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"What could she have possibly meant?" Naruto asked, running his hand through his blonde streaks.

It was evident that the whole gang was frustrated but Naruto in particular, was the most worried out of everyone. He didn't want anything to happen to the girl of his dreams. Who'd teach him how to sign? Who'd cheer for him during his basketball games? Who'd continue surprising him with her selfless actions? Who'd tell him stories about volunteering in Nepal and Africa?

"I don't even know what that is," Kiba joined in.
"She's been gone for almost an hour," Shikamaru added, a concerned look began taking over his face. "We need to find her."

The large group was still upstairs in Jiraiya's guest room, pacing back and forth trying to decode their lost friend, Y/N's last text message in the group chat.

Sakura: Y/N the movie is finishing, hurry up
TenTen: Yea, where even are you?
Ino: ??? WHAT

TenTen: you've been gone for an hour now, everything okay?

"She's in sporradick?" Kankuro asked. "I mean, where the hell is that?"

"Maybe she meant the kitchen," Choji suggested.

And that's when it hit Sasuke.

"The attic," he whispered to himself. "The attic!"
"What?" Sakura asked, confused by the male's random outburst.
"Yea I don't know how drunk you are, but there is no attic," Naruto informed.

"Yes there is," Sasuke replied, stubbornly. "We just need to find it."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Neji chimed in. "Let's go!"

"Right behind you my friend!" Lee exclaimed, running out the door to search for his one true love.

* * *

The group had finally found an empty, dimly lit room with spiral stairs, leading all the way up to the ceiling.

"This has got to be it," Naruto thought out loud, being the first to walk up the stairs.

The room was eerily quiet, and honestly gave everyone the creeps. It was the complete opposite of the luxurious room they had just recently came from.

"How could she have even gotten up here?" Neji asked, irritated.

He just wanted to see Y/N already. It was killing him, not knowing whether she was safe or not.

"Maybe she was kidnapped by one of her admirers!" Lee exclaimed. "We must save her!"

"Shouldn't we call Shisui? Isn't he her boyfriend?" Ino asked, sticking close to her dearly beloved Sasuke.

"No he isn't," Naruto and Sasuke answered simultaneously.

"Plus if we call him, he's gonna kill us," Naruto added. "He asked us to keep her safe on the first day of school."

"Stop talking and start moving," Sasuke ordered, annoyed at everyone, including himself for having let Y/N go out all by herself.

The group slowly followed Naruto up the stairs in hopes that they'd soon be reunited with their dear friend.

* * *

By now, everyone was completely wasted. Except Pein, Konan and Itachi. Deidara was sleeping on the pool table, with his mouth hanging wide open and his shirt completely unbuttoned. Hidan's once polished hair was messy and some strands were sticking to his face, as he got into yet another argument with a drunk Kakuzu. Zetsu and Sasori were high as shit, quietly watching a movie while munching on some kettle corn. And Kisame was sitting on the recliner beside Y/N's, watching her sleep peacefully.

He was definitely intoxicated but still he found her quite beautiful to look at and he couldn't help but stare. His hand automatically made it's way towards her face, to tuck away any loose strands of hair behind her ear. Itachi began to tense up.

This innocent action however, was cut short by the loud bursting of the door.

"What the hell are you doing to her?" a ferocious voice yelled, which was soon followed by a certain sunshine blonde.

"Naruto," Pein said, wearing an emotionless expression.

"I should've known you were behind this," Naruto spat, unable to control his aggravation. "Cousin."

"You guys drugged her?" Sasuke asked angrily, making his way towards the sleeping beauty.


"And you," Sasuke said, sending a death glare at the blue haired man. "Don't you ever touch her again."

"Sasuke, that's no way to talk to your elders," a calm, raven haired male stepped forward.

"Fuck off Itachi," Sasuke spat before picking up the unconscious girl in his arms.

Of course, Hidan didn't approve of that. And if Deidara had been awake, he wouldn't have either.

"Don't do that kid," Hidan warned, forgetting all about his argument with Kakuzu. "You're not taking her anywhere."

"Back off gel hair," Kiba stepped in, glaring at the drunk and sweaty Hidan.

"Excuse you?" Hidan spat, the adrenaline was now rushing all throughout his body. "Fight me."

And.. boom.

Just like an unexpected explosion, a very agitated Kiba's hard fists came into contact with an intoxicated Hidan's sharp jaw.

A fight broke out.

The sobers of Pein's group tried to keep the intoxicated under control, but failed miserably. The girls of Naruto's group couldn't do very much except try to stop the fight from progressing into something even more deadly.

Meanwhile, Deidara and Y/N were sound asleep, having absolutely zero awareness of the chaos that was currently surrounding them.

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