Part 14

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I lie in bed with Jordan, our legs entangled together between the sheets. I'm completely naked and suddenly become quite aware of myself, I hope my stomach looks okay. So that's all the fuss then. That's sex. I feel renewed.. I feel like I have so much more knowledge now than I used to. Yes it was slightly uncomfortable at first but I did enjoy it. Especially because of the person who it was with.
"That was..nice" I say laughing.
"Very nice" he replies. I rest my head on his bare chest and sigh "I don't want to you to go at all".
"Don't remind me"
Jordan's right for just an hour or two I had completely forgotten that he was going. That I wouldn't see him again for a long time. "Do you know anything about the family?" I say looking up at him. "Just that they do it regularly and I think there in their late 40s"
"Knowing my luck they'll be weirdos" he starts to slowly stroke my hair back into place.
"Don't say that, you might end up liking it there"
"Doubt it"
I pick up my phone and snap a picture of me and Jordan lying together. "What's that about?" , he asks. "We don't have any pictures together and I wanted to remember this".
He kisses me softly on the lips again. We're interrupted when his phone dings and a message pops up from a groupchat called "The lads" very original I think to myself. Jordan rolls over and opens the message.
"They want me to come out to say goodbye"
"Ohh.., I guess I'll go then, Missy will be wondering where I am" I lie.
Jordan studies me, "see something ya like" I tease. "Ugh are you ready for round two" he says turning me around so that he's pushing up against me. I'm giggling "Jordannn no you should go say goodbye to the boys"
"Fuck em they'll be fine" he mumbles as he leaves a trail of kisses down my body slowly making his way down. It takes everything in me to stop it but I know he'll regret not going to see his friends. I let out a low moan and then jump up from underneath. "Hey!" He says sitting up in bed. "Come on, get up"
"Only if you come with me" he says smirking. "Jordan, I'm not invited there your friends not mine"
"Well then I guess I'll stay here" god he's so frustrating. "They don't want me there! They'll think I'm some sort of clingy freak"
"No they won't, I'm pretty sure they all like ya anyway, who can blame them eh?"
"Oh yeah? And you're okay with that are you?"
"Oh of course not I might have to beat the shit out of them just to warn them off"
"HAHAHA I've seen you fight Wilson you're shit"
"Excuse me, I'll have you know I could have gone professional if I wanted to"
I laugh at him. "How can you be so happy in a with all this going on?"
"Because you're here" oh my god. A fresh set of butterflies start to fling round my stomach and I get goosebumps on my arms.
"Oh Jordan.." I say tears brimming in my eyes. "Hey, hey" he wraps his arms tight around my shoulders and squeezes. "This is so unfair" I say my voice shaking. "You're freezing"
"Am I?" I don't feel freezing in fact I feel like I've gone tomato red.
"Come on let's get dressed" Jordan gets up careful to pull his pants up  as he moves. Oh no. I look around for my clothes and they all seem to have been thrown around the room. "Will you pass me my things please?" Jordan smiles "can you not come get them yourself" He knows what he's doing. "Oh fuck off" i scoff as he throws me my bunged up uniform. Shit I forgot that's what I was wearing when I got here.
It's a text from Missy.
"Hey don't tell Jordan but here's the plan:" she proceeds to type out how loads from our year have planned a going away party for Jordan and that I have to pretend I need to pick something up from home so that they can all surprise him there. At first I'm slightly worried that Jordan might not like a party, it means that everyone must now know what's happened with his dad and I'm not sure if he'll appreciate that. I text Missy back "are you sure it's a good idea?" I don't want to be a party pooper either.
"Cory is here too he said Jordan will love it it's only the nearest and dearest about 20 of us" I could stay debating it but the reality is they've all done this for Jordan to show they care, surely he'll appreciate it. It makes me see that even thought he might not realise it, so many people do actually care for Jordan. I only wish my old friends had of acted like this when I was leaving. Jordan's finished putting on his clothes and says he's going to the bathroom. I pull on my uniform and go to pretend that I need to stop and change at my house when my phone dings again. Not more responsibility please!
"Btw Cory told me you and Jordan spent a lot of time in the bedroom...with a lot of suspicious noises..." I can almost see Missy's smirk as she types. Jesus you can't get away with anything around here!
Jordan and I make our way through the alleys. It's dark and nobody's out and about now. When we get to the back door there's not a peep to be heard and there's not a light in sight. I quickly text Missy "here!" And as slow as I possibly can push down the door handle. Pitch dark. "Where are they?" Jordan wonders into the empty space.
Everyone jumps out from behind the sofa and the lights flicker on.
"FUCK ME!" Jordan jumps back in fright and then looks at me in shock.
"Surprise!" I say waving my arms. People come up to Jordan and clap him on the back. He looks uncomfortable at first but soon he relaxes and I think actually begins to enjoy the attention on him. When people settle and the dancing starts I grab his hand and pull him into the corner. "Do you like it!"
"Yeah!" He shouts back over the music.
"Oi come on you two, this isn't the time to be sneaking off!" Nas says pulling the two of us into a dance circle. I jump and swish my hair with the music.
Cory is there too, him and Jordan disappear for a while. I decide to leave them too no doubt they still have lots to talk about.
It's a lovely evening. Maybe lovely isn't the word more like wild, for a school night. We end up all sitting on the ground together, some on the sofa and start to play never have I ever. If you had you had to take a drink. I may or may not have lied on a couple just to save my dignity but when Riz roars the question "never have I ever lost my virginity" and Jordan, Cory, Candice, Sam, Zain, Aaron, Missy and some other guys all take a drink, i down my shot.
"Alison!!!" The girls shout at me and everyone jeers. I just laugh along with the madness and Jordan pulls me close to him while the lads jump on top of us.
This is how I want it, Jordan leaving is something that I can't even bear to imagine but I much prefer leaving him on a happy note rather than spending time dwelling on what might have been.

Hey! How do you feel about Jordan leaving? How will Alison cope without him.
Hope you're enjoying so far! Xx

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