Part 23

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Mrs Paracha's driving is possibly worse after a long day, my ribs are aching in my side after the busy day and I feel like I need to take a long nap. "Then you won't believe what this little bugger said to me!" Mrs Paracha is on a long rant about a year 7 who complained that the chicken curry wasn't cooked. By the sounds of it he regretted it by the time she was done with him. If there's one thing you learn by spending a lot of time around Mrs Paracha it's that you don't mess with her but even worse than that you don't complain about her cooking! We pull into the alley and immediately Haley and I look at each other with bulging eyes, Aaron's car is pulled up outside our house! "Mum's obviously fine" Mrs Paracha mutters under her breath and gets out of the car. Nas follows and I can tell she wants nothing more than to run in with Haley and I but she follows her mum inside and mouths "call me" in my direction. I nod in acknowledgement and follow Haley inside as quickly as I can.
"OH SO YOU DECIDED TO COME BACK DID YOU?!" Haley roars the minute she sees him sitting on the couch. He jumps up "Haley-" before he can start spouting nonsense I jump into help Haley "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALK BACK IN HERE AFTER WHAT YOU DID?!" "No- no I'm sorry-" He looks at Missy for help but she seems to be enjoying it. I feel a surge of anger at her for not speaking up, I don't care what's been said before we've got there but that's not going to stop me. "YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT DO YOU KNOW THAT" I say pushing him in his stomach. "SHUT UP THE TWO OF YOU" Missy roars. "ARE YOU SERIOUS" Haley says not backing down. "Missy have you forgotten what you were doing this time yesterday" I say with hope in my voice. "Sit down the two of you" I go to argue again but on second thought I want to hear exactly what she's thinking. 
She's holding Aaron's hand as she sits down on the couch. "Look yeah, I'm so sorry" Aaron starts. I scoff and Missy looks like she's going to pull the hair out of my head. "You're both right and I'm not asking for any forgiveness, I panicked, I a coward" I feel strangely embarrassed all of a sudden. Aaron seems to be ..expressing his feelings and I just feel like I shouldn't be seeing this vulnerable side to him. "But I'm back now" he says gripping Missy's hand tighter. "And I'm not going to leave again, I promise". I want to believe Aaron and I think I do. I suddenly feel sorry for him, he's only young still and he's had to be old for us. I'm still mad at him though for leaving Missy, he's supposed to love her and he left.
"So.." Missy says, she seems to have bounced back to being her normal self "we've decided, that we're going to have this baby!" My mouth drops open. Haley finds her words before I do "you're having the baby?" She asks Missy in shock. A smile breaks out on her face and she rushes for Missy. I'm pulled in too and I turn to Aaron "make sure you don't leave again"
"I promise" he says whole heartedly. I hold my hand up for a fist bump and he accepts. I'm still not particularly close to Aaron and I think a hug would just be uncomfortable. While all the happiness is still in the room, I feel like I have to slip away.
"So I suppose we'll have to tell people then" Missy said. I smile weakly at her "how many weeks are you?"
"Oh I don't understand all that lark, about three months I suppose, I'll ave to book the doctor" I give her a hug and tell her I'm going to finish off some homework.

