0018 • Possessive

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As soon as me and Draco were done dancing, we went to the sides to let the others dance. I couldn't lie, it was fun. Though it was more fun when Draco would mess up constantly, that I had to guide him every way.

Me and Draco were still holding hands as we watched everybody dance.

"Thank you." Draco muttered to me. I turned to him, confused. He was thanking me for no reason? That's weird for him to say.

"-for teaching me how to do the dance." He explained further as he looked down. I put up a sly smile as I turned back.

"No problem." I muttered, looking at the couples dancing. Maybe Draco can change just like I had said. He's being much more polite with me despite the years he been rude, I have hope.

I saw Cho dancing with another HufflePuff, as I can tell by her face she wanted to be with Cedric. She told me a few weeks ago that she felt something for him, which I completely understood because I always caught her staring at him during the classes they shared.

I couldn't blame her anyways, as I did have a crush on him too. The mention of Cedric made me uneasy, as he was no longer with us. I brushed that thought away, as I looked away from Cho.

My eyes averted to a couple dancing, a familiar couple. I quickly noticed it was Harry and Ginny dancing, and I took in a gulp.

Why did Harry have to look hot?

As much as that sounded wrong, I wasn't lying. He did look handsome with the suite, I can't lie here. But, Ginny and him looked good together, and I can see why Harry picked her. She was gorgeous. Though I noticed something.

He didn't look entirely as happy as he was dancing with Ginny, or was that just me seeing things? He seemed bored, and wanted this to be over with. But who am I to say? Was I just jealous he was dancing with her?

I shook my head, as I looked away.

I needed to go to the bathroom.

As soon as they were done dancing, I nudged Draco from the side, making him turn to me.

"I'll be right back, I need to go to the bathroom." I whispered as I untangled my hand from his. He nodded, as I turned back, squeezing through some people as I made my way there.

As I finally got out of the crowd of people, I walked my way to find the bathroom. My dress was trailing behind me, which annoyed me because I despised having my dress pick up dirt from the ground, and I made a promise that I wouldn't wear a long one anymore.

I was walking down the hall, alone as I felt quite relieved I wasn't with people anymore. Who am I kidding, I never was a fond of proms anyways. I crossed my arms, and sighed heavily as I was looking for the bathroom. But as I kept on walking, until I heard some distant footsteps behind me.

I quickly looked behind me as the sound alerted me, but I was an empty hallway, nobody there. Was my mind playing tricks with me? I straightened my posture, and turned back around as I kept walking, deciding it was just my mind.

But there it was again.

The sound of a persons footsteps following me erupted in my ear, as the hairs of my neck were rising, my breathing was slowly rising. I gulped as I sped up my pace as my heels seemed to click clack even more by my pace.

But the footsteps seem to increase even more, that I wasn't daring to look back. My heart was pounding so loud, I was sure that the person could hear it.

There it was. The girls bathroom, I thought, as my heels were aching from the pressure of me speed walking. The bathroom is near, Y/N. Don't give up now. The person can't get me in the bathroom, otherwise if it's a girl..

But all the girls were wearing at least heels or flats, as the footsteps sounded like Oxford's shoe material, that was made for Men.

It's a guy, I mused.

As I reached the handle of the door, a hand grabbed my other arm, and roughly pinned me to the wall, next to the Girls Bathroom door.

I gasped at the impact my back made to the wall, and looked up at who pinned me.

It was no other than, Harry Potter. Though, it seems like his name could be used in a title of a book as I kept saying the name.

I raised my eyebrows at him, surprised he was here, and that he was following me.

"Harry?" I gasped out his name, my breathing still tense as his face was close to mine.

"Y/N, you need to listen to me about Draco. He's not who you think he is-" He breathed out, as I could tell there was sweat in his forehead.

Though as he was explaining, I was only half listening because of the suit he was wearing. Am I really that helpless for him?

Snap out of it, Y/N!

I shook my head at his protests about Draco, and interrupted him.

"Harry, I don't believe he would do anything bad. Besides, there is no reason for him to." I assured, as I tried to step away from him. But he only put his arm in front of me, blocking me from leaving.

I flinched, as I retreated back to my spot, and looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

Was I scared? Maybe a little bit.

"No Y/N, you don't understand." He growled at me, his eyes getting a little darker. My head touched the wall, as I kept staring at him.

"He went out for you for a dare!" He exclaimed, looking crazy as he said that.

I tilted my head in confusion, and looked at him with wide-eyes.

Draco using me for a dare? That's impossible.. though he is capable for doing so.. but it looked like he was having a good time.

But just as I was about to speak, a voice spoke up:

"Get away from her, Pottah!"

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