Part 25

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"But sir!" "What's the point of that?" "I'm not doing it!"
"Yeah Sir I don't want to!" I say joining the mass anger directed towards Mr Bell. "Settle down, SETTLE DOWN YOU LOT" he says eventually getting frustrated. "This is a great opportunity, to get out of the classroom and especially with exams coming up, all the more reason to want some fresh air" there's groans around the hall. Mine being one of the loudest. Mr Bell has just told us, that the school has planned a 5K run for the year elevens to "get us running around having fun" apparently it's some charity thing and we're all expected to RUN. I've never been the fittest but more to the point I have to run, in front of me entire school year for 5 kilometres!! This has to be cruelty. Everyone is thinking the same except all the fit lads and by fit I do not mean attractive, I mean the rugby and soccer fanatics. Jordan doesn't seem too bothered, I'm bothered, I'm majorly bothered! What if he actually wants to break up with me by the time I cross the finish line. I'll probably be the last one and my face will be like a tomato! Oh god help me I'm going to have to fake an illness.
Everyone piles out of the hall "they can't make us to do it, how can they force us to run?" Chloe is exclaiming loudly with her hands. I run up to Mr Bell my excuse in hand. "Sir I'm assuming I'll be excused from this?" My ribs have healed by now pretty much fully but even though my thigh is pretty much fine now too and I got rid of my crutches last week that doesn't mean I'm not going to milk it! Mr Bell smirks at me, shit is he on to my game? "I was under the impression that you were as right as rain again Alison?"
"She is Sir, she's just a skiver!"Jordan says dipping his head into the conversation. I shoot him a dagger, what the hell does he think he's doing? "That's not true Sir! Tell him to mind his own business"
"You heard the lady Wilson, but Alison the only way you're getting out of this is with a doctors note I'm afraid" he says pointing his finger and laughing. "Ughhhh, what did you have to go and say that for idiot?"
"Oh I'm sorry was that not what you wanted me to say" Jordan says walking behind me with his hands on my shoulders. "Oh fuck off Jordan it's easy for you, I can't run in front of my entire year!"
"Why too fat?" He says strutting up beside me. "Do I look to fat!" I exclaim slapping him on the arm. He just laughs out loud, "come on don't be a spoilsport" he says sticking his fingers into my neck. As much as I try to keep a straight face, his poking doesn't help in the least. "This doesn't mean I'm happy about this..!" I say letting myself break.
"Coming over to mine for chippy tonight?"
"Jordan! No! We have to be healthy from now on, I need to get in shape, I've decided"
Jordan looks at me as if I've gone mad. "You're joking.."
"Nope, I've just decided I'm going to be a health queen"
"Just decided that there now did you?"
"Yes, yes I did, so no chippy for me, OH you could help me train!"
"Absolutely not"
"Jordannn, it would be fun"
"No it would not be"
"Please...after our training sessions I'd make sure to say thank you properly" Jordan looks at me weighing it up, "after every training?"
"Well, I'm not a machine after MOST trainings" this is possibly the oddest conversation I've ever had. "Isn't this technically prostitution Jordan?"
"Ammm, not technically no because I'm broke like, so you'd be doing it for free"
"HAHAHAHAHH Jordan you're disgusting"
"Watch it you or you can do laps around the park on your ownio" he says butting me away from his laughing.
"So are you coming over tonight then?"
"I have an idea" I say sitting down in the canteen with him for break. "This should be good"
"Hey! It is good" I say pulling out my phone and opening Google. "Here!" I say holding up the screen. "Vegan?!" Jordan says as high pitched as a girl. "Don't be such a drama queen, we should go tonight, it'll be nice"
"You know what else is nice?"
"Don't say burgers" Jordan looks at me closing his mouth.
"I'll pay" I still have some money left from when I worked at the small cafe for the old woman in Manchester. "Nah it's alright, I will" I don't want to embarrass Jordan but I know there not loaded, I don't know where he actually gets the little money he has from but I shut my mouth, we're getting on so well, I don't need a row. "How's your dad getting on with the job search?"
"He has an interview today for some delivery work I think"
"That sounds promising"
"I fucking hope so".
The bell rings for class and I sigh. "Come on Joe wicks let's get going". There's some year eight fight in the corridor and as I'm pushed into Jordan from behind I can feel him press his hands underneath my skirt. My eyes grow wide and even though it's too loud to speak I turn and laugh "watch it Wilson" he just squeezes harder reaching underneath my thong and then pushes through the people shouting at anyone who steps near him. God I love this boy.
Wait- what? Love? Did I just think that? No...I- don't be silly, you're just having fun. Nothing major..

When the bell for class ends and Jordan yells "see you at 7?" across the schoolyard, all the boys including Corey make noises and start making obscene gestures, that I'm too embarrassed to replay in my mind again. I race home, to get ready, I have to look good, this is a proper restaurant and all for trendy people in Bradford..I think of Missy sitting around..pregnant. Should I really be wandering around enjoying myself when she's well..not enjoying herself. There's still time for her to change her mind..plenty of time but I'm not sure how she'd react if I brought it up. I think it's a discussion for another day, not tonight, nothings going to ruin tonight. I see Sam and Nasreen walking down the opposite direction, Nas catches my eye and I give her a little nod. It seems love's in the air today....I mean like.

Hey! I know this is kind of random the whole run thing but at least it's very original guys and for once it seems to be a happier storyline! Yay! I hope you're enjoying so far again I don't plan on stopping any time soon so I hope that's a good thing. I love writing happy scenes with Jordan and Alison. Let me know what you think!

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