he knew about my OWLS exam scores.

"You surely are correct. Hope you didn't get into much trouble, Slytherin?" I said.

He looked at me with a mischievous smile, but suddenly looked past me.

"Speaking of trouble." Draco muttered, as he suddenly took a step back, still looking behind me.

I saw how expression change quickly, and turned around to see the least expected person I was going to meet today, or ever. It answered my question,

'What in the world was me disappearing from Hogwarts if it does no good?'

"Welcome back, Y/N." Harry said, as he stared directly at me, showing no emotion whatsoever.

That's when I knew, I was in trouble.

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