Thirty Nine

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Thirty Nine

"She's awake, Mr. Uchiha," Dr. Chang informed the antsy male. "You may see her now. But please refrain from speaking about any heavy subject for the moment, I've just given her some strong medicine."
"Of course," the male nodded, simply unable to hide his excitement.

The Doctor then led him into the girl's room- since she had been discharged a week ago- which was very calm and quiet. But not even the bright and tranquil room came close to competing with the peace of [Name]'s mere existence. At least not in Shisui's eyes. The Doctor nodded at the male, and exited the room letting the two catch up without any disturbances.

"[Name]," Shisui sighed, happy to see his girl breathing properly.
"Shisui," you smiled, with what little energy you had left.

He sat at the end of your bed, staring at you dreamily. It, for some reason felt relaxing.

"What? Do I look horrendous?" you joked.
"Just the opposite," he replied. "You worry me, [Name]. You worry me a lot actually."
"Let's go on a date tomorrow."
"You want to willfully go on a date with a woman carrying an oxygen tank everywhere?"
"Yes, I do."
"You never cease to amaze me, Uchiha."
"Just say yes."

* * *

"Do I look okay, Papa?" you asked.

Your old man looked up at you, surprised that you had called him that- something you hadn't uttered since the death of your Mother.

"You look like a beautiful reflection of your Mother, my little girl," the man smiled. "Shisui is a lucky man."
"Dad please, this is just a date!" you retorted, wondering why he was getting so sentimental.
"Let your old man dream," he laughed, whole-heartedly. "After all, I have only a year."

You frowned, "Don't talk like that."

He placed his hand on top of your head, it was his way for being comforting.

"Don't be scared of death. It is the only thing that we all have in common."
"I know, but life would be good without it."

He chuckled, "Without death, we wouldn't appreciate the meaning of life."

With that said, you understood. You understood him.

"That's why people who commit suicide, they have understood the beauty of death that life doesn't offer. They don't fear the unknown."
"Is that why Mom killed herself?"
"That my darling, we may never know. But what we do know is she loved you and I both, very much."
"I know that. And I love you, Dad."
"That's right, and don't you let that Shisui boy take my place."
"Dad! I told you it's just a date!"

* * *

As you headed outside your door, being waved off by your old man, your eyes met with the boy who had managed to steal your broken heart. Shisui Uchiha.

"Hi," he sent you a crooked smile. "You're the prettiest girl with an oxygen tank I have ever seen."

You chuckled, "You look better than me."

Although you were wearing a comfortable dress that was made just for you, Shisui still managed to somehow steal the spotlight. Even with a plain button down and dress pants. Oh, the perks of being an Uchiha.

"Shall we, My Lady?" he asked, holding his hand out for you like a true gentleman. "The car is waiting for us."
"Wow good Sir!" you exclaimed with a faux british accent. "You are so posh and proper."
"I have to be, I'm trying to impress a princess after all."

With that you two finally made it to the car, which was very shiny and black. He opened the door for you, and soon got into the driver's seat himself. Once you two were finally away from your Dad's watchful gaze, you burst out into fits of laughter. Soon after, Shisui followed.

"Seriously Shisui, this isn't like you," you commented. "Where are we really going?"
"You know me so well," he smirked, starting the engine. "I'm taking you on an adventure."
"Really? What are we doing?"
"Seeing the true beauty of life."

* * * 

"What the hell is that?" you asked, somewhat surprised and somewhat horrified.

The Uchiha had been driving for about thirty minutes, and finally he had stopped in the middle of nowhere. It was a plain, a very large plain that seemed to spread past the vast horizons. The evening sky had blended into a mix of soft pink and coral hues creating God's greatest masterpiece. And among the midst of this tranquil environment, there stood a tall machine like thing.

"What is that?" you asked Shisui, as you two got closer to the object.
"It's a ," Shisui replied, nonchalantly.
"Okay... What does that mean?"
"It's just like an airplane for two, silly."

No duh, but what the hell is it doing here? Doesn't he know I have a fear of heights?

"C'mon," he pulled your hand towards the weird contraption.

So he doesn't know of my fear of heights?

"I know you're scared of heights," he commented, opening the door of the aircraft. "But if you trust me, I won't let you down."
"Wait, you're flying it?" you questioned, shocked.
"Yeah, I'm a pro baby," he winked. "No but would you please join me? It's a part of the adventure."
"Uh... fine, what the hell?" you reluctantly agreed.

After a few minutes though, you regretted your rash decision. Shisui placed headphones with an attached microphone over your ears, as well as his. Meanwhile, your stomach was twisting into strange knots and your heart was beating rapidly.

Oh god. Oh god. We'll all die. I survived through a car crash and a psychotic murder attempt, to die by falling off a tiny airplane. My head will splatter and insects will surely eat me-

"[Name]," Shisui called, resting his masculine hand on top of yours. "Please trust me."
"O-Okay," you nodded.

As you realized the aircraft was slowly leaving the floor, you shut your eyes tightly and stopped breathing. Like that was going to help. After a couple minutes, your breath started to return to normal, probably thanks to your oxygen tank. Should I open my eyes? Shisui isn't saying anything, what if he died?!

Simply out of worry, you shot your eyes open only to find the male healthy and alive. You then went on to shut your eyes once again.

"Hi," he greeted, chuckling. "Had a nice nap?"
"Shut up, I thought you-"
"Look out the window."
"Do as I say or I might just crash the plane."
"Shisui, don't joke like that!"
"C'mon, look out the window."

You turned your head towards your side and began to slowly flutter your eyes open. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. But once you took in the magical scenery in front of you, everything became alright. Your anxious heart was calm and your worried mind was at peace.

Below you was a beautiful landscape that had yet to be destroyed by mankind. And above you- and some around you- were the most irresistible, and feathery clouds you had ever seen. The sunset had painted the entire sky with a mixture of soft colors, and the clouds were the perfect shade of marshmallow white. It truly was what the heavens would look like. It was what life without evil would look like. Life in it's purest and most beautiful state.

"Shisui!" you gushed. "It's so beautiful."
"Like you."
"No seriously. Thank you for bringing Heaven itself to Earth for me."
"Don't thank me. This is my thanks to you."
"For what? Worrying you endlessly?"
"A thank you for surviving, [Name]."

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