The minute I'm sure the door is safely closed behind me, I let my face fall.
How can I pretend. How can I pretend I'm happy about this. I don't understand...I don't understand why Missy is acting like nothing is wrong, like they're one big happy family. She hasn't even mentioned school! There's one person I need right now, one person I don't have to pretend around. I open the door and scream down "CAN JORDAN COME OVER?"
"NO FUNNY BUSINESS UP THERE!" Missy yells back. "Easy for you to say" I mutter under my breath.
I don't understand how Missy was so upset about this baby not just this morning and now all of a sudden..
I text Jordan ask him over, he says his dad is making dinner and he'll be over in an hour. This makes me smile, Mr Wilson making dinner..that sounds good. Mr Wilson really seems to be trying to turn it around for him and the boys, it makes me have hope that Jordan will be okay after all. I have some homework to do so I change into some sweats and put my hair into a bun, I'm just finished my labelled diagram of a plant cell when I hear Missy telling Jordan I'm upstairs.
I quickly fix myself into place and admittedly I pull at my chest so that my boobs show over my tank top. Jordan walks in without being invited, "hey" he says. "Hey" i say putting my arms up for him to pull me up into the bed. "What's going on down there?" I sigh and rest my head onto his shoulder. "I-" I pull up and look at him, "Missy is pregnant" I blurt out.
He looks at me first in shock and then pulls me close. I can smell his lynx and it relaxes me. "I know I should be happy for her, but- I just can't be! Do you think I'm horrible?" I say looking up at him again. "Don't be stupid" he says. "I wanted to tell you the minute I heard but- well everything was a bit up in the air"
"I could tell you were a bit off today but Jesus I didn't expect this"
"Aaron left when he heard, he only came back this evening and that's when they started acting like everything was fine!"
"So she's keeping it then I gather"
"Yeah- and of course if that's what she wants to do but I mean how will she manage! She's only 17 she could do so much with her life Jordan"
"You shouldn't be so worried, it's Missy's decision Al, you can't force her to think like you do"
"I know that! I just don't want her to throw her life away"
"Yeah, but sometimes you just have to..well you just have to support her I suppose"
"Ohh look at you Mr. Wisdom!" I say as jokingly as I can muster at this point.
"How did you feel when you found out Candice was pregnant?"
"Well...I was terrified but then well I was excited too but mostly terrified, you can hardly compare that to Missy though Ali"
"I know..I know, I was just..curious"
"It was good having you back today Yano" he says pulling himself up to rest on the headboard. I climb over beside him and he pulls his arm over my shoulder. I chuckle. "It was good to be back, felt...normal. I turn on my side so I'm staring up at him. I lightly touch the piercing over his eye. He laughs softly "what are you doing?"
"Just- messing" "does it hurt?" I say moving it around. "Nah". I start to drag my finger all around his face pulling his lips up and down pushing in his cheeks. "Do I look like a stress toy?" He jokes. "Kinda" I say back. I'm quickly pushed back so that's hes laying on top of me, careful not to press against my ribs. I cackle loudly "what are you doing they're all downstairs?!"
He smiles at me dangerously making everything in my body tingle. "Can't help it you look so good" he says pressing his head into my chest. "JORDAN!" I say laughing and tickling the side of his neck. He pulls back up looking at me with desire. "Not today," I say softly. Me and Jordan haven't done it since the first time we did, after my accident it would have been too sore and there was just never a good moment but I could tell he was growing impatient. "Why not?" He says softly kissing my neck. "What if someone comes in?"
"What if they don't"
"I'm scared my ribs will hurt" I tell him "or my thigh" my voice is fading slowly though as he moves slowly down my body. I can feel his hand creep into my bottoms and I gasp putting my hand over my mouth. My thigh hurts and I whisper to him to slow. His fingers glide into me and I move my body in sync, breathing in and out slowly. I forget everything, even my whole family downstairs and Jordan kisses me passionately. I grab onto his t-shirt as his hands move swiftly in and out of me. My whole body tenses and it takes everything in me not to call out. I moan into his ear and he curses quietly. Then it feels as if fireworks have been lit up in my stomach and my whole body shakes, I've never felt anything quite like it in the world and I can feel myself release. Jordan comes back up and I pull him close to me "Jesus" I whisper, he laughs at me and kisses me lightly on the lips.
I can hear footsteps coming up the stairs and quick as a flash I pull my sweats back on and Jordan sits on the end of the bed. Haley stalks in, "what are ye looking at?"
"Nothing" I say holding back a giggle.

Hey! Sorry this is a bit mature I just felt it was time. Hope you're enjoying and please let me know what you think xx

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