Twenty Eight

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Twenty Eight

"I'm fucking wasted," Hidan rowdy voice instantly grabbed your attention. "I drank the whole Ciroc, popped two pills and smoked a fat blunt."

It had grown dark by now and you had all- surprisingly- safely made it back to the campsite. The stunning, starry sky never ceased to amaze you; leaving you breathless each and every time you saw it. The bonfire was already burning, thanks to Sasori and his amazing caveman skills. You were all once again gathered around the fire, some farther away than the rest but still enjoying one another's company.

"Good job Hidan," Deidara grunted, rolling his eyes. "We're not gonna take care of you, you know?"

"Are you proud Hidan? Do you want a cookie?" Karin teased, playfully.

I'm not really a fan of the redhead, you thought to yourself. It was irrational, you really had to get over yourself and stop hating an innocent girl for having feelings for Shisui. After all, clearly he felt the same way towards her. At least that's what it seemed like from what you'd observed earlier today.

"Hey Karin, you want any drinks?" you asked, trying to be friendly.
"I have one, but thanks," she replied with a smile. "But come sit down next to me, we haven't even talked yet."
"Oh alright," you answered, guilty.

Little did she know that you had actually been avoiding her on purpose.

"Aren't you Y/N?" she asked, giving you her undivided attention. "Shisui sure likes you a lot."
"What? He does?" you inquire, curiously.
"I mean he almost killed me today-"
"Aren't you and him together?"

She let out a soft chuckle, amused by your obliviousness.

"I had a crush on him so I tried to make a move today," she sighed, slightly disappointed. "Because I thought he liked me back because we shared a nice kiss yesterday. So I kissed him today and he got really mad after. I guess I was wrong about him liking me back."
"Oh, I'm sorry Karin," you apologized, guiltily. "I thought he liked you too."
"Well I asked him about that and he said he's in love with some girl," she replied, shrugging. "And the whole way back he would just watch you from a distance, so I figured it must be you."
"Really? I didn't realize," you said, sheepishly.

So they weren't dating then? That was quite a.. relief.

"Of course you didn't," she snorted. "You're far too oblivious."
"I guess I am," you smiled, relaxing into your seat.

It felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders, which was quite funny since you hadn't even realized you were so tense all day. But hey, at least you knew that Shisui had kept his word about loving you no matter what. And that was more than enough to comfort you on this peculiar, chilly night.

But an even bigger problem you had to solve.. the date with Deidara. What would you do about that now? There was absolutely no way you could explain to Shisui that you were going on a date with his friend, without it looking suspicious. But there was no way you could cancel on Deidara either, especially after seeing how happy you had made him by uttering a simple, "Yes."

Your troubled thoughts were soon interrupted when you heard Deidara's enthusiastic voice call out for you.

"Y/N!" the blonde exclaimed. "Tell him!"
"What happened?" you asked, confused. "You okay?"
"I was just asking Konan about a good place for a first date, and Hidan's dick-face said who'd go on a date with you Deidara?" Deidara began complaining like a little kid. "So I told him that you agreed to go on a date with me and he won't believe me!"
"Oh," you recalled, your shoulders growing tense once again. "I did.. I did agree to go on a date with Deidara."
"WHAT?" Hidan burst out in disbelief. "What the hell is happening to this world?"
"Yeah suck on that," Deidara spat, cockily. "Soon she'll be my girl."
"I doubt it," Kakuzu chimed in.
"Yeah, Kakuzu! You defend me like a true friend," Hidan cheered, taking a generous bite out of his self-made s'mores.
"Just shut up," Kakuzu brushed off his intoxicated companion, annoyed as ever.
"So it's true then?" you heard that melodious voice call out in the midst of all the bickering.

Oh no.

He heard.


* * *

The forbidden section:

In one swift motion, Kimimaro unlocked the door and quietly pushed it open

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In one swift motion, Kimimaro unlocked the door and quietly pushed it open. As he entered the third room of the forbidden section, darkness and eerie silence instantly swallowed him in. His fingers searched for the light switch and when he finally found it, he was horrified at the sight in front of him.

"Well, at least my suspicions were correct," he said to himself, examining each and every corner of what seemed to be a study room.

The cream-colored walls were covered entirely with extravagant paintings and drawings of Orochimaru's one and only, soon to be fiancé. The study table also had a candid picture of the young girl, bordered with obviously the most luxurious of picture frames. Also on the table was a black, leather notebook with a fountain pen laying beside it. As Kimimaro looked through the pages of the said notebook, he was quite surprised to find it filled with poetry dedicated to the name of his former master's fiancé. Who would've ever deemed Orochimaru to be such a romantic? he thought. He hadn't even looked through the closed drawers yet, but he honestly didn't even want to know. But from what he could gather so far, he was convinced that Orochimaru was a psychopath.

Or worse. A psychopath in love.

"What was that?" the white-haired male asked himself.

Was he simply paranoid or had he actually heard a muffled voice come from under the wooden floor? But.. there wasn't a basement to the mansion.. Or perhaps that was one of the many secrets that Orochimaru had hidden from him? Maybe there was a basement that he had no awareness about.

He kneeled down and removed the fur rug from the floor, so he could get a better look at it. He inspected the wooden floor closely and he couldn't help but notice a rectangular outline on one area of the floor in particular.

Could it be?

A trapdoor on the floor.

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