Part 10

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When I got home Missy and Haley were worried sick, they told me the whole school was talking about what went on between Alya and I. They said that everyone was proper impressed that I stood up to Alya Nawaz like that, so yes I might be in some serious shit with Miss Carter and Sadiq no doubt but at least I've earned the respect of the whole school. Not too shabby.
I didn't tell Missy and Haley what happened with Jordan I was going to but I knew it was wrong telling them something he trusted me with. I did tell them about my Mum though.
"I know I shouldn't think about her but I can't help it, there's some days when I just want to go back"
"I know love, I know" we all have a big hug and a bit of a cry. "What are we like?" Missy scoffs "come on Nana wouldn't like to see us all feeling sorry for ourselves".
We all decide to go into Nas' and Mrs Paracha makes us all some Pakistani dish that I have no idea the name of but it was delicious. If there's one thing that can fix the most difficult of days it's food.
I haven't heard from Jordan all evening but it's okay I don't expect to. It's been one of the hardest days of my life all told and I decide to just put it all from my mind. I spend all evening laughing with my family. Who's my family you ask? Missy, Haley, Nas, Aaron, Mrs. Paracha and Raz. They're all my family now, not my mum and certainly not my dad.

The next morning I'm getting ready and when I see myself in the mirror for the first time since yesterday morning, let's just say I nearly go into cardiac arrest. I have a hot shower and deep condition my hair. I don't have time to blow dry so I just twist it into a plait, it could do with a bit of a cut maybe when I get some money next I'll go get a trim. I put on some light concealer and mascara and smear some lip balm on my lips there getting chapped after the cold yesterday. I think for the first morning since I started we're not rushing out the door. I should be nervous to go in, Alya could have her cronies after me and I'll be in trouble for leaving yesterday but somehow I've never felt better.
We all pile out of Aaron's car and I see Jordan in the distance. He's with some of his rugby friends and I don't want to walk up by myself. Missy and Nas head off to one of the benches and I'm left sort of standing awkwardly.
"Oi new girl over here" it's the Muslim boy who wiggled his eyebrows at me on my first day. He's standing with Jordan and some other boys I don't know the names of. I try to keep the red on my face to a minimum and pace over.
"So what's going on with you and our Jordan then, just when we think we've lost him to the other side" they all laugh and I can't help but giggle. Now this feels like a normal school for once. I thought Jordan would start complaining and mouthing off as usual but he doesn't. "Can't keep your hands off me can ya" he says laughing while draping his arms around my shoulders. Normally I would push him off but I'm just happy to see him being playful that I decide to go with it.
"Nope been up all night planning the wedding and all babe" The others all laugh along.
"So you're the girl that beat up Alya then?" The boy who I find out is called Zain says.
"Beat up? So that's what it's been changed to then is it?"
"Don't worry you can tell us all the details we won't snitch"
"HAH you wish,so you can fantasise about it later"
"Never". Zain could have stayed there all day cracking jokes but the bell rang and I had to go in.
As I run into class with all the lads behind me I can hear some of them talking about me.
"She's proper fit Jordan, you might have some completion mate"
"What? From you is it?"
"Why not"
"She don't go for wankers like you"
"Well she went for you"
I laugh to myself, haven't lost it.

We've got science with the new teacher Mr. Hyatt I really like him, he's jolly but also strict which is usually the best way to be when you're a teacher. I'm relaxing into my lesson when there's a crisp knock and Miss Carter enters "sorry to interrupt I'm looking to speak to Alison Knightley" without being told twice I grab my bag and go to walk out. Alya isn't in this class but it's like I can feel her eyes on me, mocking from afar. Jordan winks at me as I walk out and Zain shouts "go easy Miss" he gets hushed but I appreciate the gesture.
I follow her into the office, it's just been organised and I sit on the opposite side of her.
"Now, I assume you know what this is about"
"I have an idea"
"Well firstly name calling and rude gestures will not be tolerated in my school and secondly perhaps the more serious you under no circumstances can walk out of the school whenever you please" she waits for my response but when I don't give one she continues in a less harsh voice .
"Do you want to tell me why you spoke to Alya like that in the first place?"
"Well I think I've made it pretty clear why I spoke to her like that, Miss she's a bully, she's horrible, I did nothing to her and she was just being well a .. I suppose I won't say it again" Miss Carter actually chuckles at this.
"I do understand that Alison and we will be talking to Alya as well but-"
"No, there's no need to talk to Alya I don't want to make an even bigger deal" Miss Carter sighs. "Was Alya really the reason you left school yesterday Alison?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I understand that you're family life has been turbulent over the past couple of months"
"Yeah well it's fine now that I've moved in with Missy and Haley"
"I'm sure it's much better but all the same if you ever need anyone to talk to you know you can come to any member of staff here don't you?"
"Yes" Miss Carter is being so lovely but today has gone well for me so far and I don't want to ruin it by spilling all my feelings about Mum to the headmistress. "I'm sorry Miss, it won't happen again"
"I'll take your word for it but all the same there has to be a punishment" my heart drops I'm not surprised but by the way Miss Carter was talking I had almost hoped that would be the end of it. "Normally for an incidence such as this one we would put a student on report but since I do recognise that you are still adjusting to Ackley Bridge and between me and you I know it's not one sided" she says whispering the last bit. It's in that moment that i realise Miss Carter isn't too bad at all. "We've decided you're going to be in isolation for the next three days"
I'm disappointed but relieved as I know it could have been far more serious. "Thanks Miss"
"Alright then, you can go over now and for break time you will be allowed out as normal" I start to shuffle out when she calls me back "Oh and Alison, Jordan's very lucky to have you as a friend" she smiles.
As I'm walking out I wonder to myself, how does she even know Jordan and I are friends? I'm assuming Mr. Bell had something to do with it and she does seem to have eyes everywhere.
I skip off to isolation, I'm very happy for someone who has just been punished for calling another student a bitch, sticking up my finger at an entire class, oh and not to forget running out of a school building. Never a dull moment eh?

This chapter was actually really fun to write! It's one of the happier ones I've written. Do you think Alison and Jordan can continue as they mean to go on?
Thanks for all the support x

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