Part 21

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I roll over in my bed still half asleep. Ouch,I wince, it's been two weeks since I got out of hospital now and my ribs still hurt like a bitch, when I move the wrong way. I had a hospital visit to check on my progress, they told me my leg was healing wonderfully so that's good news and you know what that in the morning!! I always thought I'd love a long break from school but it's been so incredibly boring that I'm itching to go back.
"Why are you in your work clothes" I ask Aaron as he walks down the stairs. "Some woman has a bursted tap- emergency" he huffes past me grabbing his jacket. "See you la-" the door slams behind him. Right then, I think I won't bother opening my mouth next time. I'm getting sick to death of this house,my only sense of normality has been seeing Jordan and don't get me wrong we nearly always get on well but sometimes he can be proper moody which frustrates me. I mean I get it he's not exactly an angel or anything he has his issues but at the same time he can be so unfair sometimes, turning on me for no reason.
I pull my blanket off my legs and decide to go wake up Missy, yes it's a Sunday but I'm bored and need some company. Haley never seems to be here she's always out with her friends. Maybe we should keep more of an eye on her, I don't want to find out she hasn't just been hanging out with Razia the whole time. I make my way up the stairs slowly and push open Missy's door. "Missy?, Missy...what's wrong?" Missy is sitting on the side of her and Aaron's bed, still in her Pajamas with her hair around her face. "We had a row" she sobs. "Oh Missy" I say hobbling over and pulling her into a cuddle. "It can't be that bad, come on, don't upset yourself"
"No you don't don't understand" she cries out. "What don't I understand, tell me" I say pulling her hair out of her eyes. "I can't tell you, I can't" I'm worried, Missy and I tell each other everything, always, what could be so bad that she feels she can't even talk to me? I try to hide my hurt "you don't have to, but please calm down Mis" As much as I want to I know I can't force Missy to tell me, I just have to be a shoulder to cry on right now. "Shushhh" I say pulling her close. She begins to calm after a few minutes in my arms. "Come on" I say releasing her, "let's go make some nice breakfast" she doesn't object but stares past me as if she didn't really hear me at all. Her eyes are dead behind the blue. I'm so worried, I've never seen her like this before. I wonder should I call Nas she might be more help than me? We get up off the bed and stumble down the stairs it's quite awkward with my crutches. I sit her down on the couch and start to make some beans on toast for the two of us. The ultimate comfort meal and I know Missy loves it. I hand her hers and we eat in silence while she runs her hands through her hair. I don't know what to say.
"I'll clear this up, how about you hop into the shower, it might make you feel better" I know there's a fat chance of this but I'm trying my best to play nurse. She looks up at me and I know she's thinking the same. "Yeah..yeah I'll- I'll get in the shower" I'm thankful this is the first thing shes properly said but I soon realise it was stupid of me to let her off by herself again, that just means she has more time to think of what's happened. That's what my old social worker used to say "the more time on your own, the worse it gets" she was right I suppose but she was also a bitch, way worse than Elaine the pain! The minute I hear the shower start to hum, I grab my phone off the table and call Nas. "Hallo" she says down the phone.
"I need you"
"Right now?"
"Yes" she hangs up the phone and I can sense her footsteps making her way over. She doesn't bother knocking and bursts through the door "what is it?" She says in a panic.
"Shushhh, it's Missy, she's in a right mess I don't know what's wrong she's bawling her eyes out and..oh I don't know! I thought she might tell you"
"What? You have no idea what happened?"
"All I know is a row with Aaron but I didn't even hear any shouting and I can't see what could have gone wrong they were fine last night?"
Nas burrows her eyebrows into her eyes in worry. We both look up when we hear the shower stop. Nas cleans up the plates on the table, turns out it's not so easy to carry cutlery on crutches. I plop down on the couch exhausted from all the movement. "I'll go up to her" Nas states. "Should I go to?" I ask.
Maybe..then again if she didn't tell you the first time.."
Before we have any more time to ponder Missy comes downstairs in her pink dressing down with a towel wrapped around her head. She has panda eyes and is scratching her left wrist, something she does when she's nervous. Like when her Mum would come back out of the blue or when she found out she had failed her last exams. "Miss..? Nas starts as she stares back at us. She takes a deep breath.
"I'm....I'm- pregnant.." her voice drops to a whisper on the last word and so does my heart.
"You're- you're.."
We both rush over to her as she starts to crumble to the floor, a pain from my leg jolts through my body but I block it out. "It's's okay"
"It's not okay! How could it be okay! I'm only seventeen, A BABY?" She starts sobbing loudly and even I start to realise this is not what I would call okay. Nas manages to pull her up to her room into bed. I come up slowly after, I'm scared I've hurt my thigh even more but now is neither the time nor the place. The thoughts are rushing around my head a mile a minute. A baby? Surely she won't keep it? Will she? There's no room for a baby..Missy a mum? That's why Aaron was in a strop this morning..what a dickhead how could he leave her in such a state?! Nas spends all morning and afternoon with her until eventually Missy crashes.
"A baby..?!" I whisper in shock.
"What has she done?" Nas says putting her hand to her head.
"Surely she's not going to keep it!" I know it's a horrible thing to say but Missy can't have a baby! She's far too young, she's in school, she's smart! This could ruin her whole life. Nas and I sit staring at each other in shock with occasional questions asked that neither of us know the answers to.
"I'll kill that Aaron when he comes home, I know he's your brother and all but-"
"You're not the only one who'll be killing! How could he just walk out and leave her?"
"That's men for you" I mutter.
How can this be real? Missy a baby..I can't begin to get my head around it all.

Hey! Don't worry I'm perfectly aware this isn't how it happened exactly I did change it around and I hope you don't mind! I have the whole weekend off so I should get some updates done it's been a crazy week and I'm so tired but thank god tomorrow is Friday! Let me know what you think so far and again thanks for all the support! Xx

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