Thirty Two

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Thirty Two

"Where is he?!" the hyperactive blonde called out, paying no heed to the people around him. "Deidara you idiot, come out!"
"Naruto!" Sakura scolded. "Stop yelling, we're in a hospital."
"I don't really care," the blonde spat, earning an eye roll from the pinkette. "He's gonna get what's coming for him, that freaking murderer."
"Naruto, stop calling them that," TenTen chimed in.

The group of Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, TenTen, and Sakura made their way through the hallway until they spotted some familiar faces in the midst of the crowd. There he is, Naruto thought when he spotted the very blonde, Deidara. The others of Naruto's group were ordered by Sasuke himself to "just stay home."

The five approached the other group of seven- Shisui, Itachi, Konan, Pein, Kisame, Sasori, and Deidara- because Kakuzu and Hidan had been kicked out for being too obnoxious while Zetsu had just decided that waiting in a hospital wasn't his thing. Lastly, Kakuzu and Hidan had been escorted by Karin and Tayuya, just in case, they caused any more trouble.

"What are you all doing here?" Deidara was the first to speak up, pointing with his left hand since his right one was deemed "fractured" by the Doctors. "How the hell does everyone know we're here? Huh?"
"Who's everyone?" TenTen questioned, examining the boy. "And Shisui informed us."
"Yeah, I told Sasuke because he asked when Y/N would be returning home," Shisui explained, still slightly tensed about the accident.
"You did the right thing Shisui," Sakura added. "And this is no time for petty fights, where is she? Is she alright?"

A few hostile looks were exchanged until someone finally decided to speak up.

"Well?" Sasuke asked, impatiently.

"We can go in when the nurse informs us," Konan replied, firmly.

She liked Shisui and Itachi, but she never could share those same feelings for Sasuke. Something about him was off.

* * *

"Oh my goodness!" TenTen embraced the now conscious girl in a warm hug. "You had us worried."

You quickly grabbed Shisui's hand as a reflex to TenTen's sudden action, and also because he was standing right beside you- closer than anyone else.

"Yeah, but we brought her to the hospital," Deidara countered, rolling his eyes.

TenTen shot him a vicious glare, "You mean you put her in the hospital."


"Guys," you managed to call out, shushing both of the bickering parties. "Please stop fighting over this. I pushed the steering wheel to the left and hit a tree. Deidara had no control of the car after I did what I did."

"We were told it was to avoid hitting a family of deers," Sakura noted. "You beautiful idiot, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Is it so crazy that I'd rather hit a tree than hit a family of deers?" you questioned, chuckling. "If human life matters, what makes an animal's life any different? At least we humans have a hospital to come to, after we're injured. Had we hit those deers, who'd really even lift a finger to help them? Plus, you said it yourself that it was a family of deers... Well, what's more important than family?"

"But still-"

"Y/N," Shisui interrupted the pinkette, rubbing comforting circles on your back. "I'm proud of you."

Had he forgiven me for agreeing to go on a date with Deidara? you asked yourself.

"Hey, at least she's safe now," Naruto agreed optimistically, resting his hands behind his head. "I don't understand how you still look this good."

You let a soft "Aw," before blushing ever so slightly. Naruto always knew how to cheer up the atmosphere, that was one of the many admirable qualities that he possessed.

"Good, you are all here," a voice came from the door frame.

You tore your eyes away from the bright blonde and faced towards the door. You were caught completely off guard when you saw a familiar, pale-faced Kimimaro, standing there.

"What are you doing here? Has Orochimaru sent you to bring me back?" you questioned, narrowing your eyes in suspicion.

"Who's Orochimaru?" Deidara questioned, protectively.

"You call yourself a friend but you don't even know what's been going on in her life?" Naruto spat at the other blonde. "And you Pein? You all roam free after what you did, because of your families' power. Yet you don't do a single thing to help your friend, Y/N!"

"Roam freely after what?" you looked up at Shisui in confusion, who simply looked down at you with a frown.

"Hey!" Deidara yelled, aggressively. "Watch your mouth."

"Calm down, Deidara," Sasori warned his loud companion. "Stop yelling so loudly in front of Y/N."

"Yes about that," Kimimaro said, looking at you. "Orochimaru never planned on letting you finish college to pursue your dreams. Once you two were engaged, he had planned to marry you instantly and make you a mother. When I found out, I quit my job. I then tried to gather as much evidence against him as I could-"

"Marry my girl? Who does he think he is?" Deidara shouted, astonished. "What the hell?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Konan asked you, worried.

"Let me finish please," Kimimaro pleaded. "While gathering evidence I found.. Genma, in the basement of the mansion. And I also found out that Orochimaru planned to kill him on the day of your wedding and gift you a portrait that had been painted with his blood alone."

"Ew," TenTen groaned. "That's so sick."

"Oh yeah, I remember Genma," Naruto reminisced. "He came to pick you up after you were drugged."

"We didn't drug her!" Deidara argued, defensively.

"Well, did you help Genma? Is he okay?" you asked, starting to get up from the hospital bed.

"He's safe," Kimimaro answered, motioning you to sit back down. "In fact, he's admitted in this exact hospital. We'll go see him once you fully recover, alright?"

"Wait," Sasuke spoke up. "Do you think he'd be willing to act as a witness in a legal case against Orochimaru?"

Kimimaro revealed a smirk, "More than willing."

"And would you be willing to lend us the evidence you've gathered?" Sasuke asked again, hopeful.
"Be my guest," the white-haired male replied. "And don't go easy on him."
"We won't."

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