Part 6

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Walking into my bed that night I breath out my happiness but I can't, I can't breathe out anything I can't let go of the tingling feeling inside my stomach. I can hear nothing but my heartbeat in my ears and I feel like I could run from here to Manchester and quite possible carry a car on my back while doing it.
As I'm kicking about with my headphones in Missy walks in.
"Missy! Knock" I can feel myself going red.
"I did you numpty, what are you doing hopping off the walls, do I even have to ask" she says plopping down on the bed.
"Im so Happyyyyyy" I run and jump onto her while she squeals, we end up a big laughing mess on the floor.
"Let me guess Mr Jordan Wilson managed to woo you with his undeniable charm"
"Maybe" I say still giggling.
"Go on then tell me all the messy bits"
I start telling her from start to finish, she's absolutely mortified for me when I say about the toilet paper, understands when I'm talking about Candice and makes gushy noises when I talk about our day together. She says all the right things.
"I swear I've never known Jordan to hang around girls and you're here five minutes and manage to whisk him off his feet" "teach me your ways"
We both starting laughing again.
"So does that mean he's your boyfriend then?!"
"What- oh I- I don't know, I guess I hadn't got that far yet. "I mean no he's not".
"But you want him to be?"
That halted me in my tracks, do I want Jordan to be my boyfriend? Well yes, I think I do anyway. Then again do I know him well enough? I decide not to let details bog me down. "Well I just want to spend time with him, I don't think we need to label it as anything just yet"
"Ohhh look at you not being bogged down by "labels"
"Shut up I'm trying to be cautious I thought you would have liked me not rushing head first!"
"Oh don't get me wrong babe, I know Jordan didn't turn out to be the father of that child but we all know there was chance he was so don't go all out too soon"
I know what Missy is talking about and of course I would never be so stupid but I can't help but be amazed at how this is all coming from Missy. Missy who, could talk about boys for the rest of her life and never be bored, Missy who latched onto Aaron with both hands and never let go.
"Maybe you should take your own advice now and again eh?"
"Aaron is completely different to Jordan, so don't start in on me"
I just laugh as she gets all defensive.
Soon I realise that Haley still hasn't come into bed yet,
"Where's hail?"
"She's staying over with Razia tonight, you have the place to yourself"
I can't help but feel relief that I finally can have one lovely peaceful night, the first in a long time.
As Missy is walking out to go to bed she stops in her tracks
"Oh and that's not an excuse to sneak Jordie through the window, mind you!"
"Shit I was just about to text him"
She sticks her finger up at me and then walks out the door laughing.

I didn't sleep all of Saturday night and when I did I had the strangest dreams, one where my mum came looking for me but when she got here instead of taking me back home she accidentally took Candice's baby. Weird. I think Saturday was one of the first days I didn't think about my mum and it felt amazing.
My mums name is Louise. She's from ackley bridge and she had me when she was twenty two. I don't know my dad very well his name is Liam. Mum would never tell me exactly but as I've gotten older I've realised that I was most likely the product of a one night stand. I mean I don't care now but when you're twelve and you realise that Mummy and Daddy never actually loved each other and you were completely unwanted and your Dad has decided to move to South Africa with his wife and two chubby faced baby boys, let's just say it has an effect. Sometimes I sit and wonder if my mum will ever come back. My dad won't that's for sure, when I was younger maybe seven or eight he would bring me to Brighton and we'd go and play in the sea on those foam paddle boards, then we'd sit and eat ice cream, I remember one time I accidentally knocked over his tea all over his lap and he screamed at me until I started crying. I think at the time I probably thought I was enjoying myself but when I look back I realise my dad never really wanted to be there. He would put my on his shoulders and as the women on the pier walked past he would try his best to make me laugh because maybe it meant the women would be impressed and he would get lucky. My Dad is very attractive but you know what they say- an ugly heart. I think I was always going to be more of an accessory than a life long heirloom. As for Mum, I couldn't have grown up without her, she was always there, whatever I needed she seemed to have all the answers in the world, all the money in the world, all the medicines, the toys, the clothes. Of course same with my dad, I got older and realised she obtained most of these things with drug money or by theft but it's the thought that counts and she never failed to make me laugh.
I scold myself for thinking about her, I know I shouldn't, she picked a crack pipe over her own daughter.

Hey guys this is a late upload for me! It's kind of a filler chapter but I wanted to give more information on Alison's mother and father and a little bit more a backstory to her. I hope your enjoying so far I plan on making this story quite long so I appreciate all the support
A x

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