Thirty Four

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Thirty Four

"Genma!" you exclaim as you embrace the recovered male in a tight hug. "I hate you so much, what's wrong with you? Risking your life like that!"
"Stop yelling at me," Genma teased. "What are you, my mom?"
"It's not funny," you scolded. "I don't want you dying on me, okay? I still want our kids to be best friends and play together."
"I knew you had your own selfish reasons to want me alive," the brown-haired male joked.

You sat yourself down on his bed and once again studied the bruised male, who was slowly but surely recovering. I can't believe he did this for me, you thought to yourself. I know we're best friends, but to risk his life like this? That was borderline crazy.

"Son," your father spoke up. "Thank you for always being there for my little girl, truly. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for putting you in such a situation. Whatever it is you want, please just ask."
"There is one thing," your best friend managed to mutter. "If you don't mind, I'd like for Y/N to have a say in who she marries. That is all I ask for."
"Ah," your father chuckled. "That can definitely be arranged. I'll let the two of you catch up now."

With that, the old man shut the door behind him, leaving you and Genma all alone in the grey hospital room.

"How've you been?" Genma asked, taking your hand in his.
"I guess Kimimaro told you of my accident?" you asked, to which he replied with a nod. "I've been relieved that Orochimaru will soon be arrested. But I'm really upset that I can't fulfill my father's last wish- it's really depressing to even say that out loud. And I'm failing Mr. Hatake's class, which is stupid because I've done all my work."

Genma- after a long time- let out a genuine laugh, "You're still so oblivious."

"Shut up," you countered. "My life is an actual soap opera."
"One, you don't have to marry Orochimaru anymore. Two, your father's wish can still be fulfilled. And three, I'm sure Kakashi is only doing that to have an excuse to talk to you," Genma listed with a smirk.
"What do you mean? I can't fulfill my dad's wish because I can't just get up and go get married," you stated, eyebrows furrowing.
"You don't have to get married," Genma reasoned. "Your father just wants to know you've chosen a good man for yourself, and that man is already in your life."

You raised an eyebrow in suspicion, "Who might that be?"

"Shisui," Genma answered, frowning a little.
"Shisui? How do you know him?" you questioned, even confused now.

They had never met.

"The day he came to the hospital with you, he came by and thanked me for standing up for you," Genma explained. "He was a humble guy and I think he'd be good for you, which is a lot coming from me. Especially after he told me that he remembered my name from a conversation he had with you about middle school. It's not every day that you meet a guy who actually listens to your talkative ass."
"Genma!" you pouted. "I do not talk that much."
"Do too," Genma teased. "Chatterbox."

But he had a very strong point. Everything your protective Genma said, always came from his heart and you knew that better than anyone else. Most especially when it came to the topic of you and boys.

* * *

"So this is the baby?" you asked, eyeing Sasuke and the robotic baby in his stiff arms.

The Uchiha had been kind enough to agree to come to your house, with the baby and the baby's necessities. Although robotic, the baby needed very human things such as food, milk, sleep, and diaper changes. Or it would "die" according to Sasuke.

"Yeah," Sasuke replied, rolling his eyes. "It's so stupid."

And then, the baby began to cry.

"Sasuke!" you scolded the male who looked like he couldn't care less. "You made him cry!"
"He's such a crybaby," Sasuke continued to criticize the poor baby. "Reminds me of Naruto."

The baby was now in hysterics, and it almost sounded as if he was choking. You took him away from Sasuke's cold hands and began rocking him back and forth in your warm, motherly arms. Soon enough, the baby boy had drifted off to deep sleep. You chuckled as you softly tucked him in your circular bed.

What a handsome devil, you thought to yourself. He definitely went towards his father.

"What are you giggling about?" Sasuke questioned, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I think we should name our baby boy," you suggested.
"Hn," the prideful male snorted. "You name it."
"C'mon Sasuke," you urged. "This is our baby, we should name it together. Please."
"Fine," the male agreed. "What's your first suggestion?"

You furrowed your eyebrows as you thought hard.

"Takashi!" you exclaimed, with great excitement.
"Ew," Sasuke groaned, not even bothering to hide his disgust. "This isn't Mr. Hatake's child, it's mine."
"Ours," you corrected. "Fine, you suggest something."
"Zakari," the raven-haired male stated, rather than suggest. "Numerologists suggest that kids with this name have leadership qualities, are ambitious and charismatic. And it's a cool name."
"Wow," you struggled to come up with words. "I like the name, I think we'll call him Zakari."
"You don't think it's weird that I know all this?" Sasuke asked, surprised by your reaction.
"I never thought you'd be the type to care about baby names," you admitted. "But I think it's cute that you put some thought into it."
"It is our baby after all," the male snorted. "He's almost as annoying as you."
"Hey! I'm not annoying!" you argued, smacking the Uchiha at the back of his big head.

The loud smack ended up waking your little devil, Zakari- who began crying almost instantly. You grabbed the baby boy in your arms and began walking around with it, softly speaking in its ears. Sasuke chuckled to himself, as he watched you struggle to comfort a robotic baby doll.

This might be a long night. 

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