Part 20

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I never thought I'd say it but I want to go back to school! All my teachers are sending me work through Haley or else online, so it's not even a proper holiday and I'm here all day by myself! I suppose I only have myself to blame but I'm getting so much better since I was discharged from hospital last week. My thigh is still pretty much battered and I have to walk around on crutches but as for my ribs they're not as achey and stingy as they were. Jordan has come round every day since then, Missy is complaining that he's become part of the furniture, Haley even demanded he get out of our room on Friday it led to a massive argument which I won can I add but I won't get into it. I can't believe Jordan is my boyfriend now, I had kind of accepted the fact that he was moving away and that was it but then BAM I get hit by a car. Call me crazy but what if that was a sign from like God? Okay no maybe I'm being crazy no stop get back to your homework for god sake.
I look down at the pile of homework staring back at me, I'm making progress, Mrs. Carter actually sent me an email wondering how I was and congratulated me for staying on top of all my work. I don't often get compliments from teachers, I'm an average student, I go in, do my work and usually get B grades but I never had headmistresses being impressed with me!
I think I've had enough for today, I know it's GSCE's but I've been studying since 9 and I only have an English paper that doesn't need to be done until the day after next.
I know lunch break is nearly over by now but I hastily send Jordan a cheeky text-
"Hey handsome"
"What do you want?"
"Ummmm, do I have to want something"
"Not like you to be so nice that's all"
"Excuse me!" , "well now that you mention it, if you're planning on coming to mine today feel free toooo bring me some McDonald's pretty please"
"You're not serious that'll take me ages to cycle too just order it in"
"I can't idiot, Mrs Paracha has been feeding me loads of healthy meals, she'll go mad if she sees the bloody just eat van pull up!!"
"What do you want quick the bell is about to go"
"Big Mac meal please with coke oh and get me some mozzarella sticks I'll give you the money when you get here"
"Say it to my face b x"
He doesn't answer after that either he gets sick  of me or the bell has gone.

The last two hours pass like a dream most likely because I fall asleep on the couch. I wake up sweaty with my hair stuck to the side of my face and my face red. Knock knock, what the fuck? Jordan can't be home from getting the food already. I panic pulling my hair into place, I look like shit. Do you think it would be reasonable for me to just tell him to come back in five minutes? Maybe not. I don't want to get up off the couch with the crutches so I do my usual shout, I don't know why he bothers to keep knocking.
The door handle is pushed and the hand slips round the door. "Yay my food-!" I stop right in my tracks. "Um Cory?"
He looks at me guiltily. "Sorry you said it was open, I'll go if you want" Cory seems to be far less confident than his usual self. What's going on with him? I thought he'd be in great spirits now that Jordan doesn't have to leave maybe he wanted him to leave all along?
"Oh no- it's okay I just thought you were Jordan"
"Oh" theres an awkward silence between us.
"Come in- sit down" I gesture towards the table. He looks shocked again and I'm left wondering again what the hell is up with him? "Sooo can I help you with something?"
"Oh no- sorry, I- I- was just wondering how you were feeling?" Cory stumbling over his words..I'm beyond confused now. "I'm doing okay apart from the obvious, Jordan said you told him about the accident, did Zain tell you straight away?" Zain was just around the corner when it happened he seen me be put into the ambulance. The minute he heard that I had woken up, he rushed to see me. He tried to play it off but I could tell he was worried sick, I was quite flattered if I'm honest. Jordan Wilson eat your heart out. "What?- no- I- can you not remember?" Cory is starting to freak me out now "i can't remember what happened that day at all really it's very hazy- why? Did something happen?"
Cory looks like he regretted he ever said anything which makes me desperate to know what happened. "I- I was there when you got hit, I was in the shop with you"
"What? You were? How- how- why was I with you?"
"I seen you before in the shop" "Ali...we- we had a row"
"About what?" I'm growing seriously panicked now. "Well- you- you tried to buy me some bread- I couldn't afford it and then- well"
"Spit it out Cory!"
"I shouted at you said I wasn't your charity and neither was Jordan" he hangs his head in shame.
"Something tells me you said more than that"
"I said...I said Jordan was only with you because he felt sorry for you..that's the short version"
"I don't want to know the long"
I'm so hurt. Why didn't Cory tell me all this before hand? I've spent the last week or more having no memory of it and all this time Cory knew exactly what happened? "Why did I run out in front of that car?"
"You ran out of the got mad and didn't stop and..I'm so sorry Alison". I don't know what to say to Cory. My breath is becoming shaky. "I don't know how to feel about..I can't remember anything about it Cory- not anything"
"How am I supposed to know how I feel about something that might as well have happened to someone else?"
"I'm sorry..I said some shit things to you and I know you can't remember but I didn't mean them, I really didn't, I'm sorry you got hit"
"What did I say to you?" I say looking at his face blankly. Knowing myself all too well I didn't just stand there and take this from Cory. "Doesn't matter, I think you payed for it whatever it was" I let out a light chuckle. "It's okay.."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah..I mean I'm very confused right now but I'm fine- it turned out fine. And jordan came back!"
"HAH, yes, yes he did. Are you sure that wasn't your plan all along?" He adds cheekily. "I'm actually waiting on your brother right now to deliver my McDonald's" he starts to laugh.

The gang piles into the room from outside. Haley stops in her tracks when she sees Cory on the couch, mouth opening then closing when she comes back to her senses. I know nobody could compare to Riz in her eyes but Cory could make any girl swoon if he wanted to. "Oh for gods sake not another Wilson!" Missy says gesturing with her hands in the air.
Jordan pokes his head around the door as if on cue with my McDonald's bag. He takes a step back when he sees Cory and all of us staring back. "What are you doing ere?" He asks.
"Never mind that you! I'm starving" i say grabbing my McDonald's bag. "Don't let mum see that! Nas warns. I wink at her taking a big bite of my burger.

Hey! I think this is not the best chapter and I'm sooo sorry, I promise I have loads planned so please if you're enjoying stay tuned! I hit 1K reads today which is absolutely insane!! Thank you so much I never expected it. Again this is such a filler i know! I promise it will be better tomorrow!

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