0048 • The end

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Welcome to the last chapter ;D.
I personally want to get this story finished, and not have to worry about it anymore. I also wanted to end this book earlier, because my enjoyment in writing has decreased, but I still love writing cringy-ass stories. Anyways, as the final chapter.. it sha'll be chaotic. Enjoy :)
and chapter 46 had a haikyuu reference since I'm obsessed with them D:


For once in a lifetime, y/n l/n had a good dream.
After the talk with hermione, it was refreshing to have something that made her feel happy.

When her eyelids finally opened, a blurry image of the ceiling was the first sight she saw.
Rubbing her eyes, her vision came in clear to see nobody in their dorm. Not even Hermione, who would usually wait for her.

Panic arose her chest, thinking of the worst possibility's.

If nobody is in the dorm, than does that mean class started?

Was she really that tired from yesterday?
Not even Hermione with her loud yells wake her up?

Getting out of bed, she stumbled across her robes hanging. It was the only robe that appeared there. She didn't see Hermione's like she would usually do, she only saw her's.

Her eyes widen.

She must've overslept.
There is no way.

Grabbing her robe, she quickly started putting it on, thinking about how much trouble she is in. The amount of fear she had when professor snape was there, glaring his cold eyes at her while scolding at her for being late. She might even have tp stay at Hogwarts for her punishment, not to go back to her family.

The wooden door opened just as y/n was finished changing, her head shakily turning around to see the presence of the person.

"y/n, you're finally up." Hermione sighed, walking over to her.

Hermione wasn't mad, so she knew that she wasn't late.

"So.. I'm not late?"

"Late? Y/N, it's the last day of the year. We're going to be seventh years now. You think we have time for classes when some of us need to pack?"

"So.. you're going to-"

"-my muggle parents? Yes."

Y/N blushed out of embarrassment.
"It's not a bad thing to have muggle parents, Mione. In fact, I wish I had ones two." The feeling of her household only talking about witchcraft made her envious. She wanted to experience a real, educational school. But it was too late for her wish, seeing that she was going to her last year of Hogwarts.

"No you don't." Hermione said swiftly, walking past her to grab her blue suite-case.

"How would you handle the bullying in Hogwarts?"

Flashbacks were made at people calling her the well-known word that she hated. Y/N slightly cringed.

"-mudblood isn't a name you would be like to be called."
Her voice said enough. The word never disappeared to Hermione, she would hear it non-stop to the point she just stopped caring. But if y/n were Hermione, she wouldn't have kept her anger in her. Letting it out seemed to calm her.

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