Part 60- The Prom

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"Hi...Um yeah I'm sure you know Simone is here?....ok well I suppose that's ok.....ok..bye" I hang up the phone and pull the covers back over my head. Mums call woke me up and I didn't get to sleep for ages last night admittedly watching too much Netflix. I feel myself drifting off to sleep again and argue in my eyes flash open when I think of all the things I have to do today.
"Ahhhhhh" I groan stretching pleasurably around my bed, the whole room stinks of tan and I'm just as bad as Haley now with the dark stains on the sheets.
I have so much to do and get ready that I'm stuck between wanting to bolt into action but also not being bothered to move.
Mum called and asked if she could come over and see me off to the prom, how could I say no? Especially after asking her to come pick my dress with me it would be cruel not to, I just hope her and Simone can be civil.
"I'm going over to Razia's now come over if you need me" Haley says placing her head around the door,
"Ok is everyone up?" I wonder groggily,
"Yeah downstairs" she says in an rush grabbing her hairbrush quickly off the locker.
I roll my eyes at her bluntness,
There's a weird part of me that wishes I had some proper friends to get ready with it..maybe I should call Lara and ask her to come over?
I immediately swat the idea away at the thought of having here when Jordan came over and my mum.

I pull my hair up in a bun and put the shower cap over it, I washed it yesterday and my hair would be crazy frizzy if I did it again this morning. Grabbing the shower head I rinse my tan and watch the sand like liquid run down the drain, when I'm done my body is glowing. I start to prance around the bathroom floor with only a towel around my body, trying out different poses in the mirror. Something about tan makes me feel like a completely different person...
"Get out!" I yell when I see Missy's face at the door pressing the air out of her puffy lips..
"You work it girl!"
"Shut up!" I say throwing the damp hair cover at her face.
I pull my dressing gown over my skin and keep my hair in its bun..
"Is Nas coming over?" I ask Missy when she comes in and lies randomly on the floor,
"She's with Sam apparently" Missy says sounding annoyed..
"Doesn't Sam have to get ready for Prom?" I say jokingly, we both know Sam wouldn't get dressed up for prom if her life depended on it.
On cue my phone starts to buzz on my bed, Missy grabs it and answers,
I know from her tone it was Jordan calling and I don't try take the phone away as the two of them exchange insults..
"Okay Wilson well make sure you scrub up tonight it's your one chance to prove to the WHOLE year your not a junkie" she says tossing the phone over to me,
"Hey gorgeous" I say raising my voice at the end while getting some face masks out of my drawer for Missy and I,
"Hey how's getting ready coming along"
"Oh you know it's a process" I say plastering the black seaweed hydrating mask into every nook and cranny,
"What time should I come over then?"
"Hmmm well let's see Prom starts at 8, it's now quarter to one...maybe like 6 and we could have a few drinks before hand?
"Yeah..yeah sounds good.."
"Tell Cory he can come over if he wants..also my Mum is dropping over"
Missy props up from the other side of the room,
"She is?"
I nod in her direction and then return my attention to Jordan,
"Oh ok right well I can properly meet her then"
I can tell he's trying to be kind and not think about his own Mum which I know he's not over yet...
"Yeah..thanks Jor" I say quietly, It's weird I know he's smiling at the other end of the phone and I smile too,
"Right then I'll let you go besides gotta get my dress ready for tonight"
I giggle, "see ya later" I hang up the phone by smacking my lips together and Missy fakes a gag,
"Louise is coming over?"
"Yeah she rang this morning and asked..felt too mean to say no"
"No no you shouldn't have to say no"
"Do you think Simone will mind..should I warn her"
"Don't worry about it I'll say it..they haven't seen each other in ages maybe it'll be fine"
"Yeah well the two of them better not ruin the night" I say laughing,
"I don't know why I'm so's not like I should even be going" Missy says moisturising
"Yeah but this is the last time you will be going" I say turning to meet her eye,
"How weird is that?"
"The weirdest"
"Doesn't it feel like things are starting to..I dunno..move on"
"Yeah.." I say feeling the heaviness in my voice,
"I'm proud of you though Miss, you did so well this year"
She smiles, "Stop trying to chat me up you"
I laugh, "So will you be getting with anyone tonight..!"
"No! Have you seen our year..excluding Jordan of course"
"Hahahahah thanks for including that in!"
"How's he been?"
"He's pretty good I think...I mean after the whole Mum and Dad thing.."
"Yeah..but I mean Jordan is tough you know he'll be okay"
"Oh yeah...I know that"
We fall into another silence as we both start makeup for tonight i make sure to put on my long lasting foundation knowing this could be a long night,
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"What do you think of going to college"
"Umm well I don't know it'" She looks at me confused,
" going to college?" She wonders in a high pitched voice,
"Maybe.." I say with a smirk,
"What are you thinking of doing?"
I pull my phone out, and Missy pauses from plucking her eyebrows for a minute,
I hand my phone to her and she starts to look excited,
"This sounds right up your street...LONDON?" She says sitting upright,
"Yeah..." I say biting my lip,
She hands me back my phone and I close the Drama and English course I've pulled up,
"'re thinking of going to London?"
"Well...thinking about it"
"OMG!" She says hopping up,
"Calm down Mis! I haven't...well yeah..what do you think?"
"I- I think that's amazing...that's so COOL...Wait sorry I think I'm in've never mentioned it before"
"I started looking it up a while ago.."
"Does this're leaving?"
"Well nothing's set in stone..but maybe" I say trying not to limit myself to one thing,
"Where the hell will you get the money?!"
"My dad..."
"Oh yeah...didn't think of that"
"I have a good chance of getting I think I'll get the grades"
"Well...congratulations! I'm proud of you..."
"Well we'll see what's not that I want to go Missy" I say noticing her sad face,
" I know that...but you should you have to live your life"
I smile at her gratefully, "I love you" I say getting up to give her a hug,
"Ah ya big softie" she quickly moves her hand to wipe the tears off her own face,
"So what about Jordan then?!" She says returning to her make up,
"Haven't told him..." I say with a sigh,
She widens her eyes, "You have to!"
"I know....I mean I know he was thinking about some art college..but he hasn't mentioned it in ages.."
"Don't panic..all I'm saying is you know don't change your plans for everyone else..your a smart should make something of yourself"
Missy's speech is making me feel more confident..I'm trying desperately to make a decision on this, I mean I know I want to go to college...I can't stay in Ackley forever.
I feel bad saying this, but London excites could be a whole new chapter of my life.
There's only one thing making me doubt it all..Jordan.
The thought of having to leave him makes me feel sick, I wish he could come with me....maybe he could? I'm so confused..there's too many things running through my head and all I want to do is party.

I effing love you Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